Join game to MF and everyone leaves EVERY TIME.. It's time for /Player 8 online

maybe you should create a game yourself for your goals instead of exploiting the games of others?


The troll is strong in you ill give you that. But not a very smart one.
Fact remains you said yourself that joining a game where ppl are doing act 1 doesnt ruin it for them. That is patently false.

Again just becuase YOU know the game well enough to gear and spec a char well enough to do content does NOT mean a new player does.

I never said you can find good loot in solo mode and nowhere did I contradict myself. Please learn to read.

If I make a game with a title “ACT 1 Walk” my goal would be to get like minded people in the lobby to contribute to that goal. I should not have to block myself from getting a potential friend because of greedy hogs.


In the first two months of the game being out I found 6 HRs 3 Tal armors and who knows how much other awesome stuff… all solo. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else that you need to have p8 to find anything. It’s just not true and never will be.


its people like you lying that makes these forums amazing.

I guess you just know how to press buttons harder than I have playing diablo over the years…

How about you elaborate on which class and spec you play and where you mf before just throwing out some blanket lie like zurrrrmurrgod I find 6 hrs per day

Why would people leaving game when you join to do an MF run necessitate a death blow change to D2R by allowing P8 online ? There’s absolutely no correlation to people leaving a game where they had planned on walking to Meph, Diablo, Baal whatever only for you to kill them making them have to leave and start a new game in this scenario who’s the bad guy? P8 online would kill D2R it would be a bot paradise instead of having 8 bots in a single game to increase drop rates they could have the other 7 in solo games flooding the market an increase of 700%.


yea so youre full of crap finding HRs in a solo game, got it.

Join discord with big enough community and you will find people who will not leave.

We dont need /p8 online, we need working game finder.

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I dropped all my high runes solo.

You don’t need P8 to find runes or gear up quickly. Stop parroting this ignorant argument because you’re annoyed at the drop rates. Old D2 had it far worse, the rune drop rates have received huge buffs since then. Work on improving your P1 clear speed instead of ruining other peoples game and you’ll find that the high runes will start dropping more frequently for you as well.


No. Just no. Hell, no.


There is no support for clans or guilds in the game unless I’m missing something. Or are you talking about discord?

For us anti social types that is not an option. Not like this is anything new I got the hang of joining a game and killing what I need to kill so fast that nobody has a chance to leave :smiley:

200% fcr max damage lightning sorc ftw

I played strictly ssf for months and it is a lot harder to drop decent gear. The game feels kind of dead and I think if I ever play SSF again it will be offline only.

The game needs players command online imo and until it gets one there will always be sad people like the op who cant get his drops or the people who got robbed while walking about trying to have an adventure(lol). like these two noobs.

Does not bother me since I quite simply cannot be stopped :smiley: if its public you had better believe I’m joining to kill whatever the hell I want and with the loading screen at wps I’m building a nice collection of ears from people who tried to object to it.

@op get faster figure out what your going for and how long you’ve got setup a telekinesis hotkey and use it. check and see if anyone else is heading down to whatever before you go your not the only guy on a mission trust me :stuck_out_tongue: you’ll get the hang of it.

It’s not broken. It’s rewarding group play.

All the things that ruin the game and are requested by noobs like you get ignored.

Funny how you call me selfish while you request p8 because you are to lazy to engage with other people in a multiplayer game. Sure everyone is a bot…

There are lots of reasons. Even the devs talked about the most important one.

Only idiots here are you and OP and rieven

Odin must want a lightning bolt up your … lol

engage with people? you mean trading joining public games pvp’ing boosting people etc etc I’ve done all these things and I still join multiplayer games and kill key bosses and stuff because I’m not a nub and I know I get it done faster that way. That’s the way this game is currently working as intended.

If anything using discord and making private games is a weaklings way out. Your not strong enough or fast enough to survive in public games and need a safe space to play in. disengaged from the wider community wouldn’t you say?

I found an ohm testing build on ptr

…and I found a ber solo cows in the first month its what’s called a statistical anomaly

anyhow im done here this is 100% correct

It’s a waste of time to post here they only go with what mrlama tells them is ok anyway lol so F it and them and the ptr too lol.

You will never be as efficient with this method as an ongoing mf party.
But it seems you are not smart enough to understand that. You prefer to show off and prey on the helpless, because you are a sad little dog.

Method of a weakling.
PvM noob :slight_smile:

Strong words of a scared noob


You actually never have a single smart. constructive thing to say on these forums do you?

Only because you don’t understand it or don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not constructive. But nice to know that you are my fanboy.

Now go and cry in your corner.

Sure they do, I did it all the time.

That guy is right, people leave games because people cannot stand you just entering their games to ruin the quests for them.


Exactly my point. nothing.

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