Its time to nerf Hammerdins. Change my mind

a good alternative just remove 1 synergie
after you will have 20 skill point free to make a hammer +foh or hammer smite

if you nerf hammer I think thousands of players stop playingā€¦ Iā€™m one of them


Who cares if you dip lol? Cya


Depending on the energy stat point, it aggressively reverses magic hit rate and power, and gives magic resistance (resistance, immunity) and magic evasion probability defensively.

easiest to solve

The current problem with casting characters is no str, no dex, all vital and no Energy statā€¦

So, monsters full of blood were born.

Naturally, there is a need for a difference between those who invest in energy stats that correspond to INT (or WIS stats) in RPG games and those who do not invest at all.

For example, depending on the energy stat points for magic (referring to both magic damage and elemental damage) hit rate, power, magic immunity, etc., the difference in power and damage must be clearly shown.

So, there must be a difference in skill damage power between Hammerdin, which has 6,000 vitality, and Paladin, who has 2,000 vitality, but invested energy stats.

My point of view was expressed from an extremely RPG point of view. However, if you think about it, the fact that there are no bonuses from energy stats and no composition of magic attack power and immunity is out of balance.

We look forward to the convergence of mature opinions from Blizzard, which foreshadowed continuous balance patches in the future.

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Flagged for causeā€¦

Also time to ban some :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Forum Trolls once and for all time!

I dont play paladins, theyre boring. But, why would they need a nerf?

They need to rebalance other builds and sets so we can have more diversity.

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You create a pala and see him walk, hear him speakā€¦ you delete him ā€¦ and create another classā€¦. Playing pala is for men like drinking beer in pink skirt.

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Its about time blizzard listened to reason finally.


the balancing should be towards hammers

changing magic resistences across the game will hurt other magic specs too
not only hdin


The amount of replies on this topic alone is enough to make it obvious thay there is a problem with the paladin power in the game


I just watched 47 minutes of the ginger gaming mentor in youtube and he goes through this problem in a very analytical but slow way.
Adding magic immunes or increasing magic resistance will just hurt bone necros and berserk barbs more so devs need to remove conc bonus and maybe other synergies too.
Id like to see hammerdins do like 3k max dmg so its no longer OP

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cs strike; javazon, is way better than the hammerdin. lmao. all these stupid people complaining about hammerdins. when a zon can one shot a screen of cows. gtfo dumb@ss


cs strike; javazon, is way better than the hammerdin. lmao


Iā€™ve got a better idea lets nerf you/ban you instead! :point_up_2: For spamming this thread!

Agreed, nerfing the Hammerdin is a dumb idea.

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The OP doesnā€™t have a problem with hammerdin, he/she has a problem with the game.

Blizzard sorc = 1212121212121212 (teleport, blizzard, teleport blizzard) yawn

Berserk barb = 1212121212121212 (teleport, zerk, teleport zerk) yawn

WW barb = 1212121212121212 (zerk, ww, zerk, ww) yawn

Summon necro = 1212121212121212 (corpse explode, curse, corpse explode, curse) yawn

Poison necro = 1212121212121212 (teleport, poison nova, teleport poison nova) yawn

Javazon = 1212121212121212 (teleport, lightning fury, teleport lightning fury) yawn

Bowazon = 1212121212121212 (teleport, multi-shot (or whatever shot), teleport multi-shot) yawn


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Someone obviously hasnt played all the classes, nor do they understand sarcasm.

Here, ill use poison necro to destroy your argument as example since its the closest thing to hammerdin:

You have to constantly cast lower resist and make sure thats up before poison nova, or amp damage depending, you also have to constantly raise your skeletons and res monsters and worry about things that resist poison unlike hammers which arent resisted by anything except basically one thing in A2. Dont get me started on golem upkeep or BA/BW. Or the fact that you cant tele at will or youre dead because necros are pretty squishy depending on the situation. I can keep going if you wantā€¦?
Not to mention you cant wear heavy armor or block on the same level as a pally.

Also, you do realize you can only do a Poison build with the absolute top level expensive gear unlike like a hammerdin right? Im talking stuff like deaths web which is the 2nd most rarest item next to tyraels might.

Guess you yawned a bit prematurely huh?

I expect a full response debating every point in my paragraphā€¦if you can, considering your entire argument just got stomped into the ground and its obvious you havent played any of the classes besides BeginnerDin, itll be difficult.

Poison necro = 1212121212121212 (lower resist, poison nova, lower resist poison nova) yawn

Here, one extra click makes you happy? Non-poison immune monsters no really need lower resist, but if it makes you happy.

I have a poison necro, you can play the game without amp damage, unless your BegginerNecro doesnā€™t have good poison gear like death web. I only have 1 hard point in skeleton mastery and 1 in summon resist, my skeletons hardly dies. Iā€™m not sure how you play your BegginerNecro, that you have to constantly raise skeletons. Golem upkeep? Donā€™t you have a CTA? They are cheap now. You have so many free skill points remaining for Poison nova build, and youā€™re struggling with skeleton and golem upkeep? Maybe itā€™s time to learn to play? I can keep going if you want, but it looks like your BeginnerNecro needs some help.

Itā€™s funny you made yourself sound like the sht, yet out of all those builds I listed, you actually picked Poison Necro lol. I can tell you, I find Poison Necro far better than hammderdin doing the PVM stuff. Poison nova doesnā€™t even have to aim, you mindlessly teleport around and just spam poison nova. Hammers you have to constantly aim and re-position, otherwise your hammer doesnt hit a thing.

By the way, absolute top level expensive gears?? Give me a break. All you really need is death web, even a +1/40 would do. Rest of the gear is similar to hammerdin. PNB charms are cheaper than pcombats, so Poison necro is still cheaper to build.