It's people trying to run dupe programs

You would think with the remaster they would update everything and improve upon the game.

Let them dupe, no hair off my balls.

Even if d2jsp vanished forever right now, people would still dupe and sell items via other platforms. You cannot stop RMT in a game like Diablo 2.

d2jsp isn’t the eye of sauron. It’s just the oldest most used and most convenient to use platform. Destroying it will change nothing. People would move to a new platform if this happened.

Supposition stated as facts.

I can play after midnight without any problem, and if ppl come home from work in the afternoon starting playing it go down…same all days

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I don’t know if this has been stated yet, but the first sign of a server crash for me is always incapacity to identify items, so I’d says I’m also leaning toward OP opinion that the problem is people trying to mess with items/duping who crash the servers…

Same thing happened in original D2. You need to desync the servers and you can dupe as much as you need. Its much harder but still possible since there are no global rollbacks in D2R.


I 100% believe dupers are downing the servers hence why im not mad… it always happens when most bots would be running lmao

Nice try, but it doesn’t explain why the server down happened exactly the same time for 4 days in a row.

Define large? A few thousand at best, by and mod metrics. Many games have that. The game was abandoned when Blizzard stopped producing patches for it to work on other projects.

friend of mine already duped accidentally due to the servers issues. thought i just leave this here, i wonder why players who know d2 don’t accept this fact. It was, it is and it will be possible.

sad world we live in where people actually buy stuff like this lmao id never im my life spend a penny for any items. I hope the cheaters or real money sellers get bad karma IRL as well as the buyers

The point is, how can billion dollars company let the hacker ahead of them?

Me: “Where is the proof?”
OP: “Trust me bro”

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I know how to solve this.
And its an unpopular opinion…

MAKE RUNES MORE BEARABLE TO FIND. Dont make people suffer to find them and bots wont have a market.

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Since DAY 1 there were bunch of random rollbacks but whatever was traded before disconnection was not affected. This is DUPING by definition if you still dont get it.

wen server wipe ? wen ban hammer wave ?

I love how the block function doesn’t work in lobby, you clicked block? k. Want to report spam? Oh, please type a whole few sentences for us. Genius

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They did. It only made it harder. Truth is didn’t do much

sometimes they are the same people !