"It's a remaster, not a remake" they keep saying

I am currently on my third new character over the last three days (another Barb). I tried to first do a Wolf Druid, which I hadn’t played Druid since 1.13 launched, and found the attack speed of his attacks not to my style. Switched to MA Assassin, which I hadn’t touched a Sin since 1.09 with Dual Bartucs and remembered it being ok…got her to level 10 and said nah. While the charge up mechanic is not bad, she has two major issues: The charge up move itself does no extra damage until charge is released…which was ok back in 1.09, but I didn’t foresee it going well in late NM and Hell with the massively increased aggressiveness of mobs since 1.10 and her second issue, no multiple enemy striking basic move like Barb’s Double Swing (She only has what, 3 skills that involve the use of her dual claws, one being a passive).

If you want to go martial arts it’s Kicksin or nothing and it’s super slow outside of ubers

Yeap. Agree that changes are seriously necessary at this point. I’m all for new content and buffing underpowered skills and items.

The only nerf I want is Grief. That item just makes 99% of other melee items useless.


Add a runeword with +50% AoE damage and Grief will lose a lot of its luster.

But then the problem becomes: those two items are the only two useful ones and item diversity is still dead.

I would rather do a reasonable nerf on Grief instead so that eBotD and other weapons can be just as strong.

Someone did a calculation and found that for an Eth weapon to compete with Grief, it needs to be Eth + 800% enhanced damage to compete, which doesn’t make sense to me.

Also include a buff to melee classes since their BiS weapon will be weakened.

Grief is generally fine. It’s cheap cost of one HR is offset by the opportunity cost of the other runewords that the “Lo” can make. Do you make Grief for a melee class, Fortitude for melee or merc, one of the multitude of aura granting items, a missile weapon for merc or bowzon?

The problem is the road to Grief and the stuff that lies between, namely the unique weapons. However, give the skills a slight buff, update the durability formula to account for the increased monster toughness since 1.10, and the road to Grief isn’t so bad. I think the difference between Staves and Orbs are a bigger issue for diversity than Grief is. Grief still requires first finding it, which is rarer than finding unique/set items. With the new skill bar coming, Hammers should be getting a QoL without Enigma, however elemental classes still have the problem of being forced into pretty much set builds due to synergies unless they have Infinity, and that is still mainly for a lightning class.

small changes only. QoL changes only. MAYBE some non-meta shaming balance changes. like help certain builds become ok, but i don’t want to see any nerfs to things like teleport or hammers

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They explicitly said that’s it a remaster ON LAUNCH

But making it a remaster isn’t an emotion/nostalgia decision

It’s mostly “setting the bar low enough to not fail” and as you can see they had trouble having a functioning game by the time they estimated

With a 6-7 months window between announcement and launch, they had no room for extra content, that’s the only reason it’s a remaster

If there had been any other game to generate revenues, they wouldn’t have released so soon and would have went for remake.

That’s aside from the eventuality that they also chose a remaster on launch to sell a DLC with improved content


one thing people never say about constant updates in games is that it helps fight bots. Switch things around a bit and the bot doesn’t work anymore

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I personally wouldn’t mind seeing damage nerfs if they can reduce the synergy bloat and allow more custom characters like before 1.10. Before 1.10, I felt you had more skill variability in your choice of utility and party play skills. It was truly old school custom character. Teleport, I agree, should not change. It is part of D2’s charm. However, I should not be encouraged to teleport through a good chunk of the game due to limiting skill choice to deal with challenges.

I’m also ok with conservative balance changes, something as simple as removing the damage penalty from physical bow skills, adding a synergy to some skills that don’t have them (Nova for instance), allowing for IAS outside of weapon for Whirlwind, etc.

Before synergies many skills were much stronger. The synergies forced players into strict builds and removed the option to just do what you want.

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all of you are wrong is a resurrection

How a week-long leveling could be easier than a 4 hour-long leveling?

“AAA quality”

That is a top quality joke, very funny.

… That was a joke right?

In 2021, a rushed game that look great but is a bit broken at launch is AAA quality. Devs are pressured to work faster and better than before and humans aren’t made to do flawless work under pressure.

“AAA quality” is the joke, yeah.

Support indie titles folks.

I can’t blame them , all these issues the company has right now and the global pandemic on top of this .

It is non the less true that the last few years , the overall quality of games on release has dropped off dramaticly .

Anthem had a lot of potential , too bad it is what it is .

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Purism for the sake of purism doesn’t work well for games. That’s why most modern remasters have a lot of new QoL features like the one you’re referring to. And a lot of the older players that wanted this remaster aren’t able to physically endure the original binding system. It was what was avaialble then, but it hasn’t aged well at all. That doesn’t mean what was previewed is “great” either - we’re losing a significant chunk of visual combat area to very ugly and large icons. They really should have set it up more like the controller UI or D3’s UI, perhaps making the skill bar width flexible to accomodate up to X additional keybinds. They have room to do so.


A friend of mine is a devs for ubisoft and he’s never sure his job is done went they launch the game. He’s a nervous wreck everytime a game he worked on is released.

Ppl get so hyped for the weirdest stuff lol.

there will be no major changes. Juts more stuff like this, which is fine. Maybe a couple runewords or something. Maybe something ladder specific.

CRAZY!!! 111111