People willing to play a harder version of the game cant be called “lazy”
This is a complete misconception from those pro and those against it
People playing with px dont get more loot in the end
Except for LK, but LK should be nerfed
Increasing the drop rates, regardless if it’s the amount of items or the quality of items, will most likely have an impact on the overall difficulty in the game.
While difficulty is subjective, the increase of character strength or power, or the higher chance getting of a power gain from more drops or better quality isn’t and will eventually decrease the game’s difficulty.
Hence there is certainly a higher chance that players lose interest in playing, which they will do eventually anyway, but “faster”.
The counter arguement that drop rates were increased in the past doesn’t justify anything. In fact by saying that it turned out to be okay in the past is and should not be a reason to do it now.
With that being said i’d take the stance that even the counter arguement is invalid because it is a comparison of apples and oranges.
In the past other changes were not implemented yet and the effects of these changes were unknown at that time. To name a few recent changes TerrorZones and their effects on loot, SunderCharms and general class balance changes.
I do agree with the fact that there is fine line between too much and not enough because of player’s perception in terms of rewards and with a careful approach on what is being changed, it is possible to have a positive outcome.
If i understood you correctly here then you literally gave an perfect example for the effects of deflation which can certainly have a negative effect if the increased drops are implemented in a careless manner.
I will take that as an arguement against increased drops, however the unknown effects are yet to be seen. Therefore i would suggest a slow and careful approach to that.
Same goes for:
It should be deflation instead of inflation because the value of the currency stays the same but the value of higher quality items decreases as the amount of drops increase.
Don’t troll. How is botting harder content? How is buying items hard?
The question was about botter and rmt user and multiboxer and why they are doing it although the drop rates are fine for a legit user.
Clear answer → greedy and lazy.
Also p8 isn’t hard content and with some minimum requirement at gear, people gain a little more gear than in p1 and a lot more xp.
with the command at hand, you could farm p3 early on until you find your first pieces without reducing your killspeed. It’s the biggest bonus for drops.
So maybe read the whole post before cherry picking single words and ripping them out of context.
Whether it is a positive or negative effect that is a matter of opinion.
I was primarily critiquing the nonsensical, illogical argument that more drops lead to inflation. That false argument is ludicrous.
Let’s think about hypothetical extremes. A loot based game that it takes 5,000 hours to get a “good” drop and loot based game where one can have all good items in 5 hours. Neither extreme is good design.
Therefore, really the question becomes where is the happy balamce.
If an item on average is traded at 10 ists, is it a bad thing if 10% of the people find that item for themselves and the trade value drops to 9 ists. In this example of deflation, I prefer the deflation intellectually.
“fine” is a weak descriptor.
I would prefer the most suitable drop rate for legit users given hetergeneity of their experience.
For example, I would not balance drops around those that average 40 hours a week of efficient gameplay across an entire ladder.
Because people cheat dude, people cheat in basicly every game. People bot even in D3 where you cant sell anything. Why RMT exists? Because plenty of people is damn lazy to play the game and want everything without playing easy. And people who sell on RMT sites? Mostly poor people and for them its great income of money.
Botting is a banable offense
And blizz do ban for it
So no point
Rmt is already easy for anyone willing to pay for it
No point, again
This isnt an answer
Its a rethoric and nothing more
Hard is different from efficiency
They dont
The no drop increase isnt worth the hp increased
There is no increase in drops for elites so they just take more time to kill to give the same amount of items
True, but im not a streamer and i dont care about LB and i have the impression im with the overwhelming majority here
Saying 100% hp increase wont reduce the kill spd of a fresh char is delusional at best
There was no cherry picking
Just an attempt on my part to disprove an over-repeated fallacy
I forgot why ignored you, but it gets clearer and clearer… Are you so dense or are you trying to troll me?
Math disagrees with you. When a mob dies with 1 attack in p1 and in p8, it doesn’t make a difference, that’s why the requirement is some pieces of gear.
I have the impression you are trolling. I don’t care about you not caring about XP.
Math disagrees again.
I answered a completely different question. So my statement stands…
So are you dumb or a troll? It won’t matter because you are going to my ignorelist.
I dont think math is the problem here
You talk about early char and after you talk about high end builds
Could you please make up your mind so i can give you a proper reply?
…this is my strategy as well – and it is exploiting the fact that botters need torches and that the drop rates are too low for most people to bother doing it – so they spend real money on buying FG to get them.
Botted high runes for torches.
Torches themselves are not worth even Ist unidentified – in a non-botted economy – it takes less time to get a torch than it does an Ist, and bots are the sole reason high runes exist in such a quantity that anyone can afford to spend even Vex on a torch.
It doesn’t work in singleplayer, though, obviously.
The main problem with the game right now is that people never see what the game actually has to offer.
If they did a poll among people that quit after playing one or two characters into late Normal or into Nightmare or even hell – attacks being ineffective would be the main complaint.
Doubly so for melee characters.
I can literally not count the number of times I’ve played singleplayer self found as a bowazon or pure melee character and ended up just chain-dying to progress due to a lack of good gear.
Chain-dying to get past monsters is still faster than farming for better gear when you’re doing to to get to WPs before resetting.
And as we know, you have extremely low odds of finding good upgrades.
Players get crap uniques that weren’t upgraded with the synergy and monster health update, useless rares, and some runes that have interesting but nigh useless effects, go into nightmare, don’t find anything interesting, and at best go into hell and meet the brick wall that is immunes.
…I remember a friend of mine finding Ginther’s Rift in his singleplayer game while I myself had never found a better melee weapon.
Which is kind of insane – I don’t have the save files, obviously, but I recall struggling through hell with 500 average damage melee attacks.
Remember: Skill resets are a relatively new thing that didn’t exist for the game’s first 10 years. If you specced Axes, and found a great sword, your damage suffered until you got a couple of points into Sword Mastery.
Which again underlines the intents of the developers:
It’s a roguelike, like Diablo 1 before it.
You were supposed to invest points into the skills you needed and just live with the consequences of your choices.
As an experienced player with likely 100 playthroughs of the game, Hell still catches me off guard when I get there with a new character build playing singleplayer / solo self found, as the game was intended to be played.
Without excessive leveling and at least some grinding, it’s a plain terrible experience. At least when it has the massive depth of itemization under the surface – you’re just floating above it all, helpless, unable to dive down to experience the actual depth of the game, while actually playing it.
Yea and that’s why d3 is dead now, but d2 a 20 year old game is still thriving and being remastered.
You should probably just go back to d3, it sounds like the perfect game for you. You can wait for the next season and then be fully geared within a hour, and run around with some stupid wings that do nothing, this is essentially what you want…
When people argue for better drops and slander everyone that disagrees as a “RMT/botter” then conversation won’t get anywhere.
I personally think that drop rates are nice as there are and you can get decently geared online if you trade (and I don’t use d2jsp) well before the ladder ends, while playing 3-4 hours a week (which is what I do, and I usually play SSF until I beat hell with my characters).
Also, in the subject of “boosted drop rates”, I recall playing “Path of Diablo” back in the day and getting discouraged to keep playing it after finding two BER runes in my first week
It is far more complex. At one extreme, if drop rates are too high, you will get more players who quit as they reach their item goals. If the drop rate is too low, you get people who quit earlier as the game is unrewarding and does not value player time.
There needs to be a balance for drop rates somewhere in the middle.
If one looks at the falloff in player numbers in D2R ladder and D3 seasons, I am not even sure that one can claim convincingly either way that player retention rate after a season/ladder start is significantly different.
D3 is certainly alive as is D2R.
If you want to go there, some would counter stating D2R is not D2. If you do not want changes in D2R, just play D2.