It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

So u believe some videos on youtube made by some random guy is fact? Well u not very educated.
No wonder that u cant be objective and only use emotional reasoning. Im pointing out where u been using emotional reasoning and u still cant see it? Ppl who lack the ability to see the difference between objective fact and opinion usually have a disorder. Reflexivity. Go read about it.
Not to mention u using arguments starting with no one. Its rly just cognitive distortion. The lack of self awareness rly makes me believe u suffer from a cognitive disorder. And thats even without taking the way u trying to devaluate ppls opinions by telling them to play d3 into account. Or how u categorize and jumping conclusions out of the blue.

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You dont belong to this community if you have never watched a video of Xtimus or DJwatters22.
You should just go back to D3, im serious.
If im not the one, many other ppl in this forum will fight you back just like I do.
Criticize me all you want, im not the one who made the videos and gave the viewers likes or posted those comments on youtube.

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Let me ask u again. Do u believe youtube videos are fact?

Why should i go to d3? Because u cant stop using emotional reasoning? U dont need to be blinded by your emotions to play d2.

Just because fanboys have opinions it doesnt mean they right. Again opinions holds no value. If u want to discuss then use objective fact and not emotions.

Again u believe youtube videos are fact? Some ppl making a video to share their opinion doesnt mean everyone believe the same. U could check a youtube vid by a d3 player who trashtalk d2. And u would see ppl agree and comment there aswell. This is pure bias. This is common sense.

U cant tell me u not being bias when u believe in random youtube videos and then dont believe in Rod who share actual data which blizzard collected.

blablabla “emotional reasoning” this "emotional reasoning that. Im dropping the ball with you, its pointless to discuss with you :slight_smile: enjoy your season 26.
I like oranges and you like apples.
Go eat your apples since you dont like oranges apparently.
Samea applies to Diablo, just with other game categories.
Diablo1 and Diablo2 are aRPGs while Diablo3 is Arpg in the direction of an arcade gameplay.

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Here we got another emotional respons.
Im not treating youtube videos as reliable sources. Nor do i tell ppl to go play d3 when i dont agree with them or trying to convince ppl that no one likes cow lvl. U being very childish.

None of that has anything to do with the fact that u being bias and using emotional reasoning.

Where did i say that? U jumping conclusions out of the blue. Just because i dont believe that no one likes whimsy it doesnt mean i dislike d2. Black and white thinking. There is no causality. Just because u dont hate d3 that doesnt mean u have to hate d2 or that u doesnt belong to the community. U can like both and be objective about both games and their flaws.

They are all diablo games. And very simular in many ways.

Seems like you hit the spot, some people just can’t help not be emotional and base all their reasoning on it. I love their facts/evidence are YouTube videos. The cognitive bias is even strong in that one. It’s almost like religion.

Man, sad state. No idea who those people are by the way. It’s like a kid at disbelief when you tell him you don’t know the song “Baby Shark” and is like you don’t know any music then!

Try to have an open mind and educate yourself better, having such narrow closed fixed mind is not a positive thing, especially when we are talking about a video game here.

Edit: I actually were bored so I spent 30 seconds Googling one of them “Xtimus” and it seems like it’s someone with 500 followers on Instagram. Yep, can’t make that up.

That’s just how it feels to you because you have no idea how to amass wealth to trade for hrs or runewords.

Do they have any official active player count for diablo 3 or diablo 2 r?

That’s where D3 starts. I like both games, so I won’t comment further.

I also have seen some say mistakenly that the completion of the season journey is the “end” of D3. The season journey is frankly a tutorial. Here is how one transmogs, rerolls, reforges, run GR, run bounties, augments gear, etc…

Me too. If someone else wants to compare apples to oranges I will too