Is the game too easy now? Is there any sense of achievement left?

There are many ways to make the game more difficult.

You could play the game without trading or limiting your trading.

You could play the game without any runewords. This in itself would greatly increase the difficult of the game.

You could also play the game without spamming specific types of “lvl up runs” or “rushes.”

The game in itself is already pretty difficult unless you play sorceress or necromancers only.

For instance: try playing a vengeance paladin without any trading and you’ll realise quickly, while it’s doable, it can be be pretty darn difficult unless you get lucky drops along the way. Many builds have obvious weakness’ and rectifying those weakness is typically dependant on items. For instance, Stygian death dolls can be a major source of problem for many melee classes if you do not have any form of DMG reduction late game which can easily be mitigated with trading.

The game isn’t easy, people have simply found ways to make the game easy over the years of playing.

I have been doing some calculations and based on that I think +% chance to find uniques for normal and elite monsters is so tiny, its not significnat at all. For bosses it could be like +1-3% increase.

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I think he means difficulty AND endgame. And yes the multitude of Players 8 threads and support for them shows people want something with a little more meat to it.

Try to not play with Runewords or Unique items? play with only rare items or blue? Change mode? there Hardcore mode to? =) If that so simpel play HC with only grey items =)

i played this game like 10 years (in the last 20 years or so… i was playing d2 before the expansion pack) i still don’t found those items

eth titans
15/40 jewel or any 15/30 resis jewel
The unerhartered wand of the necro (i don’t remember the name)

and i just found 1 time those items
tyrael myght
the rarest staff (don’t remember the name)

Where’s the “not effort needed”???

You guy are claiming that it’s good being able to break light resis with infinity but isn’t good being able to break other elements?

You asking that level to 99 it’s easy now??
Guy my hightest level was 97 on the old times when i was playing 24/7

You just complain for complain without even think for a second for what are you complaining about.


It`s easy for people who know what to do.
new players not that easy.
PVP not easy at all for 99% of people. (when people have the same gear)

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You are right they should make better drop rates + exp. It would still be a lot, just better than now.

I think my highest is also 97 but I never played 24/7, and I never cared about levelling up because I do not enjoy mindless grinding personally (but it’s fine if others do).

D2r has always been easy. There are just more options for getting to the same end game goal.

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Definitely the game needs to have some new end-game content analogous to ubers to introduce challenge back into the battle-net version of D2:R, even D2:R SP is a mostly easy experience now that we have ladder-only runewords available to us.

I hope that D2:R doesn’t become too easy as well, but if the game follows its current trajectory I too fear the game will become very boring unless something changes. Terror zones could’ve been the challenge we needed, but in their current state they’re far too easy.

The game always was easy - If you want a challenge play HC - then it gets real. Iv’e been playing HC for 20 years and its the best game mode available to get the most enjoyment. U cant just go all Offensive and need some defense otherwise your DEEDS will be Remembered.

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Is it because we’re playing them with geared characters though? What do Terror Zones look like when we’re playing a new ladder with mid tier gear.

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That’s true, good point.

It’s perfectly challenging with my Upped Eth Warlord’s Trust Stealskull Stone Runeword Goblin Toe Deaths Sash Deaths Gloves Angelic rings Angelic amulet Leap Attack as Only Attack Barb

Conversely, HC is the same as SC 99.99% of the time. The only time it’s truly different is when a disconnect or lag or server issue kills your character. Never have I ever “actually” lost a HC character through any fault of my own. So ultimately it’s just an endless waste of time rather than SCs mostly endless waste of time.

They are easy because they just added a few lvl but nothing else. They could have given the mobs something extra or implemented additional mobs/bosses, but they did not.

After 1 week, most people already have good enough gear to farm like now.

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Some people are so pathetic to think that getting to 99 is an achievement of some sort. Does getting from 90 to 99 get you an x2 in power or something?


the fewer achievements a person has in real life, the more important those in the virtual world are for him

and this is something really, really sad

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The game has always been easy, as is the case with most arpg’s. The real “challenge” is the grind which I agree is greatly diminished now.

The virtual world is important, and the fastest to reach 99 got some views online I’m sure. If you get enough you can make a living from it.

The devs could easily give NL more value by raising the level cap to 103 - 110.

Ladder can be used for the race to 99 so when they get converted to NL, there’s at least more to do with your character.

Easier said than done though.