Is the game too easy now? Is there any sense of achievement left?

What is that divisor?

I tried looking at two items in maxroll calculstir and it doesnt seem that level of monster changed anything and chsnce to get certain item in uniq version was same.

Just because the game means something different to you, doesn’t give you the right to spread your negativity around like this. As much as you despise the previous road to 99, reaching 99 did mean a lot to players here.

Also, the challenge in the game is build/gear optimisation. In terms of technical game play difficulty, only PVP presents that challenge.

simplified but not loose meaning to say,qChance=128/Cq= (1/C1) * (1+qf/100) / (1-qB/1024),where MF value influences qf, and qB is the quality bonus the monster dropping the item has.

So what is difference between monster at level 85 and 96. In %

I mean has this any significant impact at all?

i have told you the has effect , more or less.,supposing a 70 lvl area to a 96 lvl area.

Unique-Ratio and Unique-Divisor are set values for normal\Exception\Elite are Set-Ratio and Set-Divisor.

Ok you were right and i was mistaken. I have done calculation for andariel on quest kill with 300% mf for uniq ring and difference with no and with terrorized at it was like 26% to 28%.

I guess for normal monsters will be difference far less significant but i cant calculate it now on phone.

In the last hour Ive found Ohm, Vex, Gul, SoJ, DWeb (eth), Arachnid. Pretty soon the only currency worth anything will be 3/20/20’s.

Its called luck dude.

I have seen many others saying they didnt find anything.

I get that this is the immediate parrot response, but imagine what multiboxers are finding. My nova sorc was 99 before TZ came out, so I cant even comment on how good the exp is, but when she gets a sunder charm this is going to be even more of a joke.

I recall the community asking for more difficulty in the game, this isnt it.

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I dont remember community to ask that at all with exception like two players. People asked for nerfs tho and i am down for it,no build should be able to farm solo at more than players 3.

Am i excited with what they done? No, but i take it as its better than nothing. Alteast we have some builds more viable and mew places to farm.


I really cant understand why you would choose the game being difficult as your hill to die on. D2R’s economy turned into LoD’s economy within months. TZ only makes that worse.

You do realize game is not just online right and time spend in game matter? Take any player who never played d2 and i will guarantee you that he will struggle and tell you its hard game.

Of course its not hard for us, because we play it freaking 20 years :joy:. We know what to do, we mostly know game mechanics, tricks, tips… It took a lot of time to get all that knowledge. And yet if you look at hardore,many elite players still die. Why when game is easy? And no i dont talk about deaths by lost connection.

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I don’t know what you’re trying to teach me, or make me understand. The game isn’t difficult, at all. You’re not some gaming genius for completing hell difficulty on single player. The elite players you’re referring to, that die in hardcore, don’t care that they died. They’ve done it a million times. Dump vit and SS doesn’t require the chosen one to come up with.

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How am I spreading negativity when my opinion is the popular one, my changes are the most requested, and the vast majority agree with me?!?!?!?!

Which is fair, but we talk about majority. I did not mean to devalue anything to anyone but what’s wrong with voicing my opinion when again, it is a popular one and majority agree with it?

We are here to improve D2R not to make people upset. In an ideal world everyone would be happy but of course that Utopia is non-existent, so we settle for making majority happy. Let Blizzard open official votes.

Strongly disagree too. That also is less of a challenge but more of who has better gear and what character is against what. It is just a “minigame” not to be taken seriously.

You always say your opinion is the majority. But I disagree. Where is the majority? Its always you coming into threads to do 1 of 2 things.

  1. Tell people they are wrong. Or
  2. Tell them to leave d2r

You are being dishonest. Check the topics and see what are the most requested changes. Check also Reddit and conduct a simple Google search. Like I said, Blizzard is more than welcome to make an official poll.

I present a logical counter-argument and when people resort to ad hominem or get heated up and all emotional insulting me, it is the least I can do is saying they are wrong.

Because as much as you don’t like to read it, this is the truth. D2R is NOT D2 and you know it, and you know more changes are coming. What else to tell those people, you tell me? They are the ones who are always spreading negativity and complaining about everything Blizzard does and just fight changes because “change bad”. Especially when they keep telling you to “go play D3” themselves?

Be realistic and I know it sucks, ideally they would allow mods or give three modes at least: Resurrected, LoD and Classic.

I am genuinely sorry anyways if I made you upset, I will try to be more considerate in the future. :heart:


It still takes a long time (too long still) to level to 99, some builds more than others. I feel that most players are just so used to leveling beyond 90 requiring such absolutely unreasonable amounts of time ( There was great suffering boredom in that process), that they now view a change that had a big improvement on those times (But still requires an unreasonable time investment) as enough, or too much (especially those who already spent unreasonable amounts of time towards those levels), when in reality its still a very long time (I estimate 100-200 hours of continuous play -in the very best of P8 Terror Zones- which are not continually available)

I don’t view reaching the max level achievable, when doing so doesn’t provide any special bonuses, and without being generally close-to (5-15 levels) puts your character at a detriment, as a -grand- achievement.

It’s an achievement, but is it a -grand- achievement?

What was impressive about seeing a level 99, prior to terror zone, was that the player was able to suffer through an unreasonably long, terribly boring, repetition.

Technically you don’t even have to be a strong character, as you can leech experience off of others work, though that may just take longer.

This game should be fun - why require something that most feel they are suffering through?..

If leveling to 99 required defeating ever increasing difficulty of enemies ( truly difficult enemies, and lots of them) that could only be completed individually in a private P8 Difficulty Game) with bigger penalties for dying, that would be a grand achievement, based more on having built a strong character (Item-wise) than would be pure repetition of the same difficulty.

New Features have already been added, so why not add more that will give those players yearning for a sense of game-play achievement, some -grand- achievements.

Add ever increasingly difficult ( and I mean actually difficult ) side quests, along the lines of P8 ubers+, designed in such a way that no single class can outperform the next, and prevent players from receiving assistance in their completion. Reward the character with a special graphic, and or graphic and item ( That cannot be traded, except to someone else who has completed said quest)

And, just so those who already spent misery-inducing amounts of time leveling to 97, 98, 99, prior to terror zones, if possible to determine, grant them each a special graphic ( such as aura, amulet, or ribbon that displays on their character ) so they can forever feel dignified in their past suffering endurance.


This is what will happen. There is no point in rolling anything beyond the first cold sorc after stacking her. No reason to farm now to make other characters to farm other spots. Will have everything needed in a few days and ladder will be over. Market will plummet, and it will be a ghost town until the next ladder.

The devs have no idea what drives people to play D2. They only know how to make D3.


Nah, they could have made it much worse by this point. That they’ve only moderately buffed some skills, added a few items, and made exp gain a bit easier and more interesting, I consider a win. Because again, they could have made it way easier/worse than they have currently.

Besides, don’t kid yourself. The game is meant to be played and played for one main reason only. That being, fun/enjoyment, however that looks for you. Don’t like TZ? Don’t play em. Don’t like sunder charm? Don’t use em. The choice is truly yours. So what that they made some additional choice, some additional paths to take, that’s ultimately a good thing so long as they continue not overdoing it.

For me, I’d love to see them implement a 1.09 patch/path/ladder, in addition to what they’re currently doing. Wouldn’t that be something? An entirely new/different game, essentially, just by going back to some truly old school D2.

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