Is d2jsp easy to use?

Would you trade your non-ladder Infinity/Enigma for something you needed on ladder?

Don’t start with him lol. No matter what in his opinion you’re cheating. This goes against the purest spirit of the “fresh start” and he would never do such a thing. That is also why 3 months into ladder he has just completed his first spirit sword in NM and is working hard to kill duriel. He has died 784 times to NM duriel, but this time with the spirit sword he will overcome all odds and domiante.

If Blizzard is unwilling to implement a proper centralized trading platform in the game, then groups like JSP will exist.

If Blizzard wants to do something about it, then they have work to do. So far their unwillingness to bring an in game centralized trade platform can be interpreted as an answer that they don’t want to do anything about it.

The technology available when the original game launched wasn’t feasible for an in game trade platform… Its a trivial task for today’s technology.

I’ll stick to SSF or use the available methods the game offers.

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Never used rmt to get items in D2. Honestly i do not see the point of joining a new ladder reset to start fresh only to cheat my way to the items.

Literally the only end-game thing to do in a game like this are farm items, cheating my way to items are cheating myself of the fun. Basically taking away the only thing to do.

There’s none rmt third party trading sites to speed up trades so the speed of trade argument falls flat. Cope mechanism for cheaters unable to admit to themself they are cheaters, their egos can’t handle looking in the mirror.

Unfortunately it’s unavoidable, it always have existed and probably always will. So just have to deal with it.

If you are cheating, then it’s a fact you are cheating and not a matter of opinion.

If you wan’t to cheat, go ahead, nothing i can do to stop it. But look yourself in the mirror and admit to what you are.

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No. Why would you play ladder over non-ladder if you didn’t want to start fresh?


Find where in the rules of D2R or D2LOD you cannot trade NL items for Ladder items. At that point your just putting your viewpoint above what the rules actually are. Then what is next? Is grush, moat trick, seal pop trick all cheating too? You don’t get to make the rules.

Non-ladder. Non as in NOT ladder. Are you really so dense as to ask where in the game it states that non-ladder isn’t ladder?

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It’s very clear in the rules of literally all Blizzards online games that rmt third party sites are not allowed and will get you banned if discovered.

No matter how you trying to twist and turn it to cope with the fact you are a cheater. It does not change the fact you are a cheater not a matter of opinion.

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The mental gymnastics some people do to save their own ego from admitting they are cheaters are incredible. :man_facepalming:

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Another clown…yes go ahead and parrot the rules that blizz has NEVER enforced in 20+ years of d2. People ebayed and d2jspd during the 2000s, 2010s and now 2020s and it will continue forever. Blizz will NEVER do anything so you damn cry babies just sound like utterly handicapped retards who just repeat the same crap every day.

And hilarious blizz tried to just provide us their own RMAH with d3! The same company you are trying to defend for their supposed stance on FG/RMT for d2. That’s truly mental gymnastics.

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Naaw, how cute. Another cheater unable to look himself in the mirror.


Because they know they’re cheating. Everyone knows they’re cheating. In fact, everyone knows it, but doesn’t really care. If you tell them, “that’s fine, but call it what it is, it’s cheating”, they get mad. They get mad because they pretend that cheating = skill at a slot machine game.


Sure I’m not bringing those items to ladder so no big deal. Glad we could agree becuase that isn’t possible in game. I’m sorry you were confused about that.

Good thing FG isn’t “real money.” Good thing that while I fully admit I use JSP right here on their official forums with my linked account they don’t ban me because they fully condone JSP and support it 100%. It is too bad you are too stupid to use the fully supported trade patch called D2JSP which is fully supported by Activision Blizzard.

I can happily look in the mirror. I have multiple copies of d2r which to cry babies like you is also cheating. I don’t spend any money on FG, happily sell items I don’t need on d2jsp and I enjoy d2r! I’m sorry my way of playing hurts your enjoyment of the game!

Godest @ d2jsp. Please call blizz support and report me for using such an illegal system.

Whatever makes you sleep at night my man.

Whatever makes you sleep at night my man.

Bringing your non ladder equity into ladder is still a violation. How are you so dumb?


I sleep very well. Clearly a thousand times better than your posse of cry babies who are worried about other video gamers :laughing:

Cope more. If that was true you wouldn’t get so mad and refuse to admit what you are.

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