Input bug - unable to attack or stuck attacking endlessly

This has been a reoccurring bug for me since launch. It is highly infuriating and stifles progression. Not sure if it exists on other consoles or if anyone else has encountered this issue besides me.

Console: Xbox One

Play Mode: Online and Offline

Bug: Upon entering a new are that requires the load screen my characters actions will be locked. I cannot pick up items or attack. I can only run around, use potions and open the menu. Sometimes the bug will continually cast a spell or attack continuously, wherein I cannot move or do anything besides sit and watch as my character swings / cast aimlessly at nothing. If I open the menu, it causes my character to stop attacking / casting but again the inputs get locked so I can no longer attack or pick items up. The bug seemingly happens randomly. Restarting the game and restarting the console does nothing to combat this bug from re-appearing.

Again, it is highly frustrating as a solo player to be trying to do quests / fighting my way to the next waypoint just to have to save/quit and lose all the progress I had made just because I can no longer attack.

This bug has been happening to me since I bought the games couple years ago and honestly, I kept thinking I couldn’t be the only person this is happening to. However, upon looking at the forums I see no mention of the bug I am encountering.

If there is any other information that is needed, please reach out to me and I will do my best to provide the information.

Please get this fixed.

Thank you.

Edit: The bug appears to happen only after a load screen. So using Town Portals, traveling into new areas, progressing through acts all have a chance to cause this bug to occur.

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Is this only happening to this game? Could your controller be dirty and the buttons or under the buttons are sticking?

Literally only when I play Diablo 2.

I know the buttons are not compromised because when I press the start button to end the endless attacking, I should be able to then press another button to perform a different attack. As I cannot perform any actions other than run around, use potions, and open the menu and that it does not happen while playing any other games I come to the conclusion that it’s not my buttons and rather something with the game itself.

Other games I play on the Xbox include, Warframe, Battlefield 4, Halo Infinite, Mechwarrior 5, PuBG, Killer Instinct

Edit: So, I decided to try something when the bug happened again. I decided to try and change the bindings of my skills after the bug occurred. I am able to press the X button on my controller and have it show the small GUI for what I would like to bind the skill to. However, any valid button I press does not register.

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Can’t find any information on the internet about your case.

If you can replicate it by bringing up load screen. Hopefully blizz support can find a solution for you soon.

Are there any firmware updates to your controller or console. Yesterday i was affected by ddos attacks and couldn’t log back on server for hours. I decided to reboot my router and that fixes it. Would you think reinstalling the game fix itself?

No firmware updates for console or controller are available. Seems I am literally the only person this bug is happening to.

I’ve been worried about uninstalling / reinstalling Diablo 2 due to having offline characters. I would hate to see all my progress for them be wiped.

Do you know if uninstalling/reinstalling the game wipes offline characters for console?

I know (from online topics) that PC offline characters won’t be affected by an uninstall/reinstall but I’m not seeing anything for console.

I’m on nintendo switch.

About 2 months ago i brought a new microsd card. Transfer all data from old to new. Follow all instructions on Nintendo site. After a few weeks in. D2r started crashing on me. I searched and find out that my data has been corrupted. Read up everything on it to ensure i dont lose anything on D2r. Updated my card and fingers cross. Boot up the card and everything was fine. Tested ladder, non ladder and offline looking at each character and items. Nothing was missing and i moved on.

I would be upset if stuff happened but it’s out of my control. I had to pick can’t play at all or lose some progress. Even if i lose some stuff. I like this game enough to replay it like every ladder season.

I wish you good luck finding the solution. I tried but this one is very unique.

So I decided to bite the bullet and uninstall D2 then reinstall it. I lost no progression thankfully.

The bug still persists (I encountered it heading back to town from the Secret Cow Level).

I do not understand how I seem to be the only person getting this bug. Especially after having uninstalling and reinstalling.

If the game cleaned itself. There shouldn’t be bugs. I know i said it before. But try switch to another controller if you have one around.

Another suggestion is to go to a friend that owns the game and test on his console.

Swapped to a my secondary controller (this one does have a Y button that likes to stick from time to time which is why I don’t use it as my primary controller). Bug persists through swapping controllers.

One of the great things about the bug is that you can’t even press A or whatever button you have set as the “Interact” from General skills to pick things up or go back through doors.

To cancel the infinite attack spam, you can hold right toggle to pull up the comment rose, or press the start button. This will allow you to be able to move again, but you still won’t be able to interact with anything (besides picking up gold, toggling weapon switch, toggling run/walk, using potions on the D-Pad). Can’t even interact with items in my inventory. This means, no picking up items, no going through closed doors, no being able to travel to a new area (or back an area) that sits behind a load screen.

To ensure that buttons do work, I can go to the skills tab and press X to bind a skill to a button. However, when the screen pops up asking what button I’d like to bind it to, none of the buttons register. Which is weird since the game recognizes the X key being pressed to attempt to bind the skills to the buttons.

The only thing I can do once the bug occurs is save/exit and start a new game. This makes farming incredibly painful as there’s no place to farm that doesn’t require a load screen (yes, even way points and town portals can cause the bug to occur).

Sadly, I do not have any IRL friends that play D2R or own an Xbox. My buddies primarily play Smash Bros.

I wonder if the bug is being cause because the game is optimized for the Xbox X|S and not the Xbox One. I am playing it on the Xbox One not an Xbox One X or Xbox Series X /Xbox Series S.

Edit: I hope some dev actually sees this post and makes an official comment some time soon.

Well i hope at least our post counts draw their attention. And we came up with many case scenarios.

Edit: I started a new thread where I will be going through every area that has a load screen (or multiple) for quest progression. Doing 20 runs per section. Starting over from Act 1 and ending with Act 5. I am doing this to show just how freaking frustrating this bug is.

Here is the general plan of how I will be doing this.

Act 1
The first real load screen we get in terms of progression after Den of Evil is the Underground Passage. I am using the waypoint from Rogue encampment to Stony Fields and finding the Underground Passage.

Next is The Forgotten Tower. For this I will take the Black Marsh Waypoint and find The Forgotten Tower.

Then comes Jail. For this I am taking the waypoint to Outer Cloister and finding the Jail.

Finally, we end with taking the Inner Cloister Waypoint and try to reach Catacombs Level 4 to fight Andariel.

Act 2

I will start off with fighting my way down the sewers to Radament from Lut Gholein.

Then I will travel from Lut Gholein to the Stony Temple and see how many times the game bugs out across the 2 levels of Stony Temple.

Next will be taking the Dry Hills waypoint and finding the Halls of the Dead.

After that it is off to Far Oasis to find the Maggot Lair.

Then comes Lost City to get to Valley of snakes to find the Claw Viper Temple.

Next we get to try going through the Palace Cellars from Lut Gholein.

After that, it’s testing Arcane Sanctuary Waypoint to the portal to the Canyon of the Magi.

Lastly, we end Act 2 with Canyon of the Magi to any Tal Rasha Tomb, seeing how many tombs we can actually do before the bug appears.

Act 3

I am dreading act 3… it will start off with traveling from Kurast Docks through the Spider Forest and into the Spider Cavern.

Next will be taking the Flayer Jungle Waypoint to find the Flayer Dungeon.

After that, I will be traveling to the Kurast Bazaar waypoint and finding access to the Sewers.

After the Sewers comes Travincal. I will take the waypoint to Trav and see if it is bugged at all. If not, I will travel to the Durance of Hate and record when the bug appears.


Act 4

I plan to just take the way point to City of the Damned and enter the River of Flames this way, since this is the only load screen we encounter. This should be quick and painless.


Act 5

This is going to be hell…

I will travel to the Arreat Plateau Waypoint and find the entrance to the Crystalline Passage.

Next I will take the waypoint to the crystalline passage and check Frozen River.

Then it’s Crystalline Passage to Glacial Trail.

Followed by Glacial Trail waypoint to Frozen Tundra.

Frozen Tundra to Ancients way.

Ancients way to Arreat Summit / Worldstone Keep.

Then finally… Worldstone Keep level 2 to Baal.


As you can see, I am primarily focused on area’s relevant to quest lines. As a solo player, this is frustrating. I am unable to farm areas / bosses for gear and am unable to progress characters unless I find someone who is willing to sit in a private game and either A) rush me knowing I’m gonna have to rejoin a bunch, or B) walk with me knowing I’m gonna have to rejoin a bunch.

Blizzard Support, please acknowledge this post. If there is something I can do to fix this, let me know. Please.

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This has been happening to me since the game dropped. Its sooo annoying because ill just sit there and take damage. For me, my character wont react or attack, I just get frozen in place not being able to do anything.

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This started happening to me on two characters. Level 86 Amazon and level 65 barb. This problem didn’t happen until I got to hell. These are offline characters. Tower cellar is where I notice this happens every time. I can move around for a while but eventually, I’m stuck attacking without any control over it happening. I can’t stop attacking, use other skills etc. Can’t leave dungeon or interact with any buttons except potions and menu. Save and exit gets me out, but every time I go back problem persists. I did notice that I get a pop up in message log every time this happens. It says ‘you have left the channel:game’. I’m on Xbox X. Would love to know that this is being looked at.

OMG I was thinking this was happening only to me. This is literally the only other post I’ve seen anywhere mentioning this bug. I have a level 86 Amazon and this happens when using Multiple Shot or Strafe (although it seems that Strafe triggers it less frequently). Usually it happens in A1 any cave lvl 2 (Cave, Pits, Hole). I’ve seen it in WSK and A2 tombs as well. Also I can trigger it in Tristram pretty consistently. Has anyone found any way to solve this. It’s incredibly annoying since it only seems to happen to certain and skills (no problem on my Wind Druid) tried respecing to Lightning strike, but I still managed to trigger the bug. It would be great if we get a fix or at least someone finding out how to not trigger it even if it involves some gimmicking around it.