Increse rune drop rates

Its about time to increase the drop rates of runes. I have enough of this idiotic, abysmal and outright toxic drop rates. Playing almost only this game for a month and I got one MAL rune in a damn month of playtime, not even close to making any kind of end game rune word and it will go like that I won’t be making one anytime soon. I’m not willing to pay to that site advertised on in game lobby, I want to have damn results and progress while playing a damn game I paid for. All in all the stupid and toxic rune drop rates need to go.

In a month of playing on few characters:
This game is sad.


NO go back to your D3


I understand the struggle, but that is how d2 is :(. Getting just a Mal in a month is pretty bad, but also just depends on what your doing, if your just farming Pindle, then that makes sense. IF you farm all the acts, you are bound to get something else. Ive gotten multiple HR’s just farming Chaos. I think you just have that bad luck cloud over your head and it needs to go away


Best rune my buddy ever found was a Mal. Didn’t stop him from trading up to a Lo to build Grief. It’s really not hard if you enjoy playing the game. Eventually you either find a nice rune or you find some nice trade items. Ezpz


Nah, please Don’t increase drop rates. No need.


I like the drop rates as they are thanks. I know most of you suck at this game and need jsp as a crutch to “trade” so go do that, go buy your HRs loser, or quit, who cares.


meh, a liiiiiiittttlleee tweak wouldnt hurt … Im a D2 vet and I swear D2R is a bit tighter on the drops.


I also felt the drop rates to be a little shy of the OG d2. But if runes arent increased by MF. then its all RNG, and from other games from bliz, they are bad at RNG. Or good at it cuz you never get what you want

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I understand the feeling over the poor drop rates…but runes are currency. They are the $5, $100 dollar bills to buy items. If they inflate so will the currency. I would rather see some more useful lower rune words.


This is not currency, this is to make items to play game in comfortable way, meaning getting stronger character to actually have fun, its currently not fun. In a month of playing there is actual 0 progress, you get to the state where you just run the same area over and over again, cause other areas are locked out by immune monsters and such. Scrap that all in fact, but there is no progress whatsoever and that end game content is hidden behind abysmal drop rates to prolong gameplay, but honestly a month is enough of crap.


What I mean is trade currency, because of their set values and large delineation it’s easy to rank unique items by their rune value for trade.

But yeah the game has serious progression flaws when it comes to gearing. Half the problem is that normal difficulty stuff drops in hell, and merc necessities are high runes and without them they are mostly garbage. I went through hell for a week wearing the same stuff I got in normal because literally no upgrades dropped since normal. If I wasn’t a sorc I’d have to stop and grind just to get the dps to move through nightmare. Horrible progression.

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go play d3 immediately and remove yourself from sight


I suggest you to trade with other people items for runes.
The good thing in this game is - that when something cool drops - the feeling is fantastic.
You don’t need to visit the sites that bots spam in chat.


Rune drop rates are fine, honestly I’d say they’re too high even. I’m a casual player averaging an hour per day or so and I made all my end-game rune words (Enigma, HotO, CtA etc.) weeks ago. And looking at what other people are wearing in random public games - so did most other players.

Yes, if you’re trying to find one specific rune yourself be prepared to farm a lot, but the game is built around trading. Even if you don’t find the specific rune you’re looking for you’ll certainly find a ton of other high-value runes/items that you can use to trade for the stuff you want.

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What a terrible idea OP, do you have more like that in stock? If you do feel free to keep yjem for yourself.


op has a post count in the negatives.

what could that mean?

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Haha that’s true, wonder how can that happen.

Haha, wth , you’re right…

No, drop rates are fine. Do you also want a button that drops every single item in the game?


What? I found in round about a month a occulus, 3x shako, gore rider and stuff like that, mal rune, ist rune, gul rune…

you have to play! not only 1-2 hours a day…

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