Increse rune drop rates

Yea, but, it seems many people measure progress with an enigma.

They forget the game does not require 8 players, and GG gear to beat.

Yeah, it sounds like he is doing a single pindle farm/day.

Farming chaos sanctuary/trav is a great way to get HRs. You can farm keys and get a vex for 3x4. You can trade your items for mid runes.

Getting to enigma this way is not fast, but till then you can buy a teleport staff from akara, it took me 20 mins to find one.


No they are not fine, at this point its just the same like playing any other mobile gacha game, but this one will only make you slave and take only your time the other ones will just take your time and money, there is little to no difference here.
You can feel special for doing farming for hours, but you are not special in a good sense, but in the negative one for sure.


theyre already increased

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Then you have to play others games dude. Bye.

Casual players this days… would like to have all stuff in 1 or 2 weeks.

Play Diablo 3 or Grim Dawn… no, wait. Grim Dawn is more like D2 then D3 in terms of Drop Rates. Well, have fun with Diablo 3.


Newsflash for you - nolifing the same area for hundreds of hours don’t make you pro.
There is no pro scene in this game and game itself is pretty low level casual style, the fact that you do the same stuff for hours and consider it fun tells pretty much everything about you.

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Not everyone is supposed to be running through the game with all high end runewords within a week or two of playing. High runes are supposed to be rare.

If you can’t find the runes you want, trade for the runes you want. Rune drops are fine as they are.

The rates were increased in patch 1.13. Zod for example is now 20 times more common than pre 1.13.


They are not fine, the drop rates are much to low. Everyone is supposed to have the runewords, cause it is content they paid for, now the actual time this game demands from you to get the content you paid for is just unreal. Some hours of farming here and there is ok, but this is borderline slavery and I can’t really blame people for using bots among other stuff, to get some fun.


This game can be beaten very easily with all characters using crap gear. Anything beyond that, you are literally here to play a slot machine repeatedly to further empower your character.

That’s not how it works, sorry.


Wow… i must have misread this. O,o


No you don’t. This the case I paid for content and now I want to use it before the end of the world comes. Currently its not possible.

Newsflash to you: Play other games damn casual!!!


stop crying kid.

Just play offline and mod your game if you are getting so upset. The game has hardly been out a month nobody should have all runes yet

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You are casual, nolifing 0 skill game and you seem to be happy to do so, pretty much the answer why the wold looks that way.

Well no. Stated fact that casuals cry because of the drop rates. go away and cry kiddo! Diablo 3 is your game!!!


They have, you can buy whole runewords online from botters that are clogging server and are not banned at all. Normal person can’t have them thats for sure.

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And yet you are here crying at this point. I WANT I WANT… but its a no skill 0 life game, your words… I really do try to avoid that word, and insinuating that’s what people do… but in this case, a clear read through your posts… you are ridiculous. I will say no more to you (edit: ok i might).


That game is only out round about a month!!! after some time normal people will have best runewords, very easy. wow, one of the hardest noob casual guys i ever seen here

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Yeah keep that energy with D3 nobody wants it here in D2R. The game is hard… that’s what makes it so much better than D3. You’re not handed a badass set of gear every ladder, It’s a struggle to make good characters which makes it fun and challenging… nobody likes an easy game.


Its a month of playing much more than what would be considered healthy, and that is enough. Drop rates are way to low, that in turn invites all sorts of botters, cheaters and what not.