Impossible to play in the morning

Welcome to Super Hyper Turbo Queue Simulator 2021 Edition MAX. It’s either this or the servers get overloaded and you can’t play all day / get rolled back when the database falls over.

It sucks, but it is what it is. I have a couple of online chars now that I’ve slowly been working thru, but I also play offline so I can revert to my offline chars if I get the itch and just can’t be bothered with the wait.

Look – this will sort its self out eventually. Either bliz will come up with proper fixes thus no longer needing to put in such drastic queues, or they won’t and enough players will basically give up and leave, negating the need for server fixes and long queues since nobody will be playing :slight_smile: /sarcasm off

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the queue is a global one, not regional

china goes to bed thats why its slow in the morning bliz cant pay for servers they need to keep the money for ferrari and boats

I really wanna know how the MORNING for US time is the most popular? I call their bluff. It’s just not possible unless they are allowing asia to use NA servers.

Let CHYNA use their own damn servers. Maybe we will see lets bots too!

DEACTIVATE NA SERVER usage from asia

145 in queue. Hasn’t moved in 20 minutes.
Way to go Blizzard. You created a “Theme Park” game with people waiting in lines for hours.

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lol i was about to make a joke about how they spend more on a certain item - and the name of the item is banned from forum so … shoe must fit - lmao ijs >.>

ive been 171 for over 30 mins now … i think 2-3 hours is a understatement.

Should at least add a group chat for all people in queue to talk about how much fun we are having every morning.

It would clean up the forums a bit maybe allowing people to vent in real time with others in same boat.

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I have not played for a few days and today I tried to only to find this wonderful que. I started off at 154 and after 30 minutes I got to 8. Then when I finally got to login it failed and now I’m back to 128. I give up.

I guess I’ll try again later. Thanks Blizzard for having such awesome servers.

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Queue 178…waiting 25 min and than? Fail connection….now again queue 123

Wow what a bull**it Game

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I’ve been in 4 different queues this morning, all leading to the “Cannot connect to server” popup when I finally make it down to position 0.

Over 3 and a half hours so far, and I’m currently number 46 in my 5th queue this morning.

What a bunch of clowns running this sh*t show… :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


I can more play if the server are 2-3h every day down….this queue and 60sec GCT make the Game unplayable

I only came here because I’m in a queue right now at 9:30am PST. And yes it’s going down at the speed of a snail. It’s one thing to have a queue which actually moves with some speed. It’s another entirely to have one that takes 15-30+ minutes to get past.

I’m just going to setup a power on by RTC in my BIOS at 7am then add Diablo 2 to my windows startup boot so when I’m up before work at 8 maybe I’ll have a good 40 - 60 minutes to play.

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It took me working through 5 different queues and almost 4 hours to connect this morning.

This is going from joke to farce in no time… :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I just have my first double queue and I have no idea why…waited 20 minutes to get in, get to character list, then another queue popped up to see my characters, like wtf? And no I didn’t press B or whatever, I waited the entire time for the first queue. SO WHY AM I IN ANOTHER ONE. I am so frustrated right now. What is going on with this company to implement such shoddy stuff.

And again „ Cannot connect to server“ after queue was over….

How can this company so bad?

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how DARE you expect people to read and gather information before coming to %#@&! and moan in the forums, you sir have some radical ideas

The nerve of some people ya know? Sheesh :smiley:

I can get in with no wait time.
And when I actually have to wait, it’s usually maybe 5 other people ahead of me in queue.