[IMPORTANT] Add Refresh button to vendors

lol did you know that getting those valuable items requires docens of thousands of retries?

I guess he meant those items are only a million clicks away lmao. Plus you can already farm them if you really wanted and its not like you can purchase a JMOD from vendor. Very few people would have the patience to refresh vendors for hours as is the case now and the vast majority of them would still give up after 10 or 15 min of mindless clicking.

exactly, this refresh button is necessary

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1:250,000 chance to get a +3 Bone spear +3 ANY OTHER SKILL (like ANY other, not even talking something useful) on a bone wand from Drognan that is non magical and has 0 or 2 sockets. If you want like, +3 Spear +3 Teeth you’ll be refreshing vendor for the next 5 years. Same for things like +5/6 LS GTs from Anya. Man you’ll be spending years refreshing vendor. People have botted those in the past and gave up after running multiple bots for months 24/7 without a single hit.

Do you understand just how rare some things are that you can “shop”? Also, most Jeweler’s items that actually carry value cannot be bought in shop as they need to be Elite quality for the 4 sockets, or Tiara.

The only thing a refresh button will do is making relatively easy items to shop, like +3 Warcry, less of a hassle. It will not change anything for the rare stuff as the rarity is astronomical and also why people pay 20-100+++ HR worth for some of those items. If you could get such items by running in and out of town 5000 times to a vendor, everyone would be doing that already. But you can’t.

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In the field you will find a wand once per - say, 5 minutes.
In a shop you get umpteen ( 10-15 or so ) wands per opening. Drognan is the easiest to shop and will take - give or take - 5 seconds per refresh and 10 seconds to check all the wands. That alone gives you 300 wands per five minutes low estimate.
300 times more opportunity for a good wand than just finding one. With a refresh, this goes up to 450.
60 wands per minute, doing it manually. Much, much, much more if you script it - doing a simple UI mod, that would be completely transparent to Blizzard.

For JMODs on interesting items it is even worse, because you can usually just judge in the item in the shop can be what you seek. For example - “of the whale” items are always red. Knowing this you just press the refresh until something interesting pops up, check it, rinse repeat. Elite items can show up at a shop, shop bots do exist and ‘elite’ is not the be-all end all.

So far chain shopping for something is annoying because you need to reset the shop and interact with the vendor UI. Making it ‘one click’ issue makes this, in some cases, insanely more efficient than playing the game and it will crash the economy for some items.

Moreover - why this narrow focus on absolute best ever? +3 tree wand with bonus mod and some relevant skills is just as useful and you can swift through hundreds of wands per hour until you get the one you seek.

Because to break economy you need to be able to efficiently get the super rare items. A +3 spear wand is already rare but you can get one reliably in 30 minutes or so. As such its also not valuable.

You could aim for a Jeweler’s ancient armor of the whale at anya, but 1. It isn’t too rare, maybe 3 hours shopping, 2. it has a high strength requirement, 3. Its a medium armor and people dont want that because of frw penalty, 4. It isnt very valuable to begin with (2-3 ist runes if you’re lucky for 3 hours, you’re better off running keys), and 5. Who in their right mind is going to stick 4 40/15 jewels worth 3-4 ber runes each into this!?

Refreshing shop is only a qol improvement, not going to “ruin the economy”. You want stuff that ruins the economy, then go look at people running 50 pindlebots in a VM, not at Johnny clicking refresh 50 times to get 2 warcry weapons.

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You can’t buy JMOD vendors don’t sell Monarchs

My bad - I meant Jewelrer’s other things, like plates.
Albeit - they could fix the item availability finally.

this refresh button is a must!

19 likes in this request, this must be implemented

If gamble window has it, the regular shops should have it too. Blizzard, please make this change. Thanks!

very few request got 19 likes

If gamble window has it, the regular shops should have the refresh button too!

Blizzard, please implement this change.

20 likes already, everyone supports thos

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If gamble window has it, the regular shops should have the refresh button too!

Won’t work in multiplayer.
Vendor windows is shared for all players in the game - only when all players leave town, the shop will refresh.
Having a refresh button would make a mess when multiple players are buying from the shop.

I’m sure they can resolve the issue in multiplayer as you mentioned. Should not be a show stopper.

Developers, please consider this request.

How is this supposed to work in multiplayer game? you can literally grief other players with it. Player-specific vendor screens?

I don’t like this. As many have mentioned, it makes obtaining certain magic items much easier.

maybe let all the gear to just be present on your stash right away? and characters be created at 99 from the get go. Why waste time playing.