[IMPORTANT] Add Refresh button to vendors

I mean please add refresh button to vendors such as:
act 1 - akara, charsi
act 2 - fara, drognan
act 3 - ormus, hratti, asheara
act 4 - jamella, halbu
act 5 - malah, larzuk, anya

Because I want to buy 3/20 gloves from anya and I need to enter red portal and wait a sec to load, then wait a sec to be able to enter red portal again, then wait a sec to load etc
Because I want to buy staff for leaf base and city entrance is near mercenary vendor in act 2 Kappa

So I can get Elexa name for act 1 merc, Emilio for act 2, right now I need to exit game if I want other name :frowning:


totally agree… do it guys


10/10 change. I would totally get behind this.

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I totally agree, refresh option for buying in single player only or non shared npc screens. Seems like a great QOL option as we have all wasted countless hours trying to buy ias gloves, LT wands etc.

Support :+1:

Please implement this.

Yeah LT wands, LR wands, Tp staff, 3/20 gloves, mf gloves/boots, gloves boots with resistances, movement speed the list go on and on, there are so many useful things u can buy from for example nightmare charsi if only u would be able to refresh her inventory huh

I support this 100%.

add it blizzard, we will be happy with this change

This is a terrible idea. Really, really terrible idea. Here is why:

  1. It masks the underlying problem of vendors having trouble in providing certain assortment of goods - boot/glove/belt and certain weapon types are between hard to impossible to purchase.

  2. It masks the underlying problem of quality of game-generated items. The game should consistently provide basic level-appropriate gear from vendors and monsters. Such button would just encourage to skinner-box your way into some gear instead of swifting through junk during the game, which at this point is guaranteed to be inferior ( unless unique ) Especially…

  3. …since some BiS quality stuff can be bought in shops and a refresh button would encourage to bot it for hours instead of trying to obtain it in the field.

For hirelings it makes sense, I guess, but it would just be better to be able to select a hireling type and than just select the name from the list. Or even maybe name him/her ourselves.


I 100% support it because i want Priscilla from A1 Merc. S2

this is a must, no doubt

I’m not following your argument against adding a refresh button for vendors. This would be a nice feature so you don’t have to constantly exit area/game to find an item your looking for.

Plus this adds some realism in the fact that your looking through all the vendor wares in their shop… just like my wife spending countless hours in an antique shop.


Many expensive items (e.g assa’s claws from Anya) may end like rubel


i hope blizzard will read this post and implement it

+1 support for this changes
Going in and out of map totally kill my mouse for spam click on wp / red portal

it kill my arm too, add it blizzard

I support this 100%.

With this, almost all magic drops would be worthless to pick up and id because shopping would be 20 times easier.

This is not what magic items need. They are already very weak compared to other items.


BOTs will love this too! For the 4 os 100 Life Armor farming or 2 Pala, 3 Concent, 3 Hammer, 10 FCR Magic Scepter farming.

don’t think in bots, and don’t think in getting rich selling magic items, just think that this will help us to not waste all our time walking to get the shop refreshed

please blizzard, do it, add the refresh button