Nah if you want a straight impale jab than you really have to charge forward so it will be slower than regular attack but thats where the IAS comes in.
That could be end game mechanic. I mean you could find a gold one with skills and stuff and repairs durability so plenty of picks now.
Good example for solid RW for Impaler Zon could be actually āOathā - it is easily affordable, has great 50 IAS, solid ED and it is Indestructible, so durability is not an issue here. Heart of Wolverine and Iron Golem are great addition to Valkyrie as Meat shields, as IG could be made from some good item providing further Aura, for example ā¦
|Oath|4 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces
|Shael + Pul + Mal + Lum|
30% Chance To Cast Level 20 Bone Spirit On Striking
+50% Increased Attack Speed
+210-340% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+75% Damage To Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Energy
+10-15 Magic Absorb (varies)
Level 16 Heart Of Wolverine (20 Charges)
Level 17 Iron Golem (14 Charges)|
Thibg is they did not provide adequate gear to make this build powerful. I think it can uber ā¦ but was unable to try it.
You need a ebotd pike for sure
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Yeah gear wise this build is in shambles. Running a 2H spear destroys resists. We need obedience or something like it to make up for that.
I got maxed all res on my fendzone - 2x gc 15@+6dex one 15@+7frw and 3 SC 5@+2dex, torch 20/19, anni 15/20, bad rolled Forti and Rare circ with 20@.
You need to do it with charms.
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Then youāre gimped on damage and canāt use max/ar/life charms like other melee builds do.
20k dmg and 17k ar on fend. Whut
Dex adds ar and dmg to ama spears/javs.
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Iām a fan of the idea of completely reworking the skill Impale so that it is a thrown weapon skill with 100% pierce that goes through block, with a very slight ed% bonus similar to Guided Arrow.
This would make sense for the physical jav skill tree. This way we get Jab for single target melee, Impale for a thrown skill, Fend for mobs.
I mean we really donāt need two skills trying to contest each other in viability for best single target strike.
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So you have jav tree - itās spear tree 
Throwns are on the other side of tree 
Itās about spearzone not adding another tool for fury amazon to deal with light immunes.
I disagree,
Impale is not a PvM skill, and yes a jab is going to greatly outperform it on single target because what you want in pvm single-target-melee-dps is rapid attacks with alot of crushing blow, you can build uberzon around a jab that melts high health targets.
Impale is pvp attack, that is quite potent after the buff its received, my test bowajab character seems to be getting 4.8 guided arrows and 21k impales with ebotd on war pike, if you add the critical chance which is almost guaranteed, thats pretty heavy for pvp
lets do some math here
21000x2 = 42000x0.17 = 7140 hit in pvp, half if 50% damage reduce, not bad for an attack that is only supplement your bowazon anyway, someone tries to gain the distance or to stomp you, bang dead.
Its super op if you ask me.
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To each their own. For PVP it may be ok, for PVM which the majority of people play, it wonāt even be touched in this state.
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Itās still bad in pvp, way too slow. Against any actual seasoned duelist it would very seriously be a 1/100 chance of actually landing an Impale even with max ias breakpoints. The only way you could pull it off vs. say a 125% fcr necro or 200% sorc, would be if you already had a name lock on them and you took the risk to stand still and blindly swing with Impale while maintaining the name lock, in hopes that they would attempt to tele-stomp you at the exact moment the Impale animation ended to land the strike. In this event, a very wise intuitive accurate duelist MAY be able to land an Impale but it would be a last ditch maneuver only to be used when you know you are already losing, because standing still and swinging slow melee attacks is pretty much laying down and allowing a 125% necro or 200% sorc an opening to kill you. Even if they messed up and teleād into you during the Impale, the 125% and 200% fcr is so much faster than the Impale, that the person would see the Impale animation and just tele right back out. I mean that Impale animation would need to be timed perfectly for a seasoned duelist to accidentally land in that and die.
But to further support your thread here, here is a short clip I just made from a feedback stream I did today with the PTR. A base lv 1 Jab is very seriously still much stronger than even a lv 20 Impale. If Blizz/Activision wants Impale to be a useful skill, they gotta do something else man:
(1) D2r lv 1 Jab is still better than lv 20 Impale - Twitch
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Good suggestion, particularly agree about the Spears using polearm runewords.
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Itās also worth noting that Critical Strike/Deadly Strike do NOT work with Impale while it does with Jab, which just farther widens the gap. They should make it so Impale can crit, itād help a little bit.
But I agree, in addition to making it critable they need to significantly improve Impaleās attack speed, itās just so terribly slow.
All itās really good for currently is a 1 point investment for the free Slow against bosses, one Impale then swap to Jab to finish them off, it doesnāt make Impale a very interesting skill.
Yeah I think people would be fine with it attacking slow if it actually felt like it hit hard. Crit/Deadly are a big part of that.
Impale should be faster AND not have this durability thing going on. That should be removed.
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Exactly. Change the entire animation of impale and speed it up. Make it crit/apply CB. If this goes live it would be a massive missed opportunity
Just wanted to say thanks for all the feedback guys. Hopefully blizzard can use this to make a melee focused amazon better.
Impale being slower than the other skills is in keeping with the spirit/uniqueness of the skill itself. Iām surprised crit/CB doesnāt apply on impale though, those should work.
I agree it should keep its uniqueness and also that crit CB should apply but my main point is that itās just plain unusable in its current state. Nobody will be using impale over other skills if the skill goes live in this state.
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