open wounds could help with bossmonsters and their healing rate. could lead to interesting strategies like hit with impale, switch to jab for a few seconds, switch back for imaple (for slowing and open wounds), etc. though im not too knowledgable with melee…
Well healing is usualy issue only on diablo clone and ubers. And i dont think impale is viable there. They will kill you before you kill them with impale.
ah okay. and the slow won’t help with it? im too lazy to go for numbers on this one.
Well slow will definitely help with bosses. I am not sure how long it last now if it is same effect as classic slow stat.
I was trying to say that its not worth to keep impaling uber boss because dmg you dish out will not be fast enough to leech enough back to survive most likely. But i have to test it eventualy. It is just hard to test some stuff as we didnt get proper items. I was able to get only necro and Druid torch so far and generate like 7 sojs. I need a lot more to summon clone. Hopefully someone will help to summon him.
ill look the slow stat up in the files, the classic one was 30 sec, wasnt it? recall that on my lld necro. maybe one could utilitze it on a switch with jab, but not sure if that build is viable with synergies and such. i still didnt try the melee amazon. cant really help with the sojs, still at work atm maybe later i can give you the 2 from my accounts.
Yeah classic slow should be 30 seconds.
At work also sadly lol. I want to test stuff
+1 for allowing polearm runewords to be made in spears. Melee zon’s choices are super limited currently.
BotD, Ethernity, CtA, Malice(early), Fortitude, Passion, Phoneix, Honor comes to mind rn.
Edit: Silence for big all res.
FWIW, adding open wounds would at least allow you to retreat without the life regen starting until the open wounds expires. It’s also a mild form of damage that can help slightly.
Sure, but open wounds doesnt last that long to be honest. Prevent monster heal is so much better, sadly not working on ubers.
There should probably be an exception introduced for the OW length for impale to be honest
The only really decent one is ebotd. Compare the others damage wise to what a one hander+a shield would be like for the other characters.
Passion for example only has 210% Ed. Eternity goes up to 310%, has no IAS, and costs a Ber+Sur. Nobody is making a CTA as a damage weapon, it has low ED and no melee modifiers like CB or OW, fort weapon only has 300ed and no modifiers like CB or OW and no IAS, Phoenix has no IAS also, and Silence has super low ED and only 20ias.
With this current set of runewords, especially when comparing the costs, melee spears aren’t really viable for anything other than P1 games.
Actualy cta would not be bad in mancatcher. CTA is pretty good as weapon+ you have bo
Yeah I just dumped a bunch of RWs that have Open Wounds, Crushing Blow, and Prevent Monster Heal in their affixes. So yeah you’re right, BotD is the only viable option.
I’d be interested in seeing it’s damage in a mancatcher, but I don’t see it outdoing EBOTD mat Pike.
Mancatcher has good speed, best actualy. It is kind of sad that ama specific spears has worse speed.
Yeah I know it’s good on the private servers where you can make insight out of it etc for mercs. Just wonder how the damage would be when compared with EBOTD here. I still think melee zons need more options though. I’ll test the mancatcher CTA. Still seems like 100% lower ED than Ebotd and then you’re gimping your Bo etc cause no shield to buff the skills.
I am not saying its better than both war pike. I was only saying that as option because its harder to get zod.
You can just use unique spears, its cheaper.
Guys ebotd in +3jav Matriarchal pike
I agree Impale attack speed needs the same treatment as fend imho to make it viable. Just increase the attack speed significantly.