Immunities should disappear and instead leave the place to Super-resistant monsters

I’d be happier if you’d save your change list/ideas for D4. Thanks!

Muting the thread as this is going nowhere.

I see a tonne of hybrid spec sorcs these days. But they’re in game playing and not complaining about immunities on forums.


Immunities exist because of patch 1.10 and the Infinity runeword.
You get rid of immunities you have to nerf Infinity’s aura lvl

yes lets make the game easier…not.

i dont think a lot of noobs understand the game is best enjoyed in a group. some folks tank, multiple buffers, different elements fighting, etc… immunities are not a problem. and if you’re playing by yourself YOU CAN SKIP MONSTERS! The only monsters that aren’t truely skippable are act bosses and obviously they don’t have immunities. even in throne room you can just drag all the mobs outside throne to get to the next wave! so many spoons needed these days…


You just proved you know nothing about resistances lol

Immunities weren’t created to counter infinity, but most likely the other way around

Infinity power is unchanged if monsters max resist is capped at 95, quite the opposite, it makes it less mandatory

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you making this thread proved you don’t know how to play this game o.O


Lol what…

I know how to play the game, me explaining things shows Not only I know how to play it but how to fix its flaws

Pretty hard to fix something you don’t know how it works

How does monsters having twice more life makes the game easier?

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because you want immunities to disappear. why?? you’re just adding some silly steps. current system is not broken. not sure what you are proposing makes the game more “fun” o.O out of all the things blizz could/should do for d2r this is your concern…nice

1.07 is when immunities started creeping into the game. It became more and more present as time went on. You are right that Infinity was an attempt at giving people a way to break immunities. The thing is that immunities shouldn’t be a thing. Especially when the runeword to finally be able to kill those monsters require Ber + Ber + mal + ist… That’s a lot of expensive runes to finally be able to stop avoiding the army of lightning immunes in hell mode.
Heck, it’s so frustrating to play a sorc and getting to the ancients and there’s immunes there… for a mandatory quest.

And yeah, if you remove immunities it only means their resistance is no longer above 100%
Bosses like diablo rarely have resistances above 50%, so if a monster has 85% resistance to fire, he’s more resistant to a fire sorc than Diablo (who’s pretty much Mr. I live in hell where there’s fire everywhere).
Immunities just don’t make much sense… it’s just frustrating.


He also doesn’t know how to use punctuation.

it is an end game item/reward that is not necessary to finish the game solo on any character… next should we make enigma easier to make too?

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I’ve talked about this item here in the past. I actually hate it lol. Never liked the fact that it was added to the game.

Exactly. This game died and had to be “resurrected” for a reason, actually many. Graphics was only one of them.

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why? it is so fun to be a light sorc and javazon with an infinity merc. it makes PvM feel so nice… it is worth the price.

It’s only worth the price because otherwise you’re not doing any damage in a lot of areas in hell mode
I was talking about enigma btw. A lot of the items added in 1.10 pretty killed the way the game used to be played. You’d make a group with people playing specific classes (old school RPG style) to be able to clear content efficiently. Now with the 1.10 runewords everyone is a beast zipping through maps and clearing it in 2-3 minutes top.

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negative. hard no. absolutely not.

one of the core mechanics of the game is immunities. there’s a reason only a couple things break immunities.

we’re not supposed to be able to kill everything with impunity. there’s a reason you need at least two types of damage between you and your merc to kill everything in the game.

immunities are NOT some magic arbitrary barrier. it’s meant to make you strategize and stop and think and plan your build and where you go and how you fight.


after a certain point, it becomes moot, because you’re either dealing enough types of damage it doesn’t matter if they’re immune to one or two, or you have enough damage between you and your merc, and enough survivability, to just steamroll anyway

and i dont see anything wrong with enigma either, another end game item with nice end game stats. i loved pre 1.10 d2 but for me golden age was 1.10-1.12…

All I’m getting out of the OP is;
I want to be able to play all of the content with one character.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the game was changed so that certain classes simply couldn’t do some content without sacrifices or more difficulty.
You put the change you want into the game and everyone will run extreme cold penetration Blizzard Sorceresses as they are the most effective class at managing all content. In fact, they can currently do all content provided they have an appropriately equiped merc.
This change will make it a no brainer for someone choosing time efficiency builds for MF runs.

As it currently stands, you actually need to decide how you want to approach the game and make real decisions.

Removing the immunities will be the game pretty much holding your hand and removing the adversity from the equation entirely.

Just… no.

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That is way too many words to simply say that you are a sour purist

And you’ve admitted defeat by having no rebuttal and instead resort to yours and most others usual response. And that’s okay, I ain’t mad that I don’t get to provide a defense to back up my statements.

Far from a purist, as you’d know if you read anything I’ve posted in the past half year but you’re too busy being salty about a game you can’t find enjoyment in due to a mechanic you don’t agree with.

It’s simple, it really is.

I’ll leave you to your devices as I am no longer interested in this thread.