Please post these polls.
Vitality will always be important for pvp.
W proper gear you can shift vit and your gear will give you enough str/dex for equipment. Aside from max block but even that generally you will have gear providing a good portion of that required dex.
I think the better question is how do you NOT know? Inform yourself. Most of the Reasonable “change” threads have 40+ likes on THIS forum. While the next post, whether its a childish rebuttal or just anti-change gets about 1/4. Thats just the tip of the iceberg, this isn’t the only community. But it is the only one that people have to pay to be on.
So basically you have no real poll data.
There would have to be an accurate poll taken by everyone with a d2r account for this to be a valid argument. Until then it’s just a vocal minority whining about heresay.
The fact that you seemingly base all your assumptions on these likes and mysterious polls (which will likely not even reveal the number of participants) is not very flattering.
You really should start looking at what Blizzard said or didn’t say about these matters, be factual, and argue your points from the stance of “what I would like to see happen”, instead of “this will inevitably happen”. You have zero evidence that Blizzard will make any changes to immunities, or any other type of profound change to game balance. You are trying to will these changes into effect. It never worked that way.
If they consider to mess with one of those systems. I don’t think they would do that way.
1- immunites exists for a reason, the source to break them should be weaker and fewer, not stronger and common. While I would agree reducing the max resist of them, that would impact on lower resist, cold mastery and conviction severely nerfed or reworked. But also some gear perks.
If they make up 95% they would need to remove the concept entirely or just reduce the current “reduce resist” numbers by scale of 10-20.
In that regard they should also increase magic resist by at least to 50% and affixes who improves magic resist make them “immune” to it or following the 95% rule. That way hammerdins should also skip mobs or just diversify their builds also, all builds do the prior or later anyways, most mobs who has immunity to magic aren’t even on required path in the first place, that way would keep them aware of risks but could handle those foes.
2- stats, there’s no deep stat system on d2. Stats basically works as requirement and the rest on vit for survival, that is the harsh truth on majority of builds. You use str for gear and melee damage, dex for gear/block and bow/xbow damage, vit for stamina and hp, energy should be also applied to gear(caster gear: wands, orbs, staves), and maybe mana regen. Not those concepts you mentioned, the game already gives too much power for the player atributtes should restrict more not provide even more powercreep. Make stats more burden for the player because are what they’re, in that regard put some weight on energy to impact the gear that has less requirements on the game, for real all classes can use staves and wands which they shouldn’t without friction.
That way anybody who would use wand, staff, orb or heavily based on magic would pay a price for it. Right now sorc pays str for spirit by using the same concept. So isn’t surreal to consider the energy being used in that regard. If they want something different for it they could make energy improve fcr from a ratio of 5-10% of energy value on top of it, but mess with stat system without putting that kind of requirement is really missing a great opportunity.
Didn’t bored to mention AR and defense because those kind of stats either the player uses tricks to ignore/bypass it or just dump a crazy amount of it through some combination of perks.
Classes have a crazy amount of damage already, they should reduce those numbers not keep increasing it. Most of the “disliked” stuff of D3 by example were deeply influenced by 1.10 which introduced that kind of powercreep anyways. Stats should restrict builds even more, is the only way to reduce the amount of powercreep and at same time generate some depth to the game. About immunities I would go 95% and the lower resist/infinity being 1/10 or 1/20 of the current bonuses. Leaving from 95% to 90% by example is effectively doubling your damage. Because the target would get twice as much damage as before.
-200% would turn to 10-20% that would be a huge damage increase. Cold mastery increasing cold damage instead of piercing immunities should also adapted. Items who pierces elemental resist, should be limited to up 1-5%. Jewels having 1% and gear up 5%.
That way could get roughly -20% from gear and about 10-30% from conviction+lower resist. Meaning 95-> 45-65% resist when combine those perks. If they want they also could make lower resist impact magic resist also.
Is plenty of damage for glass cannons, decent damage for all rounders at 75-90%.
Instead of create new systems, they should improve the current one, which cleary wasn’t exactly planned well enough or at least not well rounded.
That way more builds would be more viable and the current ones would kept being strong, just less overall bizarre numbers, which pairs nicely on huge hp monsters that often are target of cb and stactic anyways.
Bringing a bit challenge on the table and maybe more content being done instead of one trick runs.
I’m up to changes that makes the game more challenging without introducing more powercreep or exploits. Bring the challenge on the table because d2 at this moment isn’t a challenge at all.
Folks get creative on limited scenarios. Stats are the right spot to do so. While resists are a form to improve that flexibility.
FCR, MF, Aspd, Hp, Vit, Str, Dex, -X% defense, Ignore defense, cb, ds, ow, -x% resist, frw, fhr, all resist, all stats, all skills. Are desireable stats, while energy isn’t even if almost all skills consume a nice amount of mana and are used basically for all classes, not build except based on energy shield(which often goes to vit and str also) uses energy for real.
Also Mrllama per-launch survey goes that way
666 players voted. Laughable. Barely a fraction of the playerbase. Therefore the poll isn’t anywhere near an accurate reflection of anything to bother referencing in an argument.
And anyone who goes by any thing that scrub mr llama says is already on the wrong track.
Lol talk about a loser mentality « if a poll that I disagree with doesn’t meet an impossible condition, therefor it’s not valid even if it meets agreed upon polling standards”
“The only thing I can find to support my claims is a minute fraction of players in a poll, (again 666 ppl voted .) I’m going to post this and push it as an accurate depiction of what this games player base wants”
Sold well over a million copies…. 666 out of over a million. Math is hard right?
Loser denial.
Go ahead, tell me based on reliable sources what is the required sample of participants for this poll to be acceptable?
Inb4 you spew bull crap, imma tell you the answer… for 5%error margin, 95%confidence and a population of a million
1million players which is exaggerated for a game that lost the majority of its player since launch
Well the required sample size is around 375 polled
You laugh at 666 but it’s twice the required participants
The fact that you think a random poll of 666 players dictates what this games playerbase wants means you don’t have the common sense to have a rational discussion to begin with. Sorry you’re so upset about it.
Edit: you edited your post and now think half of that pitiful sample size is a fair depiction? You literally just edited that to lose even more face. How sad is that?
Seek mental help mate, it’ll be good for you and those close to you(those left around)
Lose an arguement and start trying to insult people. Now THATS “loser mentality.” Lol. Thanks for playing.
Yeah, the guy with sources, data and majority endorsement “lost” the argument
Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better buddy. Sorry I hurt your feelings.
Nail on the head as to why D2R does not have nearly as many online players today as it did at launch. Nostalgia wore off. D2 game design did not age well. Its why no other ARPG has mimic’d immunities.
Go play D3 little boy and leave D2 as it is for the real players. Noob.
I mean that’s essentially what i want as well. My post was an attempt to probably fix too many problems at once.
It would fix physical damage problems, boosting DEX, makes hit rate and non-casters MF RUNS speed less of an issue. And by making uniques a source of non-stack immunity breaking it also allowed uniques to have value again. Guess i should have put that as my intro.
They got rid of immunities in other games because snatchweasel crybabies like you can’t handle them.