If 'quick cast' was introduced due to community feedback, /player 8 online is inevitable

‘Quick cast’ was introduced due to community feedback and there has been at least as much community feedback for /player 8 online if not more. Blizzard has also clearly acknowledged the importance of /player 8 by announcing its introducing it to single player for consoles.


Key words Single Player. There will not be a /players 8 for online. You’re going to have to deal with that.


You sound pretty sensitive about this. Judging by community support here it looks like there is a good chance that /player 8 will be introduced online and “You’re going to have to deal with that”.


p8 was added to single player console because it was a game feature of PC that was missing to begin with on console. Nothing more nothing less.

Quickcast was added to PC because it was a game feature of console that was missing to begin with on PC (since controller support was added from the get go). Nothing more nothing less.


Defeats the purpose of online play then. Why bother having a lobby for games? Eh, just start up a game and type in /players 8. Online is meant for players to play games together. Not for you to reap the benefits of MF and XP gain. You can do that in Single player.


They have to add monster power mods and add bonus xp for grouping. Because right now playing online with 8 people is such a grief.

We dont need p8 command online, you have other people you can join online.

Only few people is for players x command online as rest understand how negative implications it would cause.


“/players 8 online” is simply asking for higher drop rates, nothing more. Admit it. Otherwise, why would anyone select “/players 1”?

Instead of asking to make the game dramatically easier, you should be looking for ways to make your play more efficient. Joining a guild would go a long way towards that.

Finding a group of well-behaving, trusted players to juice player counts and earn your drops, instead of looking for a hand out…

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What negatives? Once you factor the increased clear time in /player 8 you get a modest bump with some drops but you can get that anyway by destroying a public quest game. The only real difference is for high runes but we know the economy worked fine for years with them being equal to Ist in value.


multiple posts does not equal viable idea.

It isn’t inevitable but I wish you were right

The reasons people want /players # multiplayer is more XP, more drops and a greater challenge.

The reason we now have 16 Torment levels in D3 is because people wanted more XP, more drops and a greater challenge… Which came… Then casual players complained about it being too difficult, which over several years resulted in power creep galore due to 10,000X damage multipliers and 50+% damage reduction buffs everywhere.

Do we want to repeat D3’s powercreep fest?

The only thing I might be open to is one higher difficulty… The return of “Inferno” difficulty perhaps? :smiley:

Not really. All it does is allow solo online players to mf more effectively (at the cost of higher monster health by up to 450% increase). It doesn’t get rid of chaos runs, Baal runs, trading, rushing, anything like that. It actually helps online because it will reduce toxicity because of how the multiplayer functions (crashing leveling games making it harder on them while you just go MF with the benefit of more players). So I really don’t see like, any issue with allowing /players for online.


Yes really. Now you’d have people constantly running solo games at /players 8. This defeats the purpose of joining games online now bringing to the entire amount of online games even lower. You’re going to have fewer games open with multiple people playing. Trade economy will be disrupted as well since now the market is going to be flooded even quicker.

Famous last words…


They already do run solo games, it’s just at players 1. So what they can use players 7 (were it implemented), enjoy the 400% increase in enemy health and some more drops. I don’t see the big deal, sorry. Better than what we currently have which is widespread mf toxicity, certainly.

As to trade economy, again, so what? It already gets flooded in a month, so what if it’s flooded in 2 weeks instead? So what if regular people are able to farm things like HRs somewhat more efficiently, and certainly with less toxicity? Again, I see no issues, sorry.


I just went to try out what will happen if I just open a game in Hell randomly , nobody joined for 5 mins :rofl:

This may come as a shock to you, but not everyone enjoys playing with other people. And don’t say those people can play offline. People want to be able to do /players 8 to find loot and trade that loot. There are also a lot of people who only play with a friend or two and would like to find more loot as well.

You say the trade economy will be disrupted and flooded with more loot. What you are really saying is loot won’t be worth as much and you can’t get rich. Doesn’t everyone deserve the best loot? Or is the best loot only reserved for the rich?


Anybody can just play with seven other people and achieve players 8. A streamer can do it at will actually. It’s so easily achievable that it might as well just be an option in game.

Also since blizzard allows multi-boxing and having multiple accounts on at the same time, they already allow this as a pay-to-win feature.

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Why do people keep complaining about me ruining their game just because I killed the boss before they could get there ? These dum dums invited me by making a public game… what a bunch of cry babies am I right ?