If 'quick cast' was introduced due to community feedback, /player 8 online is inevitable

Its kinda BM if you join a game to MF and purposefully kill the boss the party is focused on.
Go kill the other MF targets.

But I will say that “hijacking” is not a real thing as long as you’re doing the latter.

lol the forum: “enable p8 online”

also the forum: “gtfo out of my game thereby decreasing the player count MFer!”


ActiBlizz might implement, I have my doubts for multi player allowing it without a massive code change, cause the drops and difficulty are tied to the actual number of players that joined the game. Not what 1 online player in a multi player game wants to set the difficulty and drops to. Not worth the dev time would be my vote. Fix all the bugs first, then the lobby really needs some attention.

This is why P8 was added to single player, because you cannot trade.

Because you’re able to trade in online play, there is no reason to have P8.

For them to add P8 Blizzard would have to take something away to balance the game, especially the economy. Nobody wants that, and ppl who claim they do, have not thought about this in depth at all. They’re just parroting somebody else.

I’d like to have increase loot drop as much as everyone else, but P8 is a bad solution.

The game either needs this or better lobbies. Right now it’s hard to even find decent player count games to mf in because all the games are either 1 player trade lobbies, baal runs type games that end quickly, or if it’s an old game people have already cleared all the lvl 85 spots.

Very presumptious, OP.

Just because some people think something should happen doesn’t mean it’s actually a good decision.

Seems like the OL /p8 option is the new ploot… probably the same group of people asking for it. Single player got the /p8 option for a reason. OL multiplayer did NOT get that same setup for a reason.

How about Blizz fix the game first, then adjust the lobby since that is a mess. Maybe after that (if they can do it) it would be time to think of other things to change.

I support /players online

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/player 8 is the opposite of ploot. It allows stronger players to get better drops without dealing with weaker players leeching off them.

he’s not being sensitive about it, he’s being a realist.

adding the hotkey bar is a cosmetic change that only involves the interface and keybinding mechanics.

having /players 8 command working in offline mode is also easy, because the parameters are basic and easy to code around. in offline play, when you set players to 8 using the command, it emulates the situation where 8 players are running around without being in a party.

in online play, experience and monster strength is determined by more factors than just the number of people in the game.

are they in a party? are they in more than one party? are they close together or spread out in different zones?

all of these factors are things the game server detects, and adjusts the monsters and drop tables and experience tables dynamically in the background as things change.

there is no point to blizzard spending millions of dollars rebuilding the server-side game engine from the ground up to allow for online /players 8 just so you can set your game to 8 players and grind cows and mephisto solo but with drop rates like you were in a group.

you can already do that -offline-

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The only possible way we’ll ever see a /players X command on Battle.net hosted games (“online”) is if Blizzard also intends to introduce a fully locked and isolated solo self found (SSF) mode. That requires significant coding, and we’ve been asking for that in D3 for years to no avail.

I’m pretty certain we won’t see /players X online anytime soon. Unlike personal loot, which just distributes already existing drops, /players X has the potential to create additional drops as that is what it was designed to do - scale the reward schedule as if that many players were in the game. Without a means to lock a character to permanent solo status, this just isn’t going to happen.

Oh god, people could actually get loot. WHO CARES? The economy of this game is already a total farce due to JSP, RMT and bots, might as well let the non cheaters get something.

If the game is so easy that you can more efficiently farm the mode intended for 8 players with a single character…

Maybe the 8 player mode needs to be made much harder.

you’re not part of the community anymore, we canceled you for your stupid ideas


No, you’re the dumdum for not cooperating with people who wanted to accomplish something specific. It’s one thing to go to other acts/areas to kill stuff to take advantage of the playercount, it’s another entirely to kill the group’s intended target without them there.

I hope so.

Sadly, raiding other players’ games is the only way to get /players8 equivalent online. IMHO, going into someone else’s game, farming all the hot spots, without regard for the other players there is the height of rudeness. Plenty of times I have been leveling up some character, only to be forced to change games mid act down to some clown killing the boss I was just about to get to myself to progress Acts.

No, you are not right.

By killing the boss (for example) in the act that the others players are is the height of bad manners. Yes, you can do that, as the game allows it, but that does not mean you should. Google “Wheatons Law” as I believe it applies in this instance.

I disagree. Even with a full party of 8, loot does not rain from the sky. It’s an increase to the amount of drops. It doesn’t mean that every thing that drops are the best drops, just a increased chance of it. Everyone paid for this game and everyone should have the same chance of getting the the same loot as a full party of 8.

You actually make it sound like blizzard actually listens so well to players. tl;dr, they dont

Not introducing /player n online is not an issue of balance or incentivizing group play.

It’s 99% an issue of “how do you implement it”. There’s a lot of blockers: Who controls the game’s level when there’s multiple players? The creator/host? What if they leave? What do you do if real players show up in the game? Do you increase difficulty further? Do you not count actual real players until their number goes beyond the override? What do you do when players leave? Decrease the count accordingly? Leave it at the level it was until the host lowers it with a command?

  • you have less reasons to play with others
  • how will that work with players joining your game under /players X setting, it will be mess, watch the last video from MrLama explaning it . He is right.