I won't play this game for a simple reason

Because my storage is full, if I continue to play, there will be nowhere to put the booty, so I won’t play for the time being. I’ll continue to play when I increase the storage space in the future.


I mean… you arent wrong? But you also arent right.

Part of the game is organizing and working on the few things of value you find. Not hold infinite libraries of junk that might trade.

That IS the game. We are lucky to have the space we got. Would be nice to have “a bit” more. But too much more? Bad idea

Also you know how to make mules correct? I’ve got one named after the things they hold. “Flawed Gems” “Socket Armor”


Good point. This is why I bought a small harddisk. So I can manage the games, apps & files , to manage which to keep & which to delete. Nothing is more exciting then to look for games , files & apps to delete to free up space for new games, apps. Then reinstall the deleted apps/games when I need them again.

I cannot understamd why manufacters keep making harddisk bigger. They are taking away the joy of managing harddisk with ever increasing storage.


but if you’re not using the gear anyway… what’s the point of storing it?? where is the logic.

to use it in the future? to trade it? to keep it as a swap item especially for PvP? for a character or build who might not want it just yet but will in the future? i mean there are countless valid reasons why people would want to keep gear they aren’t actively using, there are countless things to do in the game, it’d be nice if we had countless amounts of storage to alleviate all this, to truly get rid of muling which they actually were proud of “no longer having to mule” lol, they’d actually get rid of that nonsense and we’d have enough character slots suddenly to actually play the game so idk is that logic u tell me


but they aren’t turning on the game anymore, so having hordes of gear stashed away for nothing is so pointless… right… ?

i don’t necessarily agree with blizzards new approach to diablo 2 with the one acct 20 chars thing, because in LoD we had infinite, so it’s quite the nerf in terms of stash space. i just keep cycling out things i know i will not ever use and have very low value at this point, i just threw away a trang armor and a bunch of other stuff that isn’t as useful.

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What is too much more? We dont have any space for item storage. There is only 20 places for characters. If you fill it with chars you play, you dont have any place left.

Sure you can store some things in shared place, but you will fill it fast.


It just needs 2 more shared storage tabs and a shared currency tab. That’s all I would have thought. I can see people wanting more though.


Storage will never be infinite. Waiting for more storage its not going to resolve that, you will be stuck in the same situation sooner than later. Free up some space while waiting if you really want to keep playing.
We hope for two more tabs and a currency tab (devs dont dismiss the idea), that would make it easier, for the majority should suffice (some people will never make it there no matter what, too much plugy lol)

There’s literally no reason to keep all the garbage you have. If you care that much just play offline

I don’t even keep occys at this point. They get given away. I can’t imagine what crap you have in there

I like to collect items and it forces me to use mule chars. But I also found out, if I would only collect items that are actually useful in a build, then there are not so many. Many items may be nice o have for levelling at tlow levels or maybe pvp low lev duels, but most of all uniques are just nice made but useless. Give me a list of what actually is worth to hold and I guess there is no longer need for more stash. While rare items often are more useful, who really looks at all of them? I don´t.

You could always just get rid of the thousands of cracked sashes you have in your inventory, or move them to mules if you want them for some strange reason.

Nobody is talking about garbage, I can honestly keep just few good things in shared stash and thats it.

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Hey this the crew from Hoarders, could we take a look at your stash?

sees 3 tabs full of Standard of Heroes

Sir, we need to throw these out!

“No you cannot touch these, you never know when these will become useful one day!!!”

Unless you got 3 tabs full of Enigma, coa, high runes, annis, grief, etc then you ain’t got a stashing problem…you got a “I like to hold onto trash” problem.

You’ve never played HC, have you?

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Exactly. Why people keep stuff they do not have immediate use. Bought a powerdrill as I need to get some work done. After the work was done, as any logical person will do, I threw it away beside the dumpers. Anyone can pick up if they want.

As I threw it, a neighbor saw me & asked me why I threw it always. He said something crazy like I should keep it in the basement, so if I need it again, I can use it. What nonsense.

I mean, if I need it again, I can always drive 15 mins to the hardware store, pick up another powerdrill, pay 100bucks or whatever it cost, drive home, & I can do powerdrilling again.

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I believe this game should at least have enough space to hold every unique + set items. Like Pokemon it will just have enough slot for every single catchs. Image if pokemon game only have like 100 slots, people will simply stop play it sa well


What’s the matter gotta have more than enough stash space to hoard to your hearts content. This game is about stash management. Only keeping what you will use either for your current character. Also keeping a very small amount for alts.

You ever hear of making a mule???

You would not have done well in old school d2 lol. The stash was half the size and there were no shared tabs.

I was full as well, so I just went and deleted one of my mules. Most of the stuff on them was/will never be used. I grabbed the stuff I wanted to keep and moved on. Yes it sucks we have only 20 slots right now, hopefully that will change in the future.

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