I lost all the items I was wearing. After the death of the character, I found my corpse, clicked on it, the body disappeared, but the objects did not appear. They were not found either in the inventory or on the map. Everything disappeared, the body also disappeared, only a pool of blood remained from it. Act 3 difficulty level Hell. Items in the inventory itself have not disappeared (potions, scrolls, amulets). What should I do?
Я потерял все предметы, которые были надеты на персонаже. После гибели персонажа, я нашел свой труп, нажал на него, тело исчезло, но предметы не появились. Их не оказалось ни в инвентаре, ни на карте. Всё исчезло, тело тоже исчезло, от него осталась только лужа крови. 3 акт уровень сложности Hell. Предметы в самом инвентаре не пропали (зелья, свитки, амулеты). Что мне делать?
Don’t play anymore knowing this could happen at any time for any item(s) or character(s).
Play expecting this stuff to happen and learn to shrug it off… cause blizzard won’t take any responsibility for deleted content… even when they are the ones who caused the deletion from bugs/issues.
Sorry to say, but your options are what many of us have.
I lost all my stuff due to some bugs… which haven’t been fixed yet… So I contacted blizzard.
Here is what they told me.
Basically they take zero responsibility for their actions.
It’s heartbreaking I know.