I have cataracts - Damn Game is too dark

Yes I already jacked up the brightness all the way

There’s only so much that the game can do for brightness before the game starts getting washed out from too high of gamma correction, which only makes the problem worse.

The other option is to turn up the brightness on your monitor and increase the contrast. Again, things can get too bright which can wash out the image, especially with a LCD monitor. It’d be better with a OLED screen, since they have true blacks.

If you’ve already done both, then I can only suggest cataract surgery. I have a friend who had it done and he was ecstatic over how much better he could see. For the first couple of weeks after having both eyes done, he said he’d just sit outside on his porch just looking at things in the distance. :stuck_out_tongue: The only downside is that he has to wear reader glasses for anything up close.

Washing out - BS when I googled I saw a lot of complaints saying the game is too dark. The open fields are not bad its in the caves and the underground stuff that is way too dark.
Monitor is jacked up to its brightest too.
Doctor tells me I’m in the early stages so it would not be wise to have surgery yet

There are parts of the game that are supposed to be dark. That’s the beauty of enemies in the dark, they have a chance to surprise you, because you can’t see them.

If the game doesn’t surprise you in some way, then it becomes boring.

I suppose you can wait for the areas to become Terror Zones, because areas that are terrorized have a glow. The Pits for example, non-terrorized, any non-lit areas are completely black. When The Pits is terrorized, all of the ground faintly glows, revealing any enemies that would normally be shrouded in darkness. It’s easier to run The Pits IMO when it’s terrorized.


you should get a cataract surgery ASAP.

this crap can make you blind.

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I agree with this guy. D2R is way way darker than the original.

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Cataracts are most often reversible through diet, unfortunately for the multi-trillion dollar a year industrial medical complex, that’s not profitable, so you may need surgery or better eye-wear $$$. My point is - you could choose to focus your time and energy on learning how to heal yourself instead of wasting time and energy on bread and entertainment - the same crap owned by the people who own the industrial medical complex.

Listening to BS like this already killed many people. You should find decent doctor and trust him, not trust conspiracy theorist who are against “industrial mecial complex” and who dont know anything about real science or dont have any medical school so they have no clue what they talk about.


I actually love the darkness in D2 because that’s one of the games where I don’t notice these damn eye floaters flying across the screen lol. Any MMO with winter-type zones? ugh…

Only a brainwashed idiot would think the human species can’t heal it’s self of basic preventable and reversible ailments.

I’ve noticed that D2R is rather dark, I don’t mind that but I wish light radius worked properly to counteract it.

You can see a comparison of +light radius in this post I made below, max light radius makes a huge difference in original/legacy D2 graphics while it makes a tiny difference in D2R graphics.

It might not be a bug per se but I think the lighting system in D2R could use improvement.

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cant agree more
my father had that crap and was able to remove it through surgery


go see a doctor
cataract can cause irreversible blindness

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3rd leading cause of death in the US is medical error, the first two causes are diet and lifestyle. In fact 9 of the 10 leading causes are from diet and lifestyle, and the odd one out is medical error. Most cataracts are easy to reverse simply by adjusting the diet, even in pets. Mouth breathers telling me my info is dangerous - you sheep of the medical religion know jack squat about human health.

Dark game… I wish it were darker where it feels like you’re walking around with not a single candle.


Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US


Critics of this analysis have pointed out many flaws. It is based on studies whose data was never meant to be generalized to the entire U.S. hospitalized population. For example, one of these studies, by the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, was conducted in beneficiaries of Medicare, who are aged 65 or older, have disabilities or have end-stage renal disease which requires dialysis or transplant.

Taking death statistics from a sample of Medicare patients and extrapolating it to all hospitalized patients is like turning apples into oranges, to adapt a popular saying to the current situation.

The BMJ ’s higher estimate of preventable deaths due to medical error—440,000 patients a year—translates to 62% of all hospital deaths


if you think you are out of the mainstream, you re in the center of it


While there is no non-surgical cure for cataracts,

according to studies,

several foods and nutritional supplements appear to slow the progression of this sight-threatening eye condition in some people.


Cataract Treatment

Cataracts can be removed only with surgery.

If your cataract symptoms are not bothering you very much, you don’t have to remove a cataract. You might just need a new eyeglass prescription to help you see better. You should consider surgery when cataracts keep you from doing things you want or need to do.



while you are free to toy with your own health
try to not influence anyone to make the same mistake

it sure is