I got a 24h forum ban - but it is very interesting

I posted the below in " Petition for console lobby/server list" thread that got me banned.
It is however very interesting that chat moderators read the posts but not for the reasons we want. They haven’t yet replied to number 1 thread under console forums. My post in question that got me banned:

I can not believe BLIZZARD (not a 3rd party little indie company) can not create:

  • a working lobby
  • some kind of ingame communication system

Keep D4 as Im not going to support that rubbish company. If you can not make a lobby function why the hell would i think you can make a proper game from scratch?

It is really sad tbh. I absolutely don’t care if I am banned or not in this forum but it shows their priorities. Not a single dollar more from me Blizz. It was great while it lasted. Back to Path of Diablo :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoa…. Banned for an opinion.
Shame on whoever pulled the trigger on that one.
Insult to injury that they’ve been watching that thread and have made zero replies.

Ahh. Sad day for diablo 2 fans. :c

It’s likely that your post was flagged by another user, and a moderator came and moderated it. I doubt they are browsing the boards, like you seem to be suggesting.

As for the post itself, didn’t they give you a reason when they told you that you temporarily banned?