I dislike 2.4 new patch so much

Why do you think that way?

If I don´t want my Coca Cola changed, just because I like it the way it is, am I really that weird?

If people don´t like their Coke, they get something else instead, but pretty much nobody cries about changing the original product.

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I don’t see a point in complaining about abstract concepts. All that was stated was you don’t want change. I would love to hear some thoughts on the actual changes rather than ‘don’t change anything’.

The only person to bring up a real complaint was about PvP.

So if you really don’t like the changes, specifically what don’t you like?


My own worry is that the design philosophy may easily stir away from “keep the game experience intact while listening to the community feedback” to “make sure there’s always something changed so the kids want to come back every ladder season”, or that they end up caving in to some of the actually damaging demands, like those that request an extra act (there’s no space to add that without significantly lowering the game quality) or some endgame content that is going to overshadow all other aspects of the game just as rifts did in D3.

I think it’s important to realize that, while it’s absurd to think that there should never be any attempt to improve the game by reworking some stuff, a portion of the player base isn’t there to restart a character every few months, but to come back again and again to existing characters over the years, and that suddenly massively changing the power of a character, even by increasing it, may alter those characters in ways that makes their owners feel they’ve been disowned of them.
For example, if a game master gave to a player’s halfling cook a massive bonus to fighting for the sake of balance between characters, chances are that player is going to complain because that alters the character in a way that changes what the character is about.
It’s important to get out of the “don’t change anything”/“just shut up and go back to the old graphics if you are unhappy” dichotomy, and to try to find a way to reconcile the points of view.

In my opinion, the devs should try to move as quickly as possible to a stable version that allows for a variety of builds to be enjoyed, while looking for a way to have constant change available so that the game can remain fresh for the others. My bet would be to stabilize base version and have season-like content (without season-specific items being ported brought back to base game) on ladder.


Using CocaCola is probably not the best example to use. The CocaCola we drink today is not the original recipe. One could argue that we may not have CocaCola today if they didn’t make it the way they originally did… A few other sodas did similar things to get people hooked…

Besides CAFFEINE and the obvious SUGAR, I’m still wondering what’s in Dr Pepper, because I love the stuff.

Well I guess you get my point. There are things in life which you are perfectly fine with and some of these thing never or just barely change.

It´s not some kind of automatism that everything needs to be changed constantly to keep people satisfied.

People like certainty in their lives aswell. And for gaming - that has been D2 for more than a decade.


I’ve done it all in the old School Diablo 2. I’m ready for something new. The latest patch looks awesome. I’d just stop playing if they didn’t make changes. There’s so many useless skills. Time for some fixes and new play styles.

You can always play the old game.

d2r will not try new changes, it will only lose players

You can still play 1.14d with original graphics even if you want.

So much gatekeeping. You can express your hate for change in public, just be prepared to be challenged in that same medium. Change is usually good, living things change. If the changes are bad, further change can improve it.

I hope the changes will keep players engaged and restore value to classes and items that lost it. I want to see singing barbs and bowazons doing well in hell without godly gear, I want to see variety and new challenges.

The mummy of the original D2 will always be there for you.

Eventually we just wanted the same game with better graphics and some minor QoL?

You know, the things a remaster is about?

go play LOD , you can still buy it online go into the classic games in blizzard site

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thats what you got , now its getting a patch just like it always used to get patches before blizzard abandoned it in 2010. Did you cry when 1.13 was released? or 1.10 ?? Relax, same game with a few new updates to keep everyone coming back each ladder. Same as it used to be, now that its active again there will be a new patch every ladder so get used to it. I personally love this idea if you do not like it play D2 original
no one is stopping you

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Give it up, the vocal whiner minority won.

Most people that played this game, don’t know how to use a forum or would bother voicing their opinion, so you only get the forum kids opinions. They will all quit, as I have.

Then all the idiots that wanted all these changes, will complain that the game is dead, and move on to wreck some other game.


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lmao quit??? you are here on the forums still. you will be back … you will be back… you know it , i know it

Because thats how purists thinks, they dont care about content of change and if it good for game or not. For them is game perfect and they are stubborn so they refuse any kind of balance because its “change”.

I am pretty sure they changed recipe many times. But you talk about one specific product which is far from complexity of diablo 2. You cant compare it like that. But even if you would, lets say some people. Will be disgusted by colour of Coca Cola so they will decide to change recipe and add multiple different colour variants. Taste will be exactly same as current version. Purist will refuse other colour variants even when they dont have different taste.

Inovating is they way humanity is going forward, staying the same will not get you anywhere.

My suggestion to you is, when PTR whit the patch launches, give it a try. Don’t be a toddler who don’t want to eat something, just because it’s unknown to them. Is there no curiosity in you? Give your feedback when we know, what and how exactly things will change. There’s a chance that you might like some things. Don’t be a stubborn baby.


Haters always hate, poor Puritist detected!
If dont like it go play Original D2, is out there, it is exactly what you want.
I always liked Summoner Druid, Why to not make the spec viable because you dont want to?

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We use to call those “Expansions”.

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This game wasn’t made just for the 10,000 dudes that were playing 1.14. That’s the majority you’re talking about. The hundreds of thousands of people that played this game within the last 3 months are the people that experienced the peak of D2 when patches were still a thing, why would they want 1.14? The game was still being patched when they quit.

Unless you meant the majority of the current playerbase, because yeah most of the people playing daily right now are probably in those 10,000 - 20,000 users that played 1.14 because the millions of people that bought D2R currently quit/takinga break/waiting for ladder/patches.

I see a reddit post showing Project Diablo 2 hit 12k people online at once in 2020:

in 2018, Diablo 2 US East had 13,000 users online, I wonder how many of those were bots:

I can see the majority of the players voicing their opinions on the internet are excited about these changes. Where do I need to go to see the majority opinions against these patches? Those dudes are all on single player anyway.


Translation wahhhh im a purist who doesn’t realize this game is currently a ghost town! If I don’t have my 3rd party website to hand select items each ladder ??? Balance changes ??? Whattttttr I’ve been stuck in a 20 year old game for a reason! Look I clearly can’t PvP in other games because d2 pvp is supreme (lamest PvP well 2nd Everquest is as lame or lamer) I like to bash d3 because anyone can Auto clear this game?? Wait what about paladins and sorcs ??? But could said purist clear the top Grifts or high end bosses in d2 mods or Poe??? Nope game is way to hard! Please blizzard I’ve mastered this game over 20 years plz just allow me and my fellow 5000ish purist world wide play !!! Not listening to purist is the best choice they ever made