I dislike 2.4 new patch so much

Gotta love the fake outrage over something you havnt even tried yet.

Claiming 2.4 makes major changes to the game is like claiming your car is a different model after painting it a different color.


one patch is not enough, I am waiting for new DLC


Paint my car in different colour and I’ll park it in a place where your back loses its noble name :slight_smile: .

Was way before that. 1.10 was done mosty by a single dev.

It was 2003.

The game doesn’t have exactly proper support for at least 18-19 years. Considering the date of 1.09 were they worked as team and some hackfix that ended on 1.10.

D2 changed more than most game I know.

D2 classic was way different without rws, some class specific items and act5

D2 LoD had several changes through it’s patch history. Mostly at 1.07, 1.10, 1.13 and 1.14

The game was kept about 10 years without anything new and folks complained about certain fix that one patch done and made the single dev revert it. After 10 years they released the d2r promissing improvements and remastering stuff.

Change? Always had. Complaints? Always had. Community asking for changes? Always had.

If didn’t, they wouldn’t release neither those patches. Neither revert one particular that made pvers angry and wouldn’t do changes other than visuals if folks didn’t asked or the game would had the current amount of mods out there.

Burst the bubble and remove nostalgia glasses. D2 is far from an stactic game. Is quite the opposite in fact. Just because they barely supported the game, doesn’t mean that the game didn’t changed. Most likely mods would keep changing d2 and blizzard would stop any change in there, but doesn’t mean that d2r would receive the same hiatus that d2 had.

There’s a limit of what a single guy can do and cleary showed the amount of backlash certain changes can do. If they keep improving the game are welcomed changes. But buffing stuff without making things also harder would repeat the same mistakes from the past.

Take your time and read each patch notes released for d2 classic and d2 LoD and you will see several changes in there.


Great post, my man. Totally agree.

I as a 30-50 year old would like to claim all other 30-50 year olds never played D2 before me unless they 100% agree with me on everything.


They also saied they want it to be a live game. Do you know what that means? Live support? It means exactly what they are doing. Some of you either don’t pay attention, or have bad memory.

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Playing this game for ages and am thankful that they try to fix some suff like amazon fend bug…

Some other features could have left there like str bug/feature or ethbugging - these were rewarding and satisfying tricks. But maybe its part of broader balancing plans. Should just not get easier at the end…

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I am extremely excited about the new changes, let me be more clear. Every time they change this game they erase the history of speedrunning on it. I just want to be able to try for old categories.

“I have played Diablo before 1.09”

Okay… Then why are you crying about this patch? Did you cry this much when they released 1.10 and 1.11, etc.?


Then you literally didn’t listen to any of the interviews.

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Someone played d2 classic and remembered the first huge unique balancing… it was actually better than b4 (not what i hoped to see on the long run though - still too many kindof useless in).

I’m excited for the bow updates. Bringing back some buffs to maybe make a Bowazon relevant again? How can bringing balance changes to classes that are weak or rarely used to make them more viable be a bad thing? If I had a butter-face for a girlfriend and had the money to spend on some cosmetic surgery to fix what I thought needed to be buffed and rebalanced, you bet your *** I would.

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No. They can play D2RE. You MUST play original D2 when you dont like the changes.

Btw: D2RE without Changes/Patches would be stupid because that Game is totally outdated.

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If the patch creates more viable builds to play with and shakes up the meta of always using builds x, y, and z then it will be good for the game. Along with having the other mercs being more useful. You might like it where the only merc you take is act 2 all of the time. But there might be times I would love to have an act 1 merc or act 3 merc. All without feeling like I am losing out on not using the normal act 2 merc.

Trouble of it is I don’t know or have a way of knowing how many old school original D2:LOD players want the changes that are in 2.4.

It’s December 29th, so you’re going to be waiting a longtime to see if Santa pulls through.

Have some faith in this dev team. They are clearly fans of diablo 2.

i understand how you feel op

sadly this game is base around 1.10 to 1.14 mean is already change and this game have nothing to do with vanilla or d2 classic 1.09 and before , mean already screw , so i welcome every change eye close is not going to be worst of 1,14


Can I have your stuff?


I didnt see any argument why changes are bad. You are just complaining. Without reason.

Your logic is: change is bad, because its change… what a nonsense


I’m gonna use boomer logic here… go play the original game then. No one cares when you started playing, I started in the beta for D2, think anyone cares? No. You knew they weren’t going to keep it the way it was… the game was so hopelessly outdated that anyone with more than 4-5 braincells knew change was coming.