I apologize for the wall of text you are about to see here but I would like to play diablo 2 resurrected

After all of what I am about to say here is it is probably something simple that I have missed, but this has been frustration for me since 25 Feb 2024.

All other blizzard and Battle.net games play fine for hours of fun Diablo 3 Reaper of souls, Diablo Immortal and the free trial Diablo 4 all run fine but login to Diablo 2 Resurrected since the day after the 25 Feb 2024 this was also that last time, I found in my login history on my Battle net app account I have found no other entries since,
I get this message going through the startup, “please press any key to start” after a few seconds,

“You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements.”

I have since redownloaded and reinstalled the game and the Battle net app since 25 Feb 2024.
Here is what I have tried so far since 25 Feb 2024
In the Battle.net launcher with D2R selected, click the globe above the Play button. Change it to a region other than the one you normally play.
Click Play to start the game, see if it is able to authenticate. Quit the game afterwards regardless of what happens.
Go back to the Battle.net launcher and click the globe again, select your preferred region and try to play again.
No that did not work.
Reset windows
reinstalled windows
created a new admin account on a Laptop ( Diffrent computer all together seperate from my desktop), Desktop computer
and still the same message

“You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements.”

Reinstalled Battlenet app
reinstalled Diablo 2 Resurrected
Disabled all security, VPN’s to do with windows and the internet protocols,
Disabled IPV6
Tried running the Diablo 2 resurrected in Compatibility Mode
Add the game to the antivirus exception list
Uninstall then reinstall diablo 2 Resurrected
I don’t know have I missed anything.
Oh yes, I did miss something, this message keeps popping up no matter what I do,

You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements

Even tried this, this did not work either
We would recommend following the steps here: Deleting the Battle.net Cache Folder - Blizzard Support

Close open Blizzard programs.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager.
Click the Processes tab.
If agent.exe is running—or Blizzard Update Agent in Windows 10—select it and click End Process.
Navigate to the folder containing the cache directory:
Press Windows Key+R to open the Run dialogue.
Type %ProgramData% into the Run field and press Enter.
If a Blizzard Entertainment folder exists in the directory, right-click it and select Delete.
Restart the Battle.net desktop app and relaunch the game.

I also used %userappdata% to fine the user account to delete Blizzard Entertainment folder remove cookies.

You also should check that you aren’t experiencing a connection issue: Connection Troubleshooting - Blizzard Support
went through all of the links in this section and still,

You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements

If you still have the problem after trying all these steps, then please reach out to Customer Support.
Every time I reached out to Customer support lagged as we connected so no response. I have even tried calling the number even though for me it is and international number I get this message,

The number you have dial is not connected please check the number and try again 2,3,4, goes to engages tone then cuts off.

Oh, I also reset my computer and router and $235 later, Had the nodes check by my ISP to the socket tests came back all clear and work at nominal. And still no difference was made to the login to Diablo 2 Resurrected. And still the same message,

“You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements.”

It’s frustrating.

Have you tried deleting battlenet’s app’s cookie file? as this is the problem you are dealing with… no amount of uninstall/install is going to help you as the cookie gets re downloaded each time you install the game, you simply need to delete the cookie, and launch battle net app to create a clean cookie, you may also try to log in to your battle net account via web browser to check, if there are indeed some unchecked agreements to agree upon.

Yes, I have. It does not appear any more in the blizzard file.
I used this, for both files
Close open Blizzard programs.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager.
Click the Processes tab.
If agent.exe is running—or Blizzard Update Agent in Windows 10—select it and click End Process.
Navigate to the folder containing the cache directory:
Press Windows Key+R to open the Run dialogue.
Type %ProgramData% into the Run field and press Enter.
If a Blizzard Entertainment folder exists in the directory, right-click it and select Delete.
Restart the Battle.net desktop app and relaunch the game.
I also used %userappdata% to fine the user account to delete Blizzard Entertainment folder remove cookies. And unhid all hidden files.
Did you get Diablo 2 Resurrected to work for you.

i actually never had problem ith this to begin with, only read a while back ( back in the times the devs responded at least) and read it’s the cookie or indeed a pending agreement.

It is weird I can’t find any agreement to agree to nor do get an authentication notice on my phone.


simply this

As I have mentioned before that file clientsdk is not there I have even unhid all files that file clientsdk is just not on my system anywhere thanks though this was one of the first things I found in the forum that I tried I have even just reset my network router as well and went to my Neighbours place again to try it there as well still same thing I even took my laptop out a tried some gaming cafes and still the same thing.

But hey at least I got to do a tech support ticket again. fingers crossed.

ClientSdk is not a file it is a folder. If You’ve deleted ClientSdk sometimes in the past by accident you must recreate it.
what you need to delete is cookie.bin which is inside the ClientSdk folder. and it is not found in any of the directories you mentined earlier.
it is found under
%localappdata% click blizzard entertainment, and ClientSdk , inside is a cookie.bin which you must delete.
it is not within %ProgramData% !!! %ProgramData% is a separate folder which also contains Blizzard Entertainment folder, but it is not the one you seek!!!

the one you seek is:
C:\Users<your username here>\AppData\Local\Blizzard Enertainment\ClientSdk\cookie.bin

and don’t just try to paste it. AppData is a hidden folder you must unhid hidden files and folders in order to see it. and since Blizzard Entertainment has a space in it’s name you won’t be able to acces it via copy and paste
use %localappdata%.

also if you still use an old blizzard authenticator for your battle net app and for Diablo2Resurrected you must detach it from your account ( it is somewhere around 25Feb that Authenticators went obsolete, and were no longer used or supported by blizzard. the new two factor authentication is by battle net mobile app.

Have you got any news on the Topic? Cause i have the Same Problem and can’t get it fixed.

I do not have hidden files on my computer; if you do, your computer may not be secure.

I used this method to unhide all files, combining both forward and reverse attributes:

Get-ChildItem -Path "file or folder path" -Force | ForEach-Object { $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bxor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden } (replace "file or folder path" with the actual path).

This command will unhide all files, including any hidden viruses that may be present on a computer.

You can verify this method on the following webpage: Digital Citizen. The Digital Citizen folder is used here only as an example.

And as for the (Client SDK) SDK stands for Software Development Kit It is an IBM program to help other software programs to identify client hardware.

Oh, I also found that it was GPU that is the problem I run a 1050Ti recommendations for running Diablo 2 Resurrected has been updated to 1060 this rings true for me after using a friends GPU on my computer problem solved for me.

Thank you for your help…

i was rather thinking of unblocking the “Show hidden files and folders” option in folder options in windows ( a kind of neat feature that’s present since like windows 95 v4.0)

after that, all hidden files & folders are viewable as semi-transparent in windows 10 or 11, so you know which ones have the hidden attribute, and don’t worry, about my system health, for the time being we are solving problems with your system and the inablity to play D2R.

I have a GPU that’s barely on the suported list however it was of the highest end GPU type of it’s time a.k.a the R. x90X type, so i can actually play the game quite comfortably on medium settings more or less…
the basic rule of thumb is that the game all but requires an GPU with minimum 8GB of VRAM. run with below that and the game suddenly crashes at shank, freezes, etc.

However You haven’t said anything if the 30 day of no login warning information has been solved…

Okay i finaly found a solution for the 30 Day Problem.

I’m not sure what worked but:

I made an Administrator Account!! → turned of the Firewall → logged in (Used the Battle.net App and not the d2r Shortcut)

Switched Back to my normal User → Turned the Firewall off as well → Logged in!
→ turned the Firewall back on again.

And it worked!

You requested this, so here’s how I resolved the issue. I’m not sure you’ll grasp or even read it, but here’s the process: I fixed the problem by going to my Neighbour’s house to borrow her GPU. I right-clicked the D2R icon, selected properties, opened the file location, and double-clicked on blz-log.txt. Then, I scrolled to the very end where it stated:
END: Presence Fields After Notification
5/28 00:58:24.901 [line.m_sourceName.c_str()/3] [:0]: TLS Handshake failed. Error code 2
5/28 00:58:38.153 [D2BackendServices/4] [<>:0]: D2BackendServices: error: 666 Error Source: 0 Error Value: 666 String: An issue occurred while communicating with the game servers. Please check that you are connected to the internet and try again.

I researched ‘TLS Handshake failed. Error code 2’ to understand what the error code was. The TLS handshake is an essential process at the start of every HTTPS connection. In this handshake, the client (typically the web browser) and the server (which hosts the website) authenticate each other and set the parameters for the encrypted connection. The following occurs during the TLS handshake:

  1. Authentication: The server validates its ownership of the asymmetric public/private key pair, confirming to the client that it is connecting to the legitimate entity.

I read further, but my focus was on Authentication.

Next, I researched the 666 error, and you’re going to love what it said. Check the link below for details.
(Failed To Authenticate)

The code in question acts as a safeguard for Blizzard by blocking outdated hardware. Any workaround for this code is likely to be disabled in the next patch. Deleting the ClientSdk is a potential solution, but it only works if you have multiple devices receiving the same 30-day notification. You must delete it from your computer’s internet settings. After deletion, restart the Battle.net app without launching any games, then check the other device where you wish to play Diablo 2: Resurrected. The message may disappear, though this is not guaranteed for all cases.
(bearing in mind that my files are not hidden)
ok after finding this out I went to the libcef.log
local disk > user > username > Appdata > local > Battle.net > logs,
then went to last libcef.log with today’s date scrolled thought the log to the last entry on opening D2R and this is what it said

[0528/005659.166:ERROR:gpu_init.cc(523)] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is
all other logs say the same since 25 Feb 2024

After discovering this, I attempted to adjust the GL setting in the NVIDIA control panel’s Manage 3D settings, but the same error persisted. Needing a break, I decided to grab a beer or two. On my way, I encountered my neighbor, who suggested I try a different GPU. I hadn’t considered this; despite remembering I had built her a computer with a 3060 GPU and tested it before handing it over. It dawned on me that I had overlooked swapping out the GPU, which, as it turned out, resolved the issue for me.
It won’t work for everyone, but I hope that helps to clear things up for you.

Again, thanks for your help

To clarify, I researched my GPU, which I and others reading this post are aware of. I searched for the VRAM of the Gigabyte WindForce GTX 1050Ti 4GB, and the answer was clear. Then, I looked up the VRAM needed to run D2R and found my answer as follows:

Diablo 2 Resurrected System Requirements (Minimum)

  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3250 / AMD FX-4350 or better
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB or AMD Radeon HD 7850
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit


Can you go any more in depth regarding the missing cookie file?

It is not present in the %localappdata%. folder.

I encountered the same issue when trying to locate the cookie file; it simply wasn’t there. Since then, I have uninstalled the battle.net app and games, then reinstalled Battle.net and D2R to check if it would reappear and if the 30-day problem would be resolved. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Please follow the instructions below:
“The file you are looking for is located at: C:\Users<your username here>\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\ClientSdk\cookie.bin”

To address the issue, locate the ClientSdk folder containing the cookie.bin. However, if you haven’t unhid the folders and files, there’s a risk of inadvertently deleting other hidden folders or files. Therefore, for now, simply delete the cookie.bin if you find it, that way it will just replace the cookie.bin when rebooting Battle.net app and you won’t have to replace the whole path.


Apparently there’s only a Telemetry folder located there, even when the folders are unhidden.
With the amount of hours and research invested just into playing a game and the amount of “support” blizzard is providing, it’s probably not even worth trying fixing the issue.

Yes, even though I have resolved my issue, I am done as well.
This will be the last time if it goes off again that’s it for me, I’m going back the D2LOD.

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