Hustle runeword

You could literally use any other weapon because yeah, this runeword sux. As for the armor, just give your merc a harmony in the early game, its cheaper. Another useless runeword.

Melee already dominates ubers, and Hustle isn’t in the game.


ok, youre just trolling, understood. have a nice day

For lack of a better phrase, you’re just bad at the game if you think melee needs help with ubers, even in early ladder. They’ve been given more options, but that’s not an obligation to use every option.

bro, my point was not about ubers. i dont think melee needs help with ubers. that wasnt even remotely close to the analogy. you are absolutely dense as hell.

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You don’t seem to know what point that you want to make. Can you think of a fantasy where not prebuffing Hustle makes all melee useless? Yes. Is a fantasy the reality of the game? No.

You’ve reached peak clown status.

How many weapon swaps should we be able to have?
I’m just seeing a barb running around with a bunle of “useful” weapons. Surely we could use armor and helm swaps as well.
5 different insta-swap loadouts so we can have:
Shout-sticks / CtA
Demon Limb?

you have got to be trolling. are we even in the same dimension? how is that even remotely close to what im saying? you could get hit by a train, go into a 3 year sleep, wake up, meet buddha, achieve enlightenment, come back to this, and still misunderstand it from hwo dense you are

let me try from the beginning so hopefully you can understand. i’ll go slow. the point is that these items are not new items. they are melee buffs in the form of items. items which, in the traditional usage standpoint of an item, are underpowered. items which gain their power through using the skill on them and nothing else. blizzard is directly acknowledging that melee is weak and needs buffs. what do you think the fix to fixing melee is? buff weapons or melee skills. this is natural, yes? hopefully you’re still with me and aren’t quote replying the first 2 sentences of this post and ignoring the rest. the issue with metamorphosis and hustle is that melee does not get the buffs for free. they are required to invest and go through a tedious process to access their buffs. sure, they can just do without their buffs. but why would you not want to improve your build? that is literally the definition of an arpg… and thus, people who want to experience a better melee build, since these buffs are DIRECTLY TARGETED toward melee, they have to invest in the item and undergo a prebuff ritual to access their limited time buffs. this makes the gap between melee and casters worse. not better.

A were druid can use a harmony bow. How is this a good option using higher runes?

You can use both. Bos is not an aura

I deliberately left off low runewords and included “etc” just so you can use this strawman.

Mallace, Strength, Honor, and Passion says HI :rofl:

That’s a great question. The confidence of idiots… :rofl:

Indeed. 20 characters.

lmao. i think i lost him on my post. too many words for him. he couldnt even get past the intro. its ggs. he doesnt want to understand. its ok if he doesnt want to understand i guess. not everyone has to understand how these runewords are leading the game down a bad path of balancing. d3 players love these kinds of changes

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thank you. To ignore you go.

The idjits here don’t realize how skill ias works. The ias from BoS is like 2x more effective than 100% gear attack speed.

Like if the weapon read (5% chance to grant a buff that increases attack speed by 200% for 3 minutes) people would be freaking out.


It’s the same as Fant aura.

You do realize there are max frame break points? Doing 50% less damage for 1 extra frame isn’t exactly a winning move :eyes::rofl:

Except fanat is an aura you have to maintain, derppp.

This is why people are talking about only using it to proc the effect, then switching to their main weapon. You get the eIAS without giving up your damage.


Using this as an offhand swap and proccing it, allows you to mainhand a cryptic axe obedience and reach max ww frames with only 20ias.

That’s huge.

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whats huge is getting that buff without needing to prebuff for it