Hustle runeword

Insight = 200-260 ED
Harmony = 200-275 ED
Unbending Will = 300-350 ED
Obedience = 370 ED
Oath = 210-340 ED in eth Base

Weapon base damage scaling is horrid. Until that’s fixed, anything under 200 ED is largely garbage for physical builds.

Covered this issue in the past:

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Missile weapons
Mal rune

Try comparing apples to apples next time.

+160% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
+9 to Maximum Damage
+25% Deadly Strike
+250 to Attack Rating
+1 to All Skills
7% Life Stolen per Hit
+10 Replenish Life
+10 to Strength
+1 to Light Radius
+2 to Mana per Kill

half the cost of that runeword for the same damage and other benefits. prebuffing hustle and swapping to honor is better than just using hustle.

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If you don’t need the IAS, but you’re also comparing two weapons to one because you’re talking about prebuffing. So for the cost of TWO runewords, it’s potentially stronger than using only one of them. Again, try comparing apples to apples.

This is a proc and swap weapon like lawbringer. Not something you’ll seriously use for damage.

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you are so dense. 20 ias is nothing compared to the ias burst of speed gives. that 20 ias will rarely do anything for anyone.
honor can literally be farmed off normal countess. you need to farm hell countess for hustle. you see teh difference?

I guess these aren’t “mid tier” runewords…

Sure, how about Greif vs every weapon in the game. :rofl:

What’s the problem? :rofl:

You drooling moron, you’re comparing a prebuff Hustle into a different runeword, so TWO runewords, to using only the Hustle, and then calling it underpowered. The sheer gall of you to call anyone else “dense”.

I know from the other thread you made that you’re not very bright, but weapon type, especially 2h vs 1h, is a huge part of a runeword’s value.

hustle is underpowered! a runeword that you can get in normal beats it outside of the burst of speed proc! how are you so dense??? there is no point to using hustle other than prebuffing the bos when honor is basically free and you will already have it since you cant get hustle until hell!

Do you not know how burst of speed works?

With a lvl 9 BoS and 20ias a barbarian can hit max ww atk speed with a cryptic axe obedience (10 speed base with NO ias on it).

You can’t manage a proper cost:power evaluation. Every example you’ve pulled of why Hustle isn’t worth it’s cost cites using Hustle to prebuff another weapon. Do you understand what that means? Its means that you’ve built and used Hustle either way. Jesus, dude, maybe read your own posts.

you are really missing the point. hustle is great. hustle is not great for swinging. it is a prebuff stick. that is the issue.

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No, I’m forcing you to acknowledge your own hopelessly poor points made about the cost of Hustle. Whether you swing it or prebuff it, it’s still worth the Ko.

idk what the point of the new weapon runeword , because only 2 level later you jump to 350ed% with Unbending will and obediece idk anyway, not what i`m looking for this game :-1:

yes, it is worth the ko. i never once said that it wasnt. i said the item is garbage for using for its cost, because it does terrible damage. this item is meta for literally every melee build in teh game, because its a massive buff to ias for free. this item’s only existence is to give an assassin skill to every melee character in the game. that is it.

The item does perfectly fine damage for the minimum level that it can be used. After that phase of the game passes, it can still be kept as a prebuff weapon for when you find an upgrade. So I have to wonder why anyone has a problem with its cost or use cases.

because it ruins the game. i explained how it ruins the game up above. it is unhealthy for the game. melee builds should not be forced to build 3 different prebuff items to access their buffs. their skills are what should be buffed.

like please, take a second to think about it. they are buffing melee, by creating an item, to give them another skill, instead of just buffing melee skills. do you understand how bad that is? sorceresses need 0 prebuffs and get their buffs for no management. melee builds need to prebuff every game to get their buffs. how is this fair? how is it fun to have a prebuff ritual to obtain the best build you can (in an arpg, lets not forget what the literal purpose of an arpg is) and still doesnt even compete with sorceresses. this item’s stats are good. this item’s delivery of the stats through its mechanics are NOT good.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is rich

It really isn’t though. HOJ, BOTD, Death, CTA, Grief, etc are case in point.

There are a ton of runewords that can be constructed in any weapon base that have the available sockets.

But yeah, let’s ignore poor base damage scaling of weapons and pretend like 150 ED will make the runeword worthwhile because you can hit things at max frame with a wet noodle.

They’re not forced to at all. It’s an option.

How slow are you? Everything you listed are runewords with huge value because of their bases combined with the stats. Thanks for making my point for me.

who in their right mind wants to freely ignore melee buffs? its like making a new uber boss, making it physically immune, and making the reward buff melee damage by 200%. your argument is simply “just dont kill the boss if its that difficult”.