Hustle runeword

The armour can use a light upgrade, something like 30% enhanced damage or +8 min damage.

The weapon however is way overpowered. A burst of speed proc, especially a level 9 one from a runeword that only requires a Ko rune, should not exist at all.

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Maybe if youā€™re a pvper. Clearly the point is to incentivize players to give up the CTA swap.

Imagine attacking anyoneā€™s intelligence when you canā€™t even be bothered to format your wall of text. Honk on, brother.

surely you dont want to prebuff for everything every 3 minutes do you? thats like opposite QoL.

if tahts the only thing you have to say, you know youā€™re wrong lmao. so petty

No because Iā€™m not going to min max my set up for pvm. They want you to drop the CTA for this.

Its only pvpers that will whine about needing to go proc all this junk.

Yeah the rest of the gear is irrelevant. Can already get within 2 frames of max without Fant with ease for virtually all builds.

Can reach max frame with Grief with easeā€¦ :rofl:

As he said:

thats the issue. youre being forced to not access melee buffs. the buffs these items give should not be specific to an item, it should be an attribute from respective skills being buffed, so that prebuffing isnt required at all.

Okay, now explain how you get max fpa on a Death.

Hustle makes death Meta for every melee build in the game now.

If thatā€™s the only thing that you have to say, then you know that youā€™re wrong, lmao.

Contrary to your personal beliefs, the way that you type does represent the amount of respect that someone should give to your intelligence and to your ideas, you clown.

the only thing youā€™ve done is call me a clown 4 times in a row and have yet to argue or refute any point iā€™ve made. all youā€™re doing is resorting purely to petty comments and insults. fitting of someone your age.

Ctc makes it clearly designed for PVM. Drop the cta, pair it with a lawbringer or lacerator on a barb.

They want to stop the cta spam. Its not even needed in pvm.

The only people annoyed by this will be pvpers who will need to go proc this before every fight.

thats delusional and you know it. pvmers are hurt by this too. imagine having to spend 40 seconds prebuffing every game while the sorceress youre playing with is already half way through the level. ā€œjust dont use the buffs thenā€ ā€œjust dont play anything that isnā€™t sorceress thenā€

People getting this riled up over some mediocre runewords that mostly help weredruids and barbs for buffing damn.

Imagine if they made something actually good, youd be all crying for nerfs cause powercreep lol.

Cmon, lets chill, the patchnotes are not out yet, lets hope they let me have all golems out at once.

Iā€™m going to use this on swap with a lacerator, chief. This is a blanket buff to melee.

Sorcs? Nobody will ever be able to compete with them and thatā€™s the fault of numerous changes since 1.10

Where exactly did I claim that you can reach max Frames with Death? The post literally reads:

No caster has to deal with prebuffs to maximize damage, why is it acceptable for physical builds?

thatā€™s a stretch. and once again, another person who has missed the point. the stats arenā€™t the issue. the items are well balanced or underpowered (cept for the BoS proc). the mechanic behind obtaining these melee buffs makes playing melee obnoxiously tedious. or you just ignore the buffs and stay with your less-than-ideal build.

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Iā€™ve called you a clown once and told you to ā€œhonk on, brotherā€ once as well. I see you count as well as you format a post. Honk, honk.