How to refund? - Unplayable - Crash at loading screen

Holy false entitlement.
I cringe at how your career-life must be with this much entitlement.

QQ there is always some one screaming like a child about a refund. Hasnā€™t even been out for 24hrs and your screaming like a child

Small indie company strikes again

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The people saying those requesting refund are kids are noobs at D2.
Allow me to educate you.
First day shako=10k fg =$100
Second day shako=2k fg=$20

While I donā€™t condone trading on any other platform, those values transfer over into actual game items so if you find a GG rare on day 1, you can gear an entire character out of it. Timing is key, and what weā€™ve lost is the opportunity to compete for items when they actually have value. Iā€™m not upset about server lag or cannot create games, Iā€™m upset about UNABLE TO TURN ON THE GAME.
If they decided to rollback everyone, I wouldnā€™t even be mad.

Game is broken and libs keep licking the boots of their overlords


Great thank you for the link. I put in for my refund using it. Kinda sad 25+ years of experience and millions of dollars more and they still canā€™t launch a game with even a 75% up time


They are a multi dollar company. What do you expect?

So what? Next time you gonna buy a new bike and a wheel is missing so that you cant use it at all, you will accept that the vendor sends you the missing wheel two weeks after, even if you wanted to go on some bike-adventure at the weekend?


Clearly a child started this thread.

Has there ever been a launch of an anticipated game where the servers didnā€™t at least act wonky on the first day, if not out right crash/take a dump?

Itā€™s frustrating, but it happens when a bazillion people all try to use a new thing at the same time. The server issues have already largely faded.

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None of your assertions are true. WoW was freaking busted on day 1. Other games you mentioned all had at least minor hiccups.

Your analogy is poor. It would be more like if a 500 people were all trying to use that specific bike all at the same time. The bike would break.

Itā€™s pretty easy to not have 75% uptiume when the game has been out for less than 24 hours and like a million people are all trying to create games at the same time.

This is a simple issue of not correctly anticipating demand. it is really not something people should be losing their doodie pebbles over.

You work for PoE and are here to cause a disturbance. Shame on you.

Arenā€™t you the one that suggested Blizzard made a game in which antivirus programs are deleting locally stored character files? :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

??? Youā€™re trolling right

I actually agree. These same freeze and crash bugs were mentioned in Alpha and Beta and never fixed.

At best the game plays long enough to get past blood raven, usually not that long and most the time only long enough to enter the den of evil.

Both online and offline freeze and crash.

I enjoyed a good 15 minutes of squashing little guys right outside the den of evil, got a blue screen, and now the game is completely messed up with ā€œfailed to joinā€ or whatever, broken graphics, freezing, etc.

Amazingly they dont even answer ^^ Prepare guys the start of the Ladder will take a while like in Wc3 ^^ ā€¦ Leaving us here with no answer at all or anything is excatly what i expect from a company like Blizzard. As if they dont have enough bad news floating arround and now they even piss off the d2 comunity

I want to refund to the game dosent even starts(pressā€“>playā€“>playing nowā€“>and the play is active again , no error no hey you canā€™t play just a BIG NOTHING)ā€¦ I dont even get in to the game so I need my money back

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Me too.
It wouldnā€™t be so bad if all servers were down. Being some of the few that canā€™t play while others progress is way worse.

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