How to fix 2 major problems with this game

The types of replies people leave, will show you everything you need to know about that person as a player.

Stop allowing players to hijack a game in progress by running ahead to different acts and wrecking it for players who are currently playing. This can be done by simply not allowing any player into any part of the game the host hasn’t been to yet.

By not allowing players to run ahead it now forces people to actually play the game which is exactly how it should be anyway. This is the part that separates the players from entitlement. (Again the replies people leave, shows you everything you will need to know about a player)

Every game that comes out ignores actual playing and becomes nothing but lets race to end game by skipping as much playing as possible with all sorts of excuses.

The whole corner cutting mentality stems from game devs who cave to player entitlement for so long, they spend less, and less on game play, which then in turn causes people to complain about lack of game content.

Right now in every game, unless players have some way to bypass playing the game, the game gets a low score or bad review and loud voices start drama with anyone that tells them to play the damn game.

Forcing people to play the game is needed because player entitlement has become so common place, that just the mere talk of possibly ending a way for players able to cut corners, is deemed toxic, and will spawn all sorts of complaints ranging from this would cause people to not play the game all the way up to that would be boring and my favorite, I’ve already done this 100 times.

none of those excuses are relevant and they aren’t an argument, they are player entitlement who buy a game then want to do as little playing as possible to get to end game where they literally say, the game starts at the en game which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard out of a gamers mouth.

The only people who complain that corner cutting ARE THE ONES DOING IT and cannot function in the game without it. Those are the players YOU DO NOT WANT IN A GAME.

The ability to skip the game without consequence is what caused that mindset/mentality to begin with.

Forcing people to play the game they bought needs to be done because it will remove a lot of players that do not belong in the game because when they find out they actually have to put forth effort, it will cause them to leave.

If you have any excuse as to keeping corner cutting, then you aren’t someone who belongs in a game because there is no reasoning with you and it shows you dislike playing games. Saying it gets boring means you shouldn’t have bought the game to begin with because it involves playing.

You cannot disagree with any of the contents in this topic, and still somehow claim you’re a person that plays games.

So the guy that can’t even read patch notes, thinks he knows how to improve the game…

Troll 1/10.


Stopping people from being able to screw with people’s games, and forcing players to actually earn their gear by actually playing the game, is always a problem for people like yourself.

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That’s what secureing your game whit a password is for.


plz go bye bye

from pretending to be a noob to raging about hijack///complaining about the soj sale system as if you had been veteran enough to know how it rly feel to deal with it

feel like i wasted so much effort by putting up a wall of text of info for you into that other thread of your

anyway…with all the negative you been drawing on the forum the mods will give you that vacation soon

" How to fix 2 major problems with this game"

I read the whole thing, but… maybe my comprehension is poor this afternoon, but it seems you only identified 1 “problem”… lazy content skipping personal-agenda - babies.
Was there a second deal i missed?
And, I do not disagree… just wondering what the 2nd problem is in your opinion.

Setting the nodrop% to /players 3 regardless of how many are in the game would eliminate the incentive to hijack open questing games.

It’d also eliminate the drop rate advantage that multi accounters have over those with just a single account.

It’d give a small bump to drops for solo players. Lets face it, most players play solo anyways for drops, because they don’t want someone else snatching their drops.

Games with two or three players would still have acceptable drop rates.

It’d make the play choice very clear: Play solo for drops. Play multi for experience gain.

But alas, there are too many who are engrained into the multi account methods for this to be a successful measure. They have a grip on the economy, and they will fight to keep it the way it is, because it keeps them in control.

This is straight up stanner/randyboggs… jfc where do people find the time to come up with this trash?

From this game sucks i only paid $20 bucks to crying about people who are rushing their chars deep in the season LOL

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Textbook Stanner/Randy opening; textbook.

Which headlines a standard Stanner/Randy call-out of other players.

And there’s the standard Stanner/Randy finisher…

“I’m right, and you are wrong.”

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