How old are you?

hello guys im a hardcore d2 fan

im 35 years old and i think this game will last me another 20 years before i rip…

how old are you?

i still feel like a kid and will be once this game get release!!

How dare you young man!

No but honestly, probably a bit older than your average gamer, but still young enough to smash Diablo thousands of times. This is going to be fun.

look old outside feel young inside

35 aswell lol hoping for at least 30 before rip XD

lol damn u a beast yea ill just play till i rip and save all my godly items bcuz no other game will ever beat d2 (i try alot of game dint like any but yea d2 is my type of game)

In my 30s, played D2 all throughout my childhood and my 20s.

I loved the nostalgia but I’m not letting it blind me from seeing that D2 needs a lot of changes and re-balancing.

I’m old enough that I had the fun experience tweaking config.sys and autoexec.bat for DOS games back in the Win3.1 days. Towards the end, I had a sophisticated batch file that would shuffle config.sys/autoexec.bat files, reboot the computer and load the game. Working with 640k base memory for games was a PITA. :slight_smile:
Learning batch paid off in the long run, it made learning powershell easier. :slight_smile:

Also logging into BBS file systems, downloading demos and other goodies and playing old BBS DOOR games! Legend of the Red Dragon, Operation Overkill II, TradeWars 2002, and others.

Fun times!

let’s just say: back then I was still playing with the C64, Amiga 500, 1200 and my first PC was a …Pentium 100 (I think…)

i miss the amiga times :frowning: (30 minutes loading time with UFO-Enemy unknown…and then the amiga crashed *G anyway! AGAIN! )

Oh yeah? Well I had an abacus! :stuck_out_tongue:

Same age at you buddy, and it is an inspiration to see your enthusiasm, alot of us here also have that same enthusiasm now that the king of looters is getting remastered.

Have you beat by a mile. My first computer was a timex sinclair followed by Radio Shack’s TRS-80. For video games, it was pong and then atari (or at least the sears knockoff atari :upside_down_face: )

I bet players like myself who are older (i.e. working professionals when Diablo 1 was released) are enriched in wanting more options added to D2R.

you* need a lot of changes and re-balancing for it to be fun to you*

fixed that for ya

lol talked about pc yea i remember playing d2 lod at my friend house

his pc would crash like every time we play d2 and we have to reformat the damn computer everytime to make sure is fresh…but then again we finally realize it was a bad hd

miss those times…

but now im not sure if my friends from back then will play it prob just me…they got job/family i do too but stop talking to them sad…

most (over 70%)* need a lot of changes and re-balancing for it to be fun to majority*

fixed that for ya

and you are basing that off of streamer surveys catering to a tiny more casual fraction of the playerbase? yeah… not happening sorry.

Multiple surveys, multiple platforms, multiple streamers.

I have yet to see ONE poll that favors no changes. At least I’m bringing data, what data are you providing for your conclusion?


Plus, having data that reaches the same conclusion derived from different sources + different times tend to validate the conclusion pretty well.

Nobody has ever said that they are in favor of no changes, we just draw the line at ploot, microtransactions, auction house, handshake pvp, mounts, pets, wings and stackable gems, all stuff that you support and all stuff that would make D2R painfully dull and samey.

You know, not everything has to be the same, you understand that right? Some games are fun, quirky and unique precisely because they are different.

Some have said that they want no changes.

Micro I don’t know how you were able to reply to my comment because I have blocked you, but needless to say, I haven’t read the ‘ignored content’.

Was it at least the 64k color TRS-80?