How long will Ladder 2.4 last? I wish to convert my ladder characters from ladder 2.4 to normal D2R online characters as soon as possible in order to play with the existing characters and items. The existing D2R online characters have consumed a lot of time and effort from me and I don’t want to leave them useless.
I have never played ladder before, even 20 years ago. I played online, but non ladder.
Many players want to play ladder 2.4 in a week.
We have been waiting too long.
IIRC as soon as ladder starts all current characters will be transferred to non-ladder. In the dev stream they said they aim for a ladder length of four months.
Oh. Thanks! I can wait for that.
why would blizzard add the ladder to 2.4? they would just be dooming themselves to termination. Wait a bit and milk the Microsoft cow so you can keep your job a bit longer “developing the ladder” Once that ladder is released adios blizzard employee’s. Goodbye Diablo support.
What the hell are you smoking? Ladder will come with 2.4, that’s a fact.
your references? I would LOVE to see how its a “fact”
Well the runewords that will be introduced in 2.4. are ladder-only runewords. The PTR patch that will be going up today is 2.4. So conclusively this means that ladder will start with patch 2.4. hitting live servers. You can go check the dev-update video at MrLlama’s YT channel where they talk about it.
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@JnX For my understanding, it is what you say that the new rune words will be in ladder 2.4 only during the ladder season. However, at the end of the ladder session, ladder becomes normal and those rune words can be used in non-ladder play (if my understanding is correct).
Correct we are currently using “ladder only” items all over the place in non-ladder… Blizzard employee’s must delay the ladder to keep their jobs. Microsoft has a WELL documented history of terminated employees from companies they absorb… it might be the only way Blizzard employee’s get a shot at having a job for a few more months.
If they are smart the ladder would never see the light of day… they could just patch it while building diablo 5.
Yes that’s correct. You can use them after the ladder has concluded in non-ladder mode, however ONLY if you have crafted them during ladder. They will not be craftable in non ladder. Only the runewords you created during ladder will be transferred along your characters to non-ladder moder after about four months, which the devs stated is their plan on a regular ladder-duration.
The game version that is currently live has NO ladder-only runewords. Only the new seven runewords will be ladder-exclusive.
So I re-establish my point… you have NO evidence that blizzard will create a ladder WITH this patch… you are talking out of your rear and you should apologize to everyone here as they are all dumber for having read your post.
There is only these facts that exsist.
1.) in the history of D2R there have never been ladder only runewords that only worked for ladder players.
2.) There has never been a ladder in D2R
3.) You have yet to provide anything more than an assumption that holds the same amount of validity as a carnival fortune teller guessing based on no empirical evidence.
“As we get closer to the launch of Patch 2.4, we plan to reveal more details surrounding Ladder Rank Play. So, for now, please stay tuned!”
I know thats not 100% proof, but can you accept it?
My ex asked me the exact same question, I kept telling her she is lucky to have a ladder and not a stool!
and now for all seriousness who would actually date me, alright now for real, they mentioned 4 months but it was not set in stone, neither the date of said ladder was mentioned so we will have to see, but the best clue we have is 4 months so far
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Say you have 20 characters non-ladder…
Say you make 20 characters during ladder…
At end of ladder - ladder characters get moved to non-ladder status…
Do you now have 40 characters?
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nowhere in anything released does it say that. these are just new runewords. they’ve said nothing about them being ladder specific.
this is not the ladder patch. they’ll be starting the ladder later on, 2.4 is merely the content update and class/item changes patch. once all the new stuff is settled in, ladder comes after all that. what’s been shown so far is for the entire game, not “ladder only”.
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Skip to 5:00 “what will happen to those EXCLUSIVE RUNEWORDS”
So tell me again how these runewords will not be ladder specific?
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