How long will Ladder 2.4 last?

“What the hell are you smoking? Ladder will come with 2.4, that’s a fact.” - Jnx-2885

The runewords might be but, NOTHING says 2.4 will include the ladder or the runewords he doesn’t even touch on 2.4 having either in it in that conversation. This is a non-smoking room please stop blowing it out your rear.

Ok, I’ll prove it again.

It’s our goal to empower players with the means to acquire and test these new items on the PTR. Your impressions and feedback will assist us in optimizing these updates ahead of the live release and first season of Ladder Rank Play.

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leave him alone
we know ladder will be at the same time

that guy smoking that good stuff for sure

@Jnx Oh. I thought the new rune words will be allowed to be used in creating items after ladder season ends.

No they always will be ladder specific. Sorry to disappoint you.

Yeah please don’t feed the troll.

I love reading all the speculations here. Ladder will come after PTR Test, within the week “I’m guessing”

New Season: It’s a fresh start for many people who are bored with the game.

will the skill changes effect ladder, and non ladder? ie the new skills for hyda sorc. I know the runewords will be ladder, but will the skill changes be across the board?