Any new content in a game like this can have its problems. If it is a new act there won’t be any legacy view for it since there is no sixth act in the original D2:LOD and no way of adding it to the original. If you do use some of the years between D2:LOD and Immortal there are still other questions like is there a possibility that Blizz wants to use that time to tell the story with another Diablo game? Will the level go up, and if not how will the acts and difficulties be re-balanced for the new act? Also any new gear would have to be done right. But still would have to be strong enough to be a viable choice compared to other gear. Will power creep start to be a real problem?
Like you said bots are a problem in all games. With more games than this one that would have bots rampant on day one.
The original D2;LOD is going just fine. If you don’t like it then play it with one of the fan made mods like I have done from time to time. Still thinking about trying out Median XL Sigma 2.0.
Unless you are a programmer of games I don’t think you or I would know how hard or easy that task would be.
Those new content points of yours are part of why they have to focus on that development, which would take away from any effort fixing bugs, bots, stability, etc and thus, not a good idea (as my point was, pointing out). And as a AAA studio that knew what kind of bots to expect (since this IS just a re-release of a previous game of theirs), they really should have been able to curb some of it better than they have.
Anyone with a modicum of knowledge in programming, networking and general IT will understand two things:
The actual difficulty of a task such as preventing bots from spamming in-game chat
That it IS possible, and professional devs who do this day-in day-out should be capable of doing without issue
Clearly this wasn’t a difficult problem for them because after an update mid-afternoon/early evening (forget the time it was), the in-game spam stopped.
It should be fairly obvious to anyone who’s paid attention to business trends over the last 30+ years that companies are not motivated by “social” goals, but purely financial ones.
Anyone with idealistic views believing companies will “wake up” and change the way they do things to favor social interests is being dishonest with themselves, let alone others.
It’s the double-edged sword of Free Market Capitalism. You’ve got your own freedom to experience its benefits, but then also you suffer from its consequences as a result.
I highly doubt that the bots that are in D2:LOD are identical to the ones encountered in D2R. Botting on a 20 year old game might be easier to get away with then a newer battlenet.
I am sure that spam bots are no doubt still a problem with the original D2:LOD. But are somewhat different because even though the older net code is still there a bot spammer has to work around the newer battlenet.
How recent was this and if it was like a few days ago has it stopped it permanently? If not then it was just a temporary fix instead of a permanent one.
I don’t swear, but if the game didn’t have a profanity filter and I posted on these forums demanding that Blizzard add one I would (rightfully) be told that I’m being ridiculous to expect an M rated game to censor chat.
To me the problem with the profanity filter isn’t that it impedes what I want to say in chat, but that it sends a clear message that Blizzard wants to treat players like children on a game that is decidedly not for children. Frankly, people who defend or downplay the profanity filter offend me far more than any profanity-laced comment ever could.
rather say blizzard is just a management company (bad at that) who doesn’t put out any games by themselves anymore rather than outsource all their coding apparently and then put their stamp on it, run trash servers and provide negative service
It’s kind of like the life cycle of a lot of old games that end up being bought out by Nexon and then Nexon sells them to some who knows what company. We’re at the who knows what company stage. That’s what blizzard is equivalent to now. Such a fall from the pinnacle of being their own category of prestige.
What I find the most funny about cheetah is that all he does is brownNose blizzard and as soon as you disagree with him you get flagged and automatically muted
Just typing this assures me of not being able to post for the rest of the week… but somebody has to say it
You are free to disagree with me all you want. You are not free to actually break the forum rules. Just like I am free to disagree with Blizzard all I want, and do. I just can’t get nasty and insulting, use profanity, etc.
It is not usually what someone says, but how they say it.
I can’t moderate forums. If you don’t actually break any rules I don’t see why you would be suspended. I see you intentionally replied to me to make sure I saw your post via the forum notification system. I am not sure what you thought you were going to accomplish. I guess this is the attention you wanted?
Yes. When a post gets a threshhold of unique reports the forum software greys it out, but does not remove it. A moderator has to review it and determine if it should be unflagged (does not break rules), removed (take as a warning), and/or the poster suspended for breaking rules.
They have not given the number of people who have to flag it to get it greyed out - over 5 I think.
Your mistake is that you broke the forum rules by discussing forum moderation. That is probably why you got flagged by people. If you don’t want that to happen, you might want to review the forum rules.
Welcome to private property where you agree to follow the rules or get kicked out. Free speech only applies to the Govt not arresting you for what you say (esp about the Govt or leaders). It does not mean anyone else has to put up with you though. There are sometimes consequences for what you say. A lot of “anti censorship” is people who want to be a jerk without consequences and don’t know how to communicate in polite society around strangers.
This piss poor excuses that some of you try and defend Blizzard with about if you not a “Programmer” and all then Bla bla bla is getting old. We pay them to do the hard work not vice versa, It’s their job.
All games come with issues (we all get it) but this is absurd.
Chat bots are aloud to spam chat all day and no time outs or bans for repeated offense?, but yet dare one of us accidentally put in a wrong game name or slip in to the wrong game and we leave to fast and we get a timer penalty? (WTF) and many times makes me miss out on a very hard run to find.
The game will get fixed over time, my fault again for trusting a company that has went downhill since Activision bought them, and I should have learned my lesson with buying D3, just hope they don’t make this mistake with D4.
This was a new headline for today
"Six US states pressure Activision Blizzard to make “sweeping changes”
How ironic and fitting not only are the players asking for change but now states are. lol
So then you are saying that a game like D2R has to allow players to use profanity as if they are talking like they would if they were actually living in the game world. I highly doubt even the world of Sanctuary has that kind of speech. Remember a M rated game doesn’t have to have profanity to have an M rating. It can still carry the M rating on the violence and gore alone.
That means it doesn’t have to have profanity in order to carry the M rating. It is not treating people like children. Profanity can at times cause people to get offended and get angry. So they wan to make sure that the emotions during game. Instead they would rather you direct your emotions toward the game itself. Or even at times where you could laugh at your own stupid mistakes.
The quality of the servers nor the amount is the true cause of the server issues. It is the net code that is the real culprit. The 20 year old net code that is part of the engine running underneath the game.
Think of things like two eight lane highways connected by a bridge that is only a four way highway. During peak times you will have traffic jams. Now if you build more bridges that has about the same amount of lanes as the highway elsewhere you will take the pressure off of the bottleneck and traffic will flow better even during peak times. That is why they will change things where the game will save more often regionally than globally.
We know who got the call to make D2R VV that became Blizz employees.
Look just because that one doesn’t instantly agree with what you have to say doesn’t give you the right to say those things. This is not the Mr./ Mrs. I agree forums where one person posts and everyone instantly agrees with them regardless of what they are talking about. Even things that would take evidence to prove it but still they agree anyway. Thanking that one and praising them to the highest heavens.
I usually see those type of posts from those that I disagree with as a means to make me a Yes Man. Where I agree with everything everyone posts regardless of whether it is right or wrong, good or bad, great for the game or it is not great for the game.
I see that as a an appeal to emotions fallacy. The emotion is fear, if you don’t want to be called those names you will instantly stand at attention and be a good soldier and agree with them all of the time.
We all have to obey forum rules like everyone else.
Silly me you are the greatest programmer in the entire history of programming. You would be able to easily make a game like PoE with all of its content completely bug free, without exploits, and where it is impossible for anyone to bot in it ever, even though botters are increasing in their skills and the tools improve as well. All of that and more in five seconds right.
When the focus is on handling server issues I can see why chat bots haven’t been affected yet. When the server issues are a thing of the past then they can start handling them. But according to you, you could handle that along with server issues in less than a second right.
What good is having a chat that is free of that stuff if you are not able to play the game during peak hours. Where there are still server outages. This means that they have to prioritize their resources. Resources are not infinite for a game company nor should we expect them to be.
Also what prevents spam bots users from switching accounts to be able to get around any time outs
The only trouble that I foresee, server wise, for D4 is possibly D4’s version of Error 37 and maybe queues till they get more servers to handle the amount of players.
That is not in the field of games or game design. That has to do with the legal allegations of sexual harassment, assault, and improper behavior.
Now, treasurers from California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Oregon, Delaware, and Nevada are looking for the company to take action. Illinois state treasurer Michael Frerichs said “we think there needs to be sweeping changes made in the company.” With the involvement of state treasurers, the game publisher are now facing pressure from those who are willing to utilize billions of dollars to trigger corporate change. The treasurers have joined others in slamming CEO Bobby Kotick and the company’s response following the allegations, believe the current board do not have the “skillset” or “conviction” to transform their culture, and have since requested a meeting for Dec 20th to make a further investigation. It seems Activision Blizzard would rather keep things in house though, as recently it formed a Workplace Responsibility Committee out of its own Board Members.
What can treasurers do to the stock holding company (ATVI) if the company does not operate in their state?
Ah…found more data. So the Treasurers are involved in State Investment portfolios which may, or may not, have ATVI shares in the mix.
Between the lines: The treasurers manage about a trillion dollars in assets, but it’s unclear how much Activision stock — and therefore how much voting power —they have.
Frerichs confirmed that Illinois has investments in Activision Blizzard and is therefore impacted by the company’s plummeting stock price, but declined to say how much.
“One thing the Treasurers bring is also a bit of a spotlight here and a little public pressure as well,” he said. “So it’s not all just about the number of dollars and number of shares that we have.“
The big picture: It’s new for treasurers to be targeting a gaming company, but this type of action has plenty of precedent.
A year ago, New York state announced plans to divest its $226 billion pension fund from fossil fuel companies.
Last month, Massachusetts’ Goldberg said her state would use its investments to pressure companies to enact better climate policies.
Goldberg supports engagement, arguing that divestment abandons the issues and the companies’ employees. “If you don’t have a seat at the table, you don’t have a seat at the table,” she told Axios
What’s next: The treasurers want a meeting with Activision by Dec. 20.
The company’s board could point to its proposed settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a sign it is serious. It includes an $18 million victims fund and a commitment to EEOC oversight for the next three years.
“I look at that as a penalty, as perhaps an admission of wrongs in the past,” Frerichs said.
“But we’re long-term investors and we want to see those risks that caused that penalty addressed, so they don’t happen again. You can point to, ‘Hey, we paid the victims, we’re making them whole.’ But if you’re continuing a culture that creates new victims in the future, you are creating more risk for your company," he added.
Sadly many players find the requested changes to be “woke” and therefore bad. They feel charges of a frat culture, sexual harassment, promotion of bros/giving opportunities to friends, etc. is ok, or was exaggerated.
The State Treasurers feel the opposite - that if gaming companies, in this case ATVI and their subsidiaries (Blizz, Activision, King), don’t clean up hiring, promotions, culture, they won’t be investing state money in those stocks anymore.
I honestly feel like you did not bother to read what I said at all. Go read all my posts on the topic of corporate treatment of staff, clique/bro environments, sexism, harassment/abuse, etc. I have personally experienced a hell of a lot of it in my past career - related tech industry.
There are individuals at any company that are good, but a hell of a lot of companies need to clean up on multiple topics. I agree with the reformers…or did you not understand that?
I was calling out the players who feel that treating employees fairly is “woke”.