next best option is get rid of lobby chat
No Ultrawide or 4:3 support either…
Comming soon tm
@Shadowsrmine don’t you make me white knight for mscheetah lol shes on our side you fool. You like team killing right here bleh
Give 'em a minute. They’ve been getting worse in the lobby, only a matter of time before they can whisper and join games too.
I actually got on this forum to rage at my chat box being filled with spam bots.
For anybody that uses the “at least its better then the 20 year old diablo 2”
Keep in mind they had 20 years of knowledge this would happen. The excuse of I just didn’t expect spam bots to spam chat… is the dumbest excuse i’ve ever heard. This should have been thought out Day1.
There is some kind of attack speed bug when wearing 2 weapons because it is forcing me to always have my slow weapon as my main hand (no matter where I put my main/off hand). This has ruined my frenzy barb since I just built a death runeword and my main hand 40 percent IAS is always canceled for no reason…please fix this bug
I think in the very early days there was some form of support channel which tried to help. But i dont miss it much tbh - stability and preventing exploitation via bots is definitly on my wishlist.
It would be nice especially if stability issues improve because im already happy that your team has a chance to develop (hopefully) this old game further, especially for HC - sometimes there is just a disconnect result in loose all.
New content would be super nice:
e.g. quality of live (loot filters, rune/item stacking; a bit balancing → improve certain characters skills with synergies rather than nerfing; add some synergies to underplayed skills to enable new builds (i personally would favor that). Add some new items and runewords. Add maybe new quests (e.g. 3 additional in a4); or change some benefits from quests which are underutilized (e.g. gidbin → ring into amu). Add maybe a new merc (e.g. A4). Balance some merc regards imporvement and fun to play (e.g. A3). Maybe there are also ideas to add TC90 or TC95 areas (to get some more exp in zones rather than just hanging out in baal runs) → some areas in game are rarely visited (e.g. icy cellar) → would help players to get out of baal rooms. Add a new zone or maybe a decent DLC. Enable upgrade of set items (norm → except etc. ); maybe upgrades can result in changing an item fully into something new (set norm vs set exceptional). Add maybe some new cube recipes and some other form of endgame (e.g. comparably to maps). Rebalance some underutilized items which can enable new builds (e.g. 3 bonespears rather 1 or 3 golems etc. ).
Imagine thinking the profanity filter wasn’t just a list companies source from a third party and it actually took away from development time because Devs are sitting there trying to come up with every word that can think of for months.
I say the problems stem from the following.
1.) Way too short alpha and closed beta testing. I would’ve had a much longer testing and might even have more of the game open to testing due to wanting to know if the servers can handle it if I were in charge.
2.) To make sure that I could duplicate the launch conditions faster I would take the open beta and stretch it for about a month. It would’ve been a stress test beta where I would have premaded characters that would have the gear that they need to be able to farm hell. So I would have players stress testing the actually farming of hell with starter gear for all of the builds that I would have represented that could farm hell. Then tell players to farm to their hearts content.
To make sure that it would come as close to accurately reflecting the launch conditions I would create a program that would simulate the players farming where it would be like injecting in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of actual players. That way I am sure that I would hit the bottleneck. Then when I did hit a bottleneck I would’ve lengthened the open beta till either the servers are stable or the game launches. I am sure that if the game did launch before the open beta stress test ended that it wouldn’t have been such a disaster.
Then post launch we could focus on what needs it like giving the lobby more loving which is what I hope that the new features that they said are for. The lobby needs loving first before anything else that would truly be a new feature for the game.
New content would be super cool, but let’s not pull the focus away from where it needs to be.
Not being a despicable, and morally bankrupt employer and fixing the problems their PAYING CUSTOMERS have with the games THEIR HARD WORKING EMPLOYEES have dedicated their lives to creating. Problems that exist due to the ignorance of the decision makers rushing unfinished games, developing RMT shops no one actually wants, and firing 800+ devs when they can’t even put out finished content free from bot abuse.
The bots are always going to be a problem. The people developing them will typically having something functional within weeks as they always have, but when you put in such low standards and effort the bots are rampant from DAY ONE?
Should be telling to the shareholders/board members/C-Levels how piss poor things are when they start receiving more hate, criticism and complaints than EA
as an engineer - its often more easy to develop bypasses than being detected. That being said i still favor work done to cut off more streamlined ones. Its just a bit sad if you enjoy playing together with friends to afford something ingame and someone has like 5000 of that with no effort rendering your time spent bit useless in comparison as you would have to live like a bot with several arms to be competitive : ). It just disturbs ladder play also.
Seems like now days people at blizzard are to busy posing in front of a picture of Bill Cosby like he is something to look up to rather then fix the issues that are plaguing a 20 year old game. Forget about the people who pay their salary, and that’s us, the gamers who continue to deal with this BS, but for me it’s coming to an end soon. The op is right on… This is total BS…
Exactly. Bots and hacks will always be around since there will always be people developing them. But Blizz/Acti could at the very least plug the holes that make it super easy for them. Try whispering one of the bots and you’ll notice no user/account info to whisper to. This also means their reporting likely doesn’t work and putting them on your block list also doesn’t work.
this sadly can result in problems - i played EQ last years → quite dated game. Got whispered by GM if i am ‘botting’ and didnt respond → was a huge topic but apparently i did not respond because i was talking with someone over hours via phone and did not look into chat. I was farming a certain item and did not respond to ppl writing me - as such i was accused by GM as either botter or semi afk - infact my hands were on keyboard i just didnt mind to read. And tbh with the current ingame chat system i sometimes even overread messages from friends.
However some routines are detectable, some arent. The problem is - you can tweak into this direction. Some smaller protection may be a certain cheat detection software which on the other hand has other downsides.
It does feel more like a “missed opportunity” to me. They could have really introduced some QoL features to improve game finding/matching, etc., but they really didn’t add anything. Even the mechanics of the lobby are buggy as hell.
For example, inside a text box (e.g. game name), the right cursor key works, but the left cursor key does not. You can’t really select text, and the use of the ENTER key is quite inconsistent.
And why doesn’t ENTER dismiss popup windows???
And why can’t I SHIFT or CTRL and left click an item in inventory to move it to the trade screen? It would make gem trading dramatically better.
Simple examples, but it demonstrates that Blizz really didn’t put a lot of thought/effort into fixing/improving some very, very low-hanging fruit.
And if they didn’t work on the easy things, how much should we have expected them to invest in the hard things…?
For the moment am fine to get it running in a stable fashion without disconnects … would be beneficial for HC. Dont mind to get in a next step some more QOL (loot filter , stacking), and chat system etc overhaul → and than maybe some goodies to tryout something new, or new challenges (would be awesome).
Wouldnt even mind some micropayment for stash size or runestacking to support new content development if that comes → otherwise dont need that so urgent.
You might have mistaken my point. I was not referring to whispering them to see if they are humans and will respond. I was drawing attention to how these bot accounts seemingly have no actual account that could be reported/blocked so we can reduce spam ourselves (for whatever thats worth) using the systems put in place to do just that.
yes got it now : ) read too fast over your words but makes sense to me.
The lobby has LESS features than the original lobby lmao
there i was a bit shocked - its not that i would compare lobby vs ingame graphics as must to do - but felt a bit downgrade.