Honestly, how embarrassing Blizzard.. seriously

Let’s start with basics:

  • Spam bots uncontrolled running FURIOUSLY wild.
  • Long Wait times on game delay due to failed server management leading to loss of game opportunities frequently. Instead get better servers and invest more into your work.
  • Unable to use actual game names of items due to over excessive parenting tactics.
    I.E. B@stard sword. Because Profanity filter cannot be turned off.
  • People unable to see others chat because lobby is bugged upon entering a game. Evident by /who command.

More advanced problems:

  • The lobby is giving too much space to spam bots spamming the chat channel that the actual game titles are a small joke compared in rel estate.
  • Games refresh way too fast automatically and you can’t even sometimes get time to read a 1/2 a title before it’s gone.
  • All games are not being displayed and have to cycle an entire 3-4 times before that one you caught a glimpse of pops back up. Leading to loss of time or opportunity.

It’s 2021, better lobbies, server connectivity and design management can be easily achieved… it’s embarrassing these sort of issues weren’t addressed before releasing this as a remaster. There’s no remastering anything. Old LOD was more mastered than this shinier attempt. Thus leading people rightfully so to think this was a sad pathetic attempt at a cash grab, and the worse part is, it worked… it freaking worked.

Yeah you have better prettier graphics, but that’s where it stops.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Fool me three times? Won’t happen again…

Forum Moderator Note: Inappropriate comments removed. We do not allow attacks aimed at other members of the community.


Don’t worry - its launch day/week/month/year.

and content is for sure coming - trust them™


Right now I can trust them as much as I could trust a refund for this game after only being a week old… :-1:


spam bots sucks, but better than old bnet when they used to join your games and leave quickly causing full bug or when they could whisper you

long wait times? i’m not sure what you’re referring to. the longest wait i had was on a saturday a month ago, 10 min queue to enter, boo hoo. otherwise i can play whenever i want.

unable to use certain names. who cares, doesn’t change game play.

lobby sucks yes. changes are eventually coming.

games dont refresh fast enough lol, i find myself clicking create back to join to refresh it asap!

all games not being displayed sucks. but again lobby changes are eventually going to come. if you need chaos/baal runs, just join d2jsp, majority of players are just running private games, so much more convenient.

Blizzard is just a garbage company and they put out garbage products, have to just accept it friend


It’s hard to accept tho because it use to be so magical, and enticing to get lost into a world and be a free person to roam, have fun. Get into a bit of trouble, trade, seek help from real staff. And have staff actually agree with you when you said “Spam bots are out of control”

And instead of focusing on fixing bugs, and making the game better. They focus on woke censorship culture that is a paradox of idiocy in the idea itself. If there was less time catering to morons who want to be sensitive over how other people behave we could have real results on games and the experience. And allow people the tools like /mute/ignore and a unlimited list to manage their own social experiences.


Everyone agrees the spam bots are trash and need to go. The Hacks team is tasked with sorting out means to detect, block, ban, filter, etc.

The rest of it? Blizzard has never had in-game support for the Diablo series. Not sure when you think you could talk to a real person and have them “fix” something in Diablo.

Unless you mean sometimes Community Mangers replied to things? That has never been common and is something everyone has complained about for many many years. It is Blizzard’s policy/approach. I personally don’t agree with Mgt’s decisions to limit interactions.

I can’t change any of that though.

The only real issue you have there is the spam bots. The rest? You can’t seem to make up your mind if queues are long and bad, or queues are short and that is also bad. Profanity filter? Ok…not a big deal.

This whole thing feels like bait so that you could promptly jump on the first person who disagreed with you and insult them. Which is exactly what you did.


it is a create game delay to limit overloading server…imagine thousands of players creating/joining 15 sec games to look through their mules… otherwise let’s all enjoy some rollbacks & items poofing like in the first 72 hours of the game.

Well then ty, I’ll fix what I typed earlier, but it’s still ridiculious because it’s 2021, and the game could have easily had better management on that then this.

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And that’s another excuse. I don’t care what its for, it’s 2021. There’s smaller companies with more people on servers that handle situations far better than this.


like what game? never experienced perfect servers in any multiplayer game.

You are talking about two different things.

  1. The “rules” say you can’t use profanity, hate speech, insult/troll folks, etc. Nowhere in the rules does it say to sit down and shut up. What it says is HOW you need to address your speech.
  2. You are free to provide feedback about the game. Much of it I think everyone agrees on. The spam bots are out of control, have been since launch. Blizzard has not shown any meaningful changes or communicated about it… Lobby has been something that feels unfinished since launch. Many many people have commented on it, including me. Game creation/join is not optimal. Again, a common complaint.

Nobody gets in trouble for saying that. Where the get in trouble is insults, profanity, etc… such as making a thread baiting “white knights” and promptly insulting those who don’t agree with you.

You want to give feedback, do so - MOST of what you said everyone agrees with. If you want to pick fights with other posters, don’t be shocked if the mods give you a vacation.


That was awful. I remember when the bots could whisper you.

We still have a wait time when joining or creating games though. Small 60 second time window but still a hassle.

Unable to use certain names? That’s more harmful coming from a company based in a liberal state. Freedom of speech is slipping away. God forbid we name ourselves something that is ‘‘offensive’’. But this issue is from the company itself not the game.


you guys act like these issues hasnt been around before…

And that “small 60 second window” ESPECIALLY isn’t small when it takes me close to 2 hours to find a DECENT leveling baal run game…

So no, that’s a big problem in my book. Especially cause time is valuable to me cause I work like I do.

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yep it was terrible. so to me coming from d2 to d2r, the current state is actually a big improvement lmao.

create next game delay sucks but in reality this is also a HUGE improvement over old bnet. There is no realm down anymore, there are no temporary bans for making too many games. Currently I can just farm trav OVER and OVER for hours without getting kicked off. That has NOT possible with old bnet. After 1 hour of making trav only games, you get temp ban for 2-4 hours!

White knight or not, D2R bnet has improved in many ways over old bnet…

No more two week auto ban for using a VPN or Commercial ISP either. Those really were a pain. People rarely read the fine details in some support article, and the ban does not tell you WHY it happened. So people would try to connect again later - only to do it with the VPN and reset their 2 week ban timer.

They will fix the game creation delay on D2R when they get the database mess fixed. BUT it was worse, so I guess it is progress in the right direction.

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…use jsp or disco…

here I will spoonfeed you one going on right now


20 years worth of improvement on a “remaster”?

That’s the question. I don’t think so. I personally think with all the advancements and cool features other companies have done leaps and bounds, you would think they would do much better than this especially implementing it on a remaster.

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I do use D2JSP… that’s what took me 2 hours to find a GOOD game. Not some random joe blow who wants to farm baal.

And @ Deity:

Well before hand I thought Blizzard surfed these forums and was given feedback, but today I learned they don’t give 2 cents!

So chances are 99.99999% after this wrap up on a thread I’m done providing my time into it as well.