Highest level character missing and not showing up in character screen

My level 80 amazon is now missing. All my other characters are present. I was playing, was in a loading screen, disconnected, and now cannot see my character it all. Character name was HotJava.

Note, this is for online mode. I have tried logging out, back in, and tried running from a different PC altogether which has been working before.

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Same here, my lvl 76 Sorc is missing. Character name Nina. Tried to change servers, but to no avail. She has disappeared once before, but returned after i rested the game, but now she is missing for 4 daysā€¦ Sent a ticket to GMā€™s Told me to post it as a bug here.
Iā€™m writing on this same topic as Gilbadon so that it gets more upvotes unlike making a new topic altogether.
This happened on last sunday, now playing with paladin with hopes of Sorc somehow appearing backā€¦
Donā€™t know how this will help return it, but hey, all that is in my powersā€¦

Same problem here, my char lvl 64 name Desgraca disappeared yesterday after i got a game disconnect.

Same thing happened to me a few hrs agoā€¦

same my sorceress is missing level 28 :sob:

Yep same with me, lucky it was my first toon and was only lv 20+. Went missing 4 days ago, lodged a ticket same day and only got a response today so sat they canā€™t do anything and to post it here??? Would be good to get my toon back. I will be so pissed if my next toon which Iā€™ve worked hard on goes missing and I freaking get the same response. Did not pay $69 for data to go ā€˜missingā€™. Letā€™s see how long it takes for a response eh.

Thatā€™s a total garbage response and Iā€™m having the same issue with my Assassin.

Posting a response Iā€™ve gotten from Blizzard regarding the same issueā€¦


Hey there John,

Technical Specialist Rinadar here to assist.

I understand that a character is missing. Thatā€™s quite alarming, yet is something Customer Support is limited in assisting with.

Thereā€™s a few reasons this can be going on. A common cause weā€™ve seen is players accidently switching from Online to Offline or vice versa. Since each character is separate between those modes, if thatā€™s toggled, the character may not appear in the list. Just switching between the Online and Offline tabs in the top right of the character select screen can help.

There was a bug occuring where if the character name is used for both an online and offline character, the offline character may get deleted. The developers have fixed this very recently, yet if a character was lost this way, it is not something a Game Master can restore.

Thatā€™s because we have no records of characters or any way to retrieve a lost character. This also applies to cases where a character is either rolled back, deleted, or otherwise missing even if theyā€™re online. We no way to interact with characters or retrieve one thatā€™s disappeared.

In such cases, all we can do is ask for a bug report so the developers can check into what may have happened and address it. If thatā€™s needed, they are done on the forums here: Bug Report - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums

I know this is not the answer you were hoping for, but I hope I was able to explain why it is the only one we can give you. Thank you for your patience and understanding in the matter.

All in all, Iā€™ve accepted the fate. Sent a message to Blizzard asking if they will be addressing the issueā€¦. I fear playing again to having the same issue occur. Good luck.

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My online character has disappeared and I donā€™t have an offline character - what else can I try to do to restore my character

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Just happen to me I lost my level 65 sorceress today.

Looks like they wouldnā€™t recover our characters. F you blizzard

Has anyoneā€™s character been restored now that some time has passed? Mine just went missing.

you all wil get .Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server. later they got this huge bug long time still not fix. block down over and over

This happened to me as well. I had a level 83 HC necro 24h ago and upon logging on today, my mules/lower level characters are there, but not this one.

Update, still nothingā€¦ Just some BS talk about devs trying to fix bugsā€¦ The thing is want to name the new sorc the same, but i feat that if by any chance they do pull the chars back, the same named char would overwrite the old oneā€¦
P.S. Canā€™t even log to battle net servers todayā€¦

I think you should start over with the new char. I lost my Amazon last week and still no feedback so far.
They can recover the missing chars technically but will not do it for every single case.

I just logged in for first time in about a week or two and my 2 offline characters are goneā€¦

Sorry fellow travelersā€¦

Your character is just gone gone. Blizzard WILL NOT restore characters/data. Even if the cause of deletion is their bugs. You can pray for a rollbackā€¦ but thatā€™s about it.

You can find hundreds of other threads linked here about deleted items/characters.

Post there if you want any chance of them implementing some kind of mitigation effort to thisā€¦ cause itā€™s just so badā€¦

Your stuff is goneā€¦ play knowing it can all vanish at any momentā€¦ this is what iā€™ve warned about.

Donā€™t expect blizzard to do anything soon about it or even refund itā€¦ We bought their gameā€¦ their ā€œEND USER LICENSE AGREEMENTā€ & ā€œTERMS OF SALEā€ mean that as soon as we play their game they donā€™t have to refund usā€¦ and they can completely delete any of our stuff without any kind of consequencesā€¦ Our own fault forā€¦ I guess buying the gameā€¦ Guess going forward the only sure fire way to know what you are getting is to wait and see what others say about it, watch their bug forums, and read to make sure that they will be responsible if something negative (like this whole deleted data bs) happens.

Sorry again for your losses travelersā€¦ Hard to resist playing a good gameā€¦ though how good can it be if it deletes your data on a whim.

Stay dry out there travelers.

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Yeah itā€™s total BS. I was hoping playing offline would greatly mitigate a lot of the issues people are having. Seems like even offline characters can get deleted at randomā€¦