Ive yet to see any ubers spwn or
Sojs sold on the ps5. Are all these annihilus coming from pc?
Isn’t his appearance something to do with selling sojs?
I’ve never found an soj so doubt I’ll ever see him. Plus if I find a soj ill be keeping it, not selling it.
not a soj sold message since game released…
Asking myself if clone doesn’t come with lobbies or chat >.<
I think ladder has to be enabled first
sure it’ s not, since there is clones spawn on pc
Someone have been seling ani on psn here on forum already.
I haven’t seen any messages that single soj sold while playing so have no idea how they got it. And we cant trade on different platforms so this is a bit suspicious where they getting them from. But I might not know something.
I found two soj by killing Andy on psn.
in fact, we trade with guys on pc (or other platform than our), when they have game on console…
and the only anni i have see, came from guy on pc.
Holy cheese just checked this and this is true. If you have both versions PC and console you can log in with same account to both platforms. I think this is not fair. PC guys have so much more advantages compared to console gamers. For example Im adraid to create ubers game yet because I only have mid-budget items for smiter and in case I die in bad spot I can’t relogin to same game to pick my body up and fight again. You only can do that on PC.
Just invite a friend to stay in game, then you can do that too on ps
I don’t t have any real friend playing d2r and inviting someone else that I can’t trust might be not good idea after all… But possibly with some positive mindset I actually might end up doing this with someone from this community, and again big minus for console players that we dont have in game text or voice chat so it’s hard to make friendships and find who is trusted who is not.
Text me if you wanna do a Uber. I can just farm while you’re doing it. No problem
I found an SoJ, act 2 hell, on my wind druid. First time I’ve ever found one in… god knows how long of playing d2 total.
Thing is, without duping, I am finding the d2 economy is kind of dead.
The economy is dead Bc there is no chat dialogue and no custom lobbies…
I got Soj from nightmare Diablo while questing, first kill drop
How Uber Diablo Spawn works 200 stone of jordans need to be sold on the server then the next game will spawn a uber diablo after the 200th is sold. This is how it is on PC back in the day on classic you use to be able to do a trick I don’t know if you can do this on resurrected but you could use command prompt to ping the realm to get a ip list of all the lobbies currently playing and you would get two sets of numbers after the ip one of those numbers was the one you had to pay attention to because that number indicated how many soj’s needed to be sold for the next uber to spawn then you could see the next ip to make a game had the uber spawn and you would know which lobby to join.
Yes this was a ladder only but in resurrected the original ladder content is enabled in non ladder so uber diablo is able to spawn. The question is how does it work on console since we do not have game lobbies or chat we cannot get the message a stone of jordan has been sold so how does dclone spawn work? This is the question that must be answered as of current how people on console are getting annihilus charm on console are by playing on pc D2R is cross-progression so you play on pc get the charm then login on your ps4/ps5 there you go its on console.
We need to find out if uber diablo aka dclone spawn the same way as on pc which I imagine does not because we do not have a lobby browser we have the junky party finder and private game which is really not private because anyone on your friends list can just jump in and join so you cannot even password the game to make it truly private.
have you thought to the fact that , people are actually waiting next ladder to try and pop dclones , or you know d2r on console is kinda new , theres not alot of sojs out there , i dont think alot of people sell them here…
love to play on xbox… give us lobby on console!
Your people are over here.
Petition for console lobby/server list
This thread is about Uber-D-Bizzle.