Hardcore 89 lvl char died due to server disconnect

eyeroll. another person complaining about a hardcore death out of thier control.

here try this:

make a softcore character… and when i legitimately die… delete your character.
problem solved…

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Your comments keeps repeating the same idiotic argument about hardcore players. Please understand that disconnections are 8 seconds in D2 original and there is no reason it to be 40+ seconds in D2R. Read my comment above.

It entirely changes the outcome. Try to understand people’s problems inc hc instead.
What if the brakes of your car stop working in you lose GPS connection? “Well don’t drive cars, it’s dangerous!” would say a SC player like you.

8 seconds, 40 seconds, you’ll still die most of the time no matter how long or short the timer is.

There is simply NO WAY to solve online disconnect problems. Bliz has to protect against hardcore players who purposefully power off/disconnect their network connections to try and avoid death which is why this timer is there in the first place. There is NO good solution to non-purposeful lag/disconnect issues as there is simply no way for the game to know the difference.

The bottom line is this: You play HC, you understand this is a possibility and you’ll have to accept it. Calling my arguments idiotic is really your way of stating you have zero counter-argument and would rather call me our or my very cogent argument as idiotic rather than use your brain. I assume you have a brain as you can form a coherent sentence so it shouldn’t be a stretch to form a reasonable counter-argument, if there is one.

In any case I’m done with this thread as its just the same-old tired “I died in HC due to lag” whine that has been there since pretty much Day 1. Nothing new here to see.

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Again UncleFester, you repeat the same idiotic comment making you a complete fool who does not read forums or know Diablo. Nothing is faster and easier than leaving a game Escape or alt f4. Which is instant disconnection on both Original d2 and D2R. Nobody ever pulled the plug to cheat death. You sound like Misscheetah who does not know this either.

8seconds simply prevents being killed by 1 trash mob which totally make sense. Nothing to do with intentionally leaving the game.
Nobody ever pull the plug inc HC when they can escape or use potions.

mimimi- play offline

Again you missed the point where I said they put the timer there so you CAN’T CHEAT DEATH. Perhaps you need a refresher course in reading comprehension. Quitting game, disconnecting network, it’s all the same. You’re playing the game on their server if you are online, hence the timer. That’s why the timer exists. You keep spitting idiotic back in my face without any counter-argument what-so-ever. Those who can, rationally argue back and forth with point counter-point. Those who can’t simply sling insults.

Please learn how the game works and why things are the way they are before posting again. Some of us have been playing the game since Day 1 (the ORIGINAL D2) so contrary to your less-than-subtle dig, we do actually know of which we speak of.

You’re simply wasting my time and anyone else’s who read the forum. Time to add you to the block list. Have a nice day.

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Indeed, I really do not understand your comment UncleFester. “Quitting game, disconnecting network, all the same” is wrong.
Intentionally Leaving the game is instant disconnection from the server with data saved, and has always been. While it is not in case of a client/network lag (40sec vs 8 sec in d2 original).

You guys who say its a crybaby - you are pathetic, you praise blizzard for not taking care of sheet ! that they suppose to, putting it back on our shoulders
We accept death as our own fault, if my pc lags, or my provider cut off internet its my problem, but if the problem exist on the side of the provider of the game its their problem to solve, and no we did not signed for this choosing HC over SC ! Think twice before saying nonsense like this and go kiss more as ses


Just play softcore for now until the server has better quality.

OP, all whining aside, I understand your complaint. And, without being intolerant, let me explain why rolling back the server for hardcore OR softcore is a bad idea by asking a simple question.

What happens if, at the moment of your untimely, and though no fault of your own, death, another player finally gets the drop they’ve been farming for months for, and they roll back the servers to accommodate all those who died?

They no longer have those items. The idea has been floated for some kind of grace period. But that won’t work either because then people would manually disconnect once they see they are about to die.

It’s a tough loss, I know. But, this is why they won’t do that.

Another sad end to HC run. Fix this blizz

As I stated, there is no fix for this. The game cannot tell if you lagged out or purposefully disconnected. I have always stated that playing a HC mode on any online game is just a no-win situation for the player, let alone the developer who despite their best efforts cannot solve the lag/disconnect issues and protect HC gamers.

This is why, even though it seems incredibly insensitive, the player explicitly accepts all forms of death whether their fault or not in HC mode.

This wasnt an issue in the original. Why now? Also yes hardcore players know what theyre signing up for but things outside of their control didnt used to get them killed. You must be a bot

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20 years ago it could tell if you disconnected

Manual disconnect > alt+f4?
Dont make me laugh

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I play HC offline :wink: :wink: :wink:

Might be a good bet but what if you have friends

They still stay friends to me.
Also most people I know quit D2R already.

They probably quit because blizzard cant help but make a hit classic dog water XD

Probably, idc tho. There also a few other good games to play. D2 isn’t the world and it’s also refreshing to play something else here and there.
If people like old games they can try RetroAchievements, it gives old games a new touch with nice challenges that gets recorded to your profile, we doin this lots, they have so much sets to master from Magnavox to PS2.

D2 will always be one of the best games but there is more outside, not just videogames.