Hardcore 89 lvl char died due to server disconnect

Blizzard you need to roll back servers if this things happen !
How am i getting all that time back ? We play hardcore to stay alive ! Not to DIE due to lack of server power.

OR JUST REMOVE HARDCORE option from the game until you fix the servers issue !


No thank you, just don’t play hardcore if you can’t accept death.


Happens all the time, thats what tou signed up for playing hc


What you mean i cant accept death
I been loosing chars before but if its my fault its a part of game, what fun is it to me to make all those efforts to stay allive for month and than just die due to error of blizzard ???
They could just add random death every day, and make it like a lottery.

I demand blizzard to roll back servers ! OR i want compensation for all my time playing this char online and bye bye D2R ! I dont want to play game with company who simply dont respect their clients !


Player plays a game mode they know is prone to lag/server issues.
Player loses their hardcore character for Reason X and it wasn’t their fault.
Bliz already has a policy of not resurrecting hardcore characters for any reason and player plays hardcore anyway.
Player posts a “demand” in forums.

I’ve seen this movie before…


I’m sorry for your loss. It’s definitely a gut punch when it’s out of your control. Thank you for your feedback, hopefully blizzard can make some improvements to enhance the hardcore experience for future players.


I always have a fear that the connection will kill my hardcore character, but I die enough that I roll better in softcore anyway.

Removing the option doesn’t sound very viable though

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All im asking is at least to recognize the issue

Its a 2 big difference to play softcore and hardcore ! And while both camps hate disconnects and server crashes make them angry, only hardcore character pays for it with all his loot and time in case such death.

I believe its a huge issue !!! Just imagine something like error(bug) in a code where lets say, in case you kill a mob with 1 hit game would halt and all characters would be wiped off server. What would Blizz DO ? They would have issue a PATCH right ??? OK - problem gone some minor crap left
Now for HC char, theese crashes, disconnects, and other beautiful things that are on the BLIZZARDS side, is considered same type of bug in a code !

Im 36 years old, i have 2 kids, one of them is 3. I love family, my business, and i love this game since i was a kid !
So now i decide to put my time and money into game that allows me to choose SC or HC offering 2 different approach to the game !
And than they say you know, FU, we dont care you died due to our problem on a server, we will do nothing to adress this issue ! Leaving me wanting to do only one thing, GATHER all of those who suffered same loss, put togather some money ! HIRE a good lawyer - and SUE BLIZZARD for wasting our time and money !!!
Im sure they can cover some 100+hours of avg.wage for those of us, who lost them by their mistake !

WE invest time in return for PIXELS - right ? We pay blizzard fee for letting us trade our time for those pixels ! right ? Sometimes investments bring losses right ?
But when losses happen due to server error - it kills the whole idea, so thats why they stop market in case some crazy events.
Same thing here, i want Blizzard to recognize that their server crashes AFFECT HC charecters WAAAAAAAAY different than Softcores ! AND IF THEY RECOGNIZE IT, issue a damn patch that would roll back your char in cases that they cant FIX for whatever reason. There are millions playing CS go and DOTA and never anything like this happens on their servers. Here few times a day, even tho they do those everyweek maintenance

ANYWAYS - Blizzard if you somewhere here, let me know plz on your position regarding crashes vs HC

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This is part of playing HC and what you signed up for. You can always play SC. Look before you leap.


Yeah because you are a crybaby, Blizzard should remore this feature for everyone? Lmao


Haha that’s fun.
Check the HC rules, Blizzard don’t take the responsability for the HC deaths, even for random disconnection. You accept this when you agree to play an HC char.

But probably you dont read/understand and now you want to SUE blizzard? xD

You are that type of guy who don’t read a contract before signing it, I understand. Hope your kids don’t follow your steps lmao.

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What do you want them to do?

Sh!t happens. If you want to play HC< build your characters with survivability as your top priority and accept that you might die to circumstances beyond your control.

If your power or internet goes out, are you calling the provider to demand reparations?

Go play softcore and stop whining.

Quick , Somebody call the WAAAHHHHHHHBULANCE! :sob: lololll.

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Everyone who plays HC knows death by server DC is a real possibility, and has been for the life of the game.
If you can’t accept that, then don’t play online.

I sure hope they don’t learn your attitude.


I feel for you on this … this is the exact reason I refuse to play HC this season, the combined servers have screwed everything up so bad … won’t play another ladder season either, too many bots … good job blizzard!!!

Plus this morning, there are sooo many spambots in so called chat that it’s pathetic.

this proves to me that they dont care and wont fix it … last time I buy any game from them

You don’t get any time back in life. Best to make the most of it :wink:

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The real tragedy here is the fact that this guy was reproduce twice.

Whether it’s server maintenance or client lag. OP is absolutely right to complain :
The problem remains the SAME. Being disconnected is 8 seconds in Diablo 2 original whereas it is 40 seconds for D2R. Deaths by disconnection are being over represented.
People don’t complain because they don’t know how it works. But they should complain.

This situation makes hardcore solo not viable. This time was brought DOWN to 8 seconds in Diablo2 original for REASONS. It feels like D2R has been automatically been transferred on so called “modern” servers where settings are the same as d3 by default. (By the way D3 should also have been faster disconnect to prevent being killed by 1 white mob) (which is a situation where nobody dies without lag, and covers 95% of disconnect situations) This has nothing to do with avoiding death. Nothing to do with intentionally leaving the game.

I can not stress it enough. This delay has to be addressed back to what it’s been for 20 years.
Then, HC might have more pupulated servers again.

It is explained in my topic here

No he’s not right. You’re playing an online game which is subject to lags/disconnect/etc.

If you CHOOSE to play HC, you accept that this can happen. Your amount of limited play time/real life responsibilities/etc. does not absolve or “cut you a break” of this reality.

Anyone with a brain realizes that even in a non-online setting, playing a HC mode can still result in death due to crashes. You simply have to accept that. You will not get your stuff / character back. You are PURPOSEFULLY playing a game made where the death penalty is the ultimate harsh consequence.

If you don’t want to lose your character / stuff, don’t play HC. It’s really that simple. IF you do and die FOR ANY REASON, your character is gone. That is the contract you signed up for when playing that game mode, and explicitly agree to the penalties of any death.

Why people continue to post and whine about it is simply asinine.

I realize that it sucks to lose your character / stuff, and sucks even more when there’s not much if anything you can do about it. But you know that’s a possibility and choose to play HC anyway.

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i lost my 93 when i was top 100 a few weeks back to that massive DDOS (just made infinity rolled a perfect 20/15/191 griff and found a 10 fcr 16 str mana all res ring), you know what they did ? when THOUSANDS of people all lost their characters due to A DDOS they admitted to?

they did absolutely nothing. i highly doubt your character / time was worth more than mine. i got nothing back, you won’t either…

i even calmy asked for a rollback on the twitter post but… nothing, no response… so ya. just quit then. seems like the right choice.