Griefing Low Level Characters

Tools are in place already. If you do not wish to use them to prevent being killed by another player, it wouldn’t matter what blizzard does, you cannot fix stupid.

If after you’ve used preventive measures and it somehow contiues to happen then you’d have a problem but until then, use the tools provided for you. If you choose not to, I do not see why Blizzard should in any way assist you.

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It’s not as bad as they have to be in town and you can tp back to town and wait it out. Getting pked is the ppl fault as the pk ppl has to spend time getting to you and if you are really worried about dying like hc you can leave game.

No. You have the tools already to deal with PKer, make a tp as soon as he becomes hostile, leave the game, set a level restriction, come back with your higher level and kill them yourself.

Dont be a snowflake theres more than enough.

This is easily avoided by setting a level restriction.

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IE :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:Pk Trolls I’ve seen one or two of these screwing around with other peoples gameplay, The explanation is their not happy unless their ruining someones day kinda sorta the same like High School students who go and beat up Grade Schoolers and Kindergardners and should be treated the same way! In this case by being permanently banned and even Buzzard would win this way as they’d be forced to buy new accounts to keep playing :wink: :innocent: Win Win for everyone but the PK Trolls and they don’t deserve a win


Don’t like getting Pk’d, don’t play. Or try playing another game that doesn’t have pk’ing. It’s really a win/win, we don’t have to deal with whining people when they get pk’d, and you get to keep all that whine to yourself.

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I suppose you see Gradeschoolers and Kindergardners being bullied by High Schoolers as OK Too! :man_facepalming:t5:


You’re comparing getting PK’d in a game where it’s 100% avoidable to IRL violence and abuse. You got issues dude, just uninstall the game and move on.


Flagged for cause…

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Griefing does not exist in this game. This isn’t your molly coddled world of hugscraft where the fee-fee police will step in and give you a lollypop if you get a boo boo.


In any multiplayer game where there’s an element of PvP, you’re going to have some who grief others for “hyucks”.

It’s as useless to even discuss such encounters as it is to justify the reason they happen.

And you and all the others like you need to get a life if this how you get your kicks🤦🏽


Are you saying this is how you like to get your kicks also, because you playing the same game.

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I’m not the one defending PKing am I he is the sadistic @#$%

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You sure whine a lot

Take your strawman and shove it.

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I suppose you see Gradeschoolers and Kindergardners being bullied by High Schoolers as OK Too!

Stop being so soft.

This is a video game.

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there’s already a system in place. The hostile person cannot use town portals , giving ample time for the noobs to either quit or tp to town. looks like you failed to set a player level cap. Man i’m so sick of these d3 players trying to ruin d2 because they have no idea how the game works. Go play d3 and stop crying.

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Because of this post ill have to make a grief efficient character and do that now. Takes me back to the good old days of d2. Nigma , cta and the whole 9 charms. Min max for maximum effort on killing ppl.

this is why I always make private games with passwords.

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