Griefing Low Level Characters

One that get’s me is a high lvl player and kills the boss on you, impeding your rush and having to make another game. Thnx alot douche.


Make private games, this is a common thing in diablo 2. If you never played the original D2LOD then you may think this is outrageous but this is how people farm bosses for increased MF. So easy prevention is the ability to add a password LIKE BLIZZARD gave you from the start.

ITT: op didn’t put level restrictions. Then whines about the results.

10/10 would read again.


These are clearly the “new player base” we all expected to see.

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Yea these cry topics pop up recently.
Welcome to D2 !
No more holding hands and being protected from everything like modern games.

Not like you cant prevent it easily lvl restriction or make friends and do private games.

My personal ideal solution get items and pwn them then NK until they leave.
To make the experience better drink 16x rejuvs then type in IXI after you finally kill them :smiley:

The correct response to a griefer is to hunt them down and kill them. Repeatedly.


This is nothing new. This has been happening since Pre LOD in classic. It is why I don’t trust people in games, and anyone that wants to play with me can join my private games by friends list only.

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You’re doing it wrong. What you’re supposed to do is kill them, then drop a whole bunch of crap gear all over the body. Gear will auto-equip once looted if you’re naked. If you’ve dropped enough crap to both equip them and flood their inventory, their actual gear will end up on the ground when they finally interact with their body.

Only thing you have to do once the above conditions are satisfied is kill them again to get them out of your way, then take all their nice, hard-earned equipment for yourself. No matter what they say or do in response, your only reply should be “gg ez.”

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Very few people even know about that command. Nice try, though. So far I’ve gotten my hands on several really nice pieces of equipment through use of the outlined method.

But for the ones that do use /nopickup? That’s fine. Just keep killing them until they leave. Won’t make them as salty, but it’ll still get them heated.

The solution is adding leveling restrictions to your public games, not making public games, or coming in with your own high level and killing the pker. you have tools to stop this Blizzard/VV doesn’t need to do anything.

No they are not. 20char


That sounds like fun. I like being griefed. Or griefing. It makes things interesting. And if you don’t want it to happen you can play private or set level restrictions.

Unfortunately /nopickup does not work with a controller. Items in a radius around your character will always show even without the show item toggle being held. Its frustrating.

Always been a part of the game, since the moment the option was discovered.

Then do explain all the documented cases of people doing exactly that. :slight_smile:

People hostile me on a daily basis while I’m playing public games. If I could see their faces when they run into a stray (or intentional) Blizzard, I’d be the happiest person on this planet.

Remember children, stay put in a Blizzard, you’re safer that way. You start walking and you’re bound to lose your way. This is especially true in Diablo 2 because of the way Blizzard damage is calculated and assessed! There is a reason why the Mephisto river kill works so well, and it isn’t just because he can’t hit you. :>

The claim was made by you. Can you provide a single verified case of a level protected game being breached by a higher/lower level than would have been allowed?

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  1. Level restrict.
  2. It already takes an eternity after clicking hostile before you’re allowed to use a TP or WP, it’s impossible to PK anyone unless they choose to be PKed.
  3. Most of it that I’ve seen is from people popping off yelling a bunch of random crap at a stranger for no reason. Being a normal human prevents at least 95% of PK attempts.

u know what i do when someone joins and goes hostile i tp to town or leave game its that simple