Got temp banned yesterday for speaking the thruth

As the tittle says i got temp banned yesterday for speaking the thruth about how they chose pc over console, like to thread here: PC players can play, but not console players. Nice Priority Blizzard , thats actually insane that they try to shut down their customers for speaking the thruth. But i guess they dont care about enough else than our money. Even if we all died they would rob our bodies for the remaining treasures we all had and tell our families and friends that we owed them money.


Well… they will get what they deserve in the long run. Facts always win.

And yes. This is crazy. 2021 and things like this still happening.

Waiting for my force refund :slight_smile:


Yeah imagine having a 21 year old game with this bad servers, updates to the game, crashes, etc. What was the beta for ? Like i cant see it at all.

They got their money. Not really that hard to understand.

I wouldnt even be in here arguing if it was possible to get a refund. But nintendo doesnt issue refunds even if the product isnt working. (Which also; is f****d up imo.

Im just waiting for enough complaints to come in so that they are forced to issue it. It happened before and i hope that it can happen again. Once i get my refund i’ll leave this sinking ship and never look back.

If there isn’t an eth infinity waiting in my inventory to make up for all the lost playtime i’m going to be very disappointed.

I would just play single player, but it’s almost as if console players didn’t purchase the same game. Where is my /players function? You expect people to grind to 99 on players1? Have the devs even played their own game?

But people still defend this company somehow. “Cmon guys theyre doing their best.”

I say people, but i assume they’re just really bots. Just like the bots that are causing the server queues. Again. Have they even played their own game? No realm down for exiting and entering quickly? Legacy has that TO THIS DAY to stabilize the servers due to botters. And yet they thought it’d be wise to undo that. Then, they thought, hey, wanna know what would punish honest players even more? Server queues! And everyone laughed while a potrait of Bill Cosby warmly smiled down on them.

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Welcome to 2021. Big brother is watching.

This company has turned into a farce

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Yeah pc version is so much better, the have /players 8, they have ways to stand still and use attacks without actually holding the button over an enemy, they can buy everything from vendors, manage potions faster, we have so blue screen crashes on console, the graphics are awfull while tp’ing and so on.

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unbind your x button ive seen a lot of people suggest this as a fix and i do it myself so you arent spamming loot while fighting. i use triangle square and circle and leave x unbound