Give Natalya a Purpose - Trade Ist for "Skeleton Key" charm

This is an expansion of the following idea:

Hey, anyone remember Natalya? She’s the Assassin that hangs out at the southeast part of the Kurast Docks. Here’s a thought to give an actual reason to go visit her.

Add dialogue for her along the lines of wanting to trade with you, which she needs an Ist rune. Her offer is the “Skeleton Key”, which allows the holder to open all locked chests. Once the trade dialogue is read, she’ll then have a trade option, which will bring up a window where you can place an Ist rune, which will then give you the Skeleton Key charm.

As far as the level requirement to use, might as well make it level 51, the same as the Ist rune. Also, instead of the original small charm thought, make it a large charm with the D/H/T key graphic.



Nah sorry

Natalya already has a perfect suggested purpose

She’s “The assassin”

Sent by the Viz-Jaq’taar order

She’s a contracted bounty Hunter, makes sense she gives you bounty hunting contracts

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No, thats dumb and has nothing to do with D2.

Shes the assassin and they have a skeleton key skill. Makes perfect sense.


She picks the locks…

Even the most novice of Assassins is a past master of infiltration, and no lock has been made that they cannot circumvent. Hence, an Assassin needs no key
to open locked chests.

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Thats what I said, she has a skeleton key type skill to open all locks. Makes sense that if there was some sort of quest buff to add, it would go to her.

And it makes sense with their knowledge of locks that they would be able to craft a key capable of picking all locks.

Dude do you even know how key works

Go look some Lockpicking YouTube channels and tell
Me how many keys they craft during their lock picking attempts… I’ll save you time, none

It’s just faster to pick

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I guess you’ve never heard of a bump key.

Besides, we’re talking about locks that are extremely simple compared to todays locks. Think about locks from medieval times. Please stop trying to be a forum nuisance.


Funny you say that when you did the exact same thing when I suggested that we should be able to break into chests by walking at them

We aren’t talking about modern steel and Coffer craftsmanship mate… it’s only medieval chests, must be easy to break for somebody who can kick barrels which are also made of wood and steel reinforcement and especially somebody who can kill the frocking prime evils lol

Actually its not. Its faster to destroy the lock or container. Trust me, I know a few things about forcible entry.

Is that so?

Saying "Welcome back Sekscalibure. :slight_smile: ", followed by sharing my opinion about a charm that grants the holder the ability to pick locks…

Is being a nuisance?

To me, that starts out pretty friendly, and cordial afterwards. Hmm.

ist? sounds good for me

i just dont think it needs to be 1x2
losing a smc spot is already good enough trade off

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Why not just add more quests, an extra act, make the game more fun for nostalgia (the majority of the people who paid for this game) and stop making it "sword "fight for ALOT of players that seem to do nothing else??? Not everyone plays 24/7

Nats weapon is already the best pvm weapon for blade sin, nothing else needed.

can you source where you read that they’re bounty hunters? the order was established to kill evil mages. the order is a remnant of the mage clan wars. she was there to see if ormus was evil.

as for the idea, bizarre and lacking little relevance as usual

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A bit of information on the Warded Lock design:

Under “Vulnerabilities”, it mentions that a well designed skeleton key could be used to bypass the wards of the lock, allowing one to open any warded lock of the same design type.

Each time there were improvements made to the design of the warded lock, a new skeleton key would often have to be made for that new generation of warded locks.

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I presume you hid that perfected purpose somewhere in that post, but you hid it to well I simply can’t find it between the non-sense you used as camouflage.

This whole concept can be dismantle with 1 simple change

Why create a whole new item

When you can simply increase the key stacks to 100

Takes same place

Does the same thing as your skeleton key

Already exists

Keep the consumable nature of the mechanic, just less close to none

Natalya could even be implicated by rewarding you with that increase after killing Baal

Norm: 12 to 30
Nm: 30 to 60
Hell: 60 to 100

But a key already only takes up a single inventory slot, and they stack to 12. Buying a key stack to occupy 1 inventory slot every time you go to sell is already a better deal than burning an Ist for a large charm that now occupies twice as much inventory space. I’m not seeing the incentive without more things on the charm.

The incentive is not having to worry about keys again. Yeah it’s just a couple of clicks to buy a stack (it used to just be one shift+click to buy a full stack of keys, but that is still bugged), but those clicks take time which adds up. Plus you wouldn’t have to worry about potentially running out of them in the field, or picking up keys in the field.

It’s worth it in the long run IMO.