GGM's Terror Zone Feedback

make terror zones public games only. except for offline. then you might have more fun fights with hostile players. or players might group up more often.

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That could be a way to encourage group play.

…or players will join my game and make it impossible to kill the monsters in an area that my build could only be able to clear on players 1, making me resort to only play on Area 85 zones and again restricting my options for looting and leveling.

There’s already enough incentive for group play in Split MF Runs, but those are OPTIONAL. You could make it so TWO terror zones are active at any time and encourage split MF runs in those areas, but again, AS AN OPTION.

The “nerf everything” crowd always talks about how nerfing things will “open up the gameplay” but I see nothing but restrictions. I want to play SSF next season, and I want to have the option of Terror Zones while playing by myself.

Instead of calling these zones “Terror Zones” (seems artifical and devoid of fantasy), I would like to suggest to the developer to consider renaming to"Realms of Terror."

Terror Zones —> Realms of Terror

The Terror Zones.

My thoughts are The Forgotten Tower. If under Terror, will the Countess’s runes still be the same?
Are they set by act difficulty or by countess level?
I am aware for the standard game either way does not change anything, but as a Terror Zone it might matter.

Does anything know anything about this?

LOL! This made my night.

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Bump for visibility.

I pretty much agree with everything you said. Would love to see these areas more dense, difficult while expanding them to include more areas. Uber versions of the superuniques would be a great addition, or just an added boss of some kind.

I wouldn’t like it if they just added more immunes/higher immune resists so infinity can’t break them. I would much rather see more speed, health, damage and magic resists not immunities.

I don’t know about disabling teleport, that’s going to get a lot of push back.

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We were talking about this on the discord, just about no one believes this guys story, and that was before the third character died.

I feel like everytime he comments he just puts his foot deeper into his mouth.

The questions I asked were legitimate and matter when discussing how long it takes to get to 99.

p8 Chaos runs solo are very difficult and require a degree of gear that most people can’t easily get to without resorting to cheating in some way.

There are specific builds of course that do it easier than others but even builds like the hammerdin the most obvious of them still requires an enigma to have the Proficiency to do it in a reasonable time frame for thousands of runs.

I wouldn’t say it’s impossibe, I found jah and 2x sur to make a ber in the first 2 months of the game launching. Paladin doesn’t need enigma to farm chaos, but it would with the way he described it, and gaining all of that in hardcore, with no help, I just don’t see it, and as far as obtaining more than one, with 2 high level characters dying. I don’t even think its plausible. Guy is totally looney tunes.


Any Scenario that makes his story true probably involves RMT, JSP, Alt Accounts, Or someone feeding him gear.


I saw a comment on youtube regarding terror zones. That terror zones should have bosses in these areas, which is a challenge? New bosses, something blizzard never will add, so maybe they can "Change little bit how mini bosses work now ?

Some examples

Terror zones changes Rakanishu Extra Strong, imun to Fire and Cold?

Terror zones changes; Treehead Woodfist Extra Strong, Extra Fast, Immun to Cold and Ligthing.

Terror zones changes: Eldritch the Rectifier Extra Strong, Mana burn, Immun Cold and Fire

Terror zones changes: Fangskin Lightning Enchanted, Extra Fast, Immun Cold and Lightning

Terror zones changes: Dark Elder Extra Fast, Magic Resistant, Immun to Posions, Cold, Fire,

they could add terror only monster packs. or introduce some of the unused / cut monster from diablo 2 to the terror zones. Unused Bestiary | Diablo Wiki | Fandom. maybe add deadly terror knight packs patrolling the terror zones. Hell Knight | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

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Yes, that would be pretty epic. I would like to see Hell Hounds roaming in packs.

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I disagree. Lets call them what they are
“unique monster farming zones”


Great post! I agree with pretty much all the points but one, I wouldn’t lock TPs. As someone else mentioned it might create a PK fest but also because I don’t really see the point. I would lock the teleport spell in these zones yes. Good idea.

I also like the idea of a final boss spawning 0 XP, 0 loot minions. The idea here is the challenge. The boss itself you give the equivalent of a Super Unique Exp/Drops. You can skip it if you so desire but at least the Terror Zones will feel a bit scarier. Perhaps a “Faster Run” (forgot the exact modifier) on the boss so if you aggro him, good luck finishing the terror zone as he will follow you along with the minions :slight_smile: Where the boss is would be RNG based. It could be anywhere in the zone.

(Please don’t extend the PTR for such test tho, haha. I just want to play Season 2 already…)

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And StormsFury hasn’t answered my question about which character is them on the ladder leaderboard. I guess their not as proud of their “accomplishment” as they seemed :grinning:

Terrorzones are supposed to have a story. Why are they terror zones? You could sell it that there is a (new) boss that influences the normal monsters. This boss only appears when the zone has been cleared. Similar to the Cave of Evil with a counter, how many monsters are left.

C’mon Blizzard, you forgot to include mini-boss to the list of terror zone items from your update.

The main point that I agree with on this post is adding a boss. I don’t know that I like the idea of it having “No EXP.” However, adding in a random boss at the end of each run, or having a specific boss with different mods at the end of each zone (e.g. an uber version of a Frozen Creeper at the end of the Glacial Trail that takes a combination of classes/roles to beat) that requires teamwork, and rewards players with a large amount of exp can incentivize teaming up together and clearing the area together–then taking on the challenge of the boss. By adding a different boss to each zone, you add variety to the gameplay experience, and players will need to learn and apply game knowledge, rather than just going through the motions. I think variety is certainly lacking in the gameplay loop right now, so this is a good change, but this variety will get stale fast. Just like the new level 85 zones were a good change and added variety, we still came back to the same, unchanged gameplay loop of blasting through a zone, clearing ASAP and recreating the game. I want to have more challenges, and more reasons to have to team up together, without being punished for playing with other players.

I like the idea that when this lands on baal runs there will be a gold rush for baal running, or chaos/trav runs etc. Really cool system. Please give us an uber boss to kill once you clear the game, though.

Diablo 2 is an awesome game and I still love the rush of a new ladder season, reset economy, and playing fresh–but the gameplay loop is certainly outdated and stale. Please add bosses to the game, and endgame content that’s challenging, new and exciting. I was excited about this when I saw the blue post, but it’s pretty “in-line” with the other changes to the game–very small, marginal changes to the game out of the fear that players will riot.

Blizz needs to raise their chin, stare down the haters and challenge the status quo. Add content to the game, we’ve had the same gameplay loop for 20 years, give us something new and exciting, we won’t be mad if you make changes to the endgame.

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