GGM's Terror Zone Feedback

GGM’s post is filled with wisdom.

Terror Zones are a very good attempt at making it possible to go lvl 99 within one ladder (4-6 months) without leaving your day time job to play 12 hours a day.

I agree that TZ need to be bigger (or regrouped like GGM proposed).

TZ also need a lot more monster density to add some “terror” in Terror Zones. This would also help to find items and grind to lvl 99 within a more reasonable time frame.

TZ should be clearly longer than a baal run to clear. It would give more meaning and xp too.

I have never been higher than lvl 95 in D2LOD because it was only baal runs. With TZ, I think I’ll try going higher.


I don’t know if someone has said this before but I belobe terror zones should be an endgame content and by that I mean end game as in once you’ve completed hell. I know people grind tombs in normal and nightmare but that’s only because they are not leveling normal in game which is how it was suppose to be. So getting to 99 should really just be end end end game content. Thanks for reading even if this doesn’t change anything :pray:

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Amazing post from the thread starter!
Please adjust the feature as pointed in the first thread, thanks Blizzard. :wink:

Agreed, hope Blizzard is listening.

The more I think about it, hope they consider making Terror Zones always on Night Cycle and Bad Weather effects, such as rain in the Blood Moor, etc. It fits the thematic atmosphere perfectly.

After much debate (with my local playgroup), and playtesting. As well as, much research regarding the gameplay, and many years, 20+ years of gaming. Everything from Console to PC. As well as much investment in Tabletop games such as: MTG, YuGiOh and Pokemon. The pros of the new endgame is that, it does take the mundane of Diablo, Baal, and Nilhithak. As well as the few 85 areas before the many that game. Now the cons that I see, is there is not much monster density in some of the Terror Zones.
What I think needs to be added is another difficulty after Hell. And call it Terror
This way blizzard can work towards adding more endgame content based off getting towards the endgame. Make Terror Difficulty levels. 90 to 99 throughout it. This way it gives players a new way to grind for levels as well as needing to tune gear for the resistance you will lose in Terror Difficulty. IMO a higher difficulty is the best way to rather than adding events this soon in the process of the game. A new difficulty would add so much to the game with fresh ideas for the future for the game without having to lose the characteristical history of Diablo 2 in general.

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Nice post! I definitely agree that terror zone is a great idea but monsters in those areas need to be substentially stronger
2x damage, 2x defense, 2x life and +50 to all resistence (except for physical) is a good start

First of all great feedback post. My congratulations. I am regularly testing Terror Zones on PTR and here is my feedback:

1- I welcome the xp change and making Terror Zones the end game farm zone for level 99. As someone who reached level 99 in D2R season 1, Cbaaling and Diablo Chaining with my team was enjoyable, not because of what the game offered, but because of our companionship and banding together despite going through thousands of repetitive runs. I would personally prefer fixing Baal Throne Act 2 Wave no xp bug, and 4 player Baal Party xp distribution, but as I said, I welcome Terror Zones, with some reservation.

2- Terror Zones in its essence is a good idea, but as of now I’m a bit concerned about it. The way the XP works is problematic. If this version goes live in season 2, we will see 7 players sit in town and 1 level 99 candidate player blasting all terror zones, exit game, and start new game with 7 players in town. This will grant severe advantage to multiboxing (multiboxing is not illegal I know), or it will flat make community organizations have an advantage compared to 8 players playing together. As of now, 1 player can farm all players 8 scaled Terror monsters and gain maximum XP. Depending on the area, you can level up from 98 to 99 in less than 300 runs. Basically terror zones have a risk of becoming an EVEN WORSE version of Dchaining. I personally think premade/teamplay shared xp should be promoted in these zones, not by just making monsters difficult, but also by implementing a shared xp distribution system. So basically, if all 8 players are in the terror zone, all experience should be distributed equally between them, and there should be no experience gain advantage when 1 player solo farms p8 monsters. This can be done via special buff, or flat implementing another shared xp distribution system in these zones. This way, teams or pugs (pug is a word that is used to describe players who are normally playing solo but using looking for group tools to come together and form a temporary team/party in game) will be encouraged to play together, and they won’t feel bad because someone else has 7 more accounts and solo farming Terror Zones for max xp. Essentially, xp distribution should be reworked in these zones, so solo farming P8 monsters should not yield more xp compared to 8 players actively farming the P8 zone. Split farming should be discouraged, teamplay and cooperative farming should be encouraged. This brings me to the next point.

3- I agree about the monster difficulty. Terror monsters feel easy right now, even in P8 scaling. I did some tests and streamed the runs and I must say it feels like monsters need to be stronger. First of all monster density should be 100% increased. In addition to increasing monster density, monsters should be more powerful. This can be done in multiple ways, some of which are: 1) Add extra immunities including Magic Resistance/Magic Immunity, 2) Flat buff damage and healthpool of Terrorized Monsters, etc. The increased difficulty would also encourage teams to play certain comps, or include other classes rather than stacking 3 hammerdin 3 javazon and 2 sorceress (I’m exaggerating but you get the point).

4- I like the randomness aspect of Terror Zones, and I like the variety. However, I think we should start small, and have a Terror Zone map pool. Some zones are just too good or too bad. You may argue that this will be the case for everyone so play the cards you are dealt with, and I agree, however making a Terror Zone map pool is not a bad idea imo. For example, Act 4 is missing City of the Damned which is a great Zone. Focusing on Larger zones will result in longer game sessions. A good premade would usually take 2 to 2.5 min completing a Cbaal game. As of now, teams can literally devour some Terror Zones in 30 seconds and start a new game chain already. Therefore, I would argue that we start of with a Terror Zone map pool first, focus on larger areas to ensure comparatively longer game sessions (around 3 to 5 minutes full P8 clear per zone should be optimal). Merging River of Flame with Chaos Sanctuary is a great idea. This can be applied to other cases as well. Having a map pool ensures players experience an optimal terror zone gameplay, rather than leaving everything to rng. Someone coming home from work might get Lower Kurast terror zone, and someone might get lucky an hour later and might get Chaos Sanctuary terror zone, with Terror Diablo as boss.

5- I like the idea of having a Terror Boss, or at least a superunique. I would be okay with the monster rewarding xp and loot upon kill, but it needs to be challenging. It could be as difficult as Uber Izual for example. While writing this, I imagined placing Uber Mephisto with his GG conviction and watch him murder players in day 1. Speaking of which, the difficulty should be a challenging but enjoyable one. My concern with having a Terror boss would be chain farming. Players would probably flat search for the boss and kill Terror mobs on the way, save+exit the game and repeat the process all over again. Therefore, I suggest placing 4 superuniques in terror zones, and killing all 4 should then trigger the Terror Boss, sort of like the seal popping in CS. This way, you ensure players explore/play the terror zone, kill the superuniques and spawn the Terror Boss. Upon killing the Terror Boss, you save+exit and repeat the procedure. Having a map pool would also help balance these all together. The terror bosses should operate on Rock, Scissor, Paper balancing. In other words, Hammerdins can kill some bosses, but the others are nearly impossible to kill for them, so they need a Fury Druid for that boss. Stuff like this may open the possibility for having a diverse team composition.

6- While the idea of limiting teleports and TP’s is interesting, I don’t think it can be effectuated in a fun way. A sorceress can simply teleport near the terror zone and not enter it, and use TP just outside the Terror zone. However, in case teleporting is disable in terror zones, that would seriously affect the day 1 early game meta since clear speed would be dramatically reduced. Very interesting idea, but not yet ripe imho.

7- In summary, having a team oriented Terror Zone system would 100% improve the gameplay experience, at least for me. I like the idea and I believe it can be made better with further improvements. Having a map pool may allow consistent gameplay experience in between terror zones and it would also allow adding new zones/maps to the pool which would add freshness. Increasing monster density is 100% necessary and buffing monsters also helps encouraging players to play together. What kind of difficulty do we want to see? Do we want to see people dying way more often now? Experience farm is easier now compared to Season 1, so maybe we should be seeing more player deaths on level 98 and get shocked? I personally prefer a bit more brutal approach. Great risk great reward so y buff the zones but keep the XP. Monsters becoming harder to kill and potentially killing players may make up for it. Hope this feedback is seen by the officials and hopefully we can provide a positive impact on the gameplay experience. Looking good so far!


It’s easy tbh


  • nighttime

  • rain

Terror aspect

  • breakables have odds of working like evil urns

  • shrines act like monster shrines on top of the buff they display


  • scrap the mlvl mechanic

  • mlvl is raised up to 85

  • once at 85, it’s then playercount like mechanic that takes the wheel (xp,life, dmg, no loot)

late game exp

  • simply rework the exp penalty of end levels, ie: shift it 5 lvls


  • option 1) when a terror zone is fully cleared, light beams shine and a new zone is terrorized in the game

  • option 2) each terror zones have terror bosses, when the server reaches a certain # of terror bosses killed, it adds a new terror zone for an hour on top of the existing hourly one

things to avoid touching

  • mlvl because it makes melee less likely to hit, which is why pcount scaling is smarter

  • density, because once again melee takes monsters 1 by 1, which is why empowering monsters is smarter

Nice response! Clearly written.


First off, I wanted to say well done by the developers for trying an exciting new feature of Terror Zones. I wanted to share feedback regarding a minor detail of the purple font used to highlight a Terrorized Zone. Simply put, the aesthetic feels wrong and not Diablo.

Instead of the purple font, the developers should consider highlighting the zone name with flames, similar to the D2R Logo. Also consider highlighting the Terror Zone in the Waypoint Menu with flames as well for easy identification.

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Perfectly worded and well thought out. you say the same things here that i have been hearing from many players. i think the no tele in the zones is a bit to far but we all have opinions right? I would very much implement nearly every other change highlighted in this post.

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Thank you 20202020020202020202020

Great suggestions here, especially this one. There should be a super-unique monster that spawns in every terrorized zone. I like the idea of them spawning monsters that give no loot or exp. It would also give some sort of “RP” aspect, since now it’s just an added feature which has no real reason within the game…

To me I’d rather there be an option that doesn’t require you to constantly create new games. As an option, it’s fine for people who want that, but other players prefer to play the same game for a while. How about this dynamic.

1: When you create a new game, the Terror Zone on creation is the one that is on the server for that hour.

2: You finish “clearing” the Terror Zone, and then a new random Terror Zone in that game becomes active.

At this point you have two options. You can leave the game and create a new game, that has the current server Terror Zone for that hour, or you can go clear the new Terror Zone.

3: After clearing the new Terror Zone, another new random Terror Zone triggers in that game (limited to a list of Terror Zones that have not yet triggered in that game). Basically, the Terror Zone in that game becomes disconnected from whatever the server is doing, so the Terror Zone only changes when the old Terror Zone is cleared.

This allows the Terror Zone feature to be used the way different players want to. The Type A farmers and grinders who want to just play the same Terrror Zone over and over will leave and create new games.

The Type B who likes to play an off meta build and thus takes longer to clear a Terror Zone doesn’t have to worry. If it takes him 80 minutes to clear a specific zone, that’s fine. The Terror Zone in his game is unaffected by what time it is on the server.

The Type C who likes the story/roleplay aspect and likes to play with a party gets to play end game acting like a rapid reaction force to wherever the hordes of Hell are invading this time. And sometimes the Terror Zone is one his character shines in, and other times the new Terror Zone is something a different character in the party can shine in.

It also gives a goal that people could try to attempt for bragging rights: Clear all the Terror Zones in a single game.

Of course, the question becomes how to measure “clearing” the Terror zone. It could be kill every monster inside, but I think maybe it should be killing Super Unique in that zone. I have a post with a more detailed list of all the Super Uniques in the zones, but every zone has one (except for Black Marsh, but you can just put Flamespike there). Maybe a few areas (like Tranvical) which has multiple super uniques you have to kill all of them.

If you buff the Super Unique in that area to “Terror” version of their basic self that would also give the Terror Zones a bit more challenge, and a bit more of the fantasy feel that Blizzard likes to have. And then it would make sense that when you kill the “boss” of the Terror Zone the terror zone moves somewhere else.

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this is great advice. Please improve terror zones to true terror!

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I like the idea of TZ. I also agree with most of the suggestions except tp, teleport, and “impossible for solo. 2 sound like same old tired “nerf teleport” topics and the “they should be too hard to solo” or “ it makes it too easy” sound like elitist gripes. Granted I wouldn’t mind them being made a little more challenging but not to the point of borderlands uvhm where every enemy is a bullet sponge. That’s not fun, it’s just tedious. And just remember that those of us like me are solo online/offline players that would like to have a chance at 99 without playing our life away for just a small chance at 99.
Oh and adding a mini boss sounds like a great idea with a real challenge. Also I wouldn’t have a problem with TZ having some type of rotating immunities or the like to add spice and a little unknown to areas


This one thread has a wealth of information to improve Terror Zones. Hope Blizzard looks at this thread. :slight_smile:

If I were to sum up the feedback so far from players:

Things that have broad and solid support:

1: Increase Monster Density

2: Add a Boss Monster to the Terror Zone

For this second request there are different ideas, but generally I get the impression people are most supportive of using the already existing Super Uniques in each Terror Zone and buffing them to “Terror” versions. List of the Super Uniques in each zone.

Things that have a lot of support but with significant dispute over how much is too much:

3: Make the Terror Zones more difficult

Some want this to be really hard, requiring a party, etc. Others are adamant that these zones should be doable by a SSF player, (count me as one of those).

The impression I get is that people are more open to stylish difficulty increases (Boss Monster, Guest Monsters, or something flavorful), and less so to something boring like increasing monster health or increasing monster resistances across the board.

There is solid opposition to doing something extreme like disabling Teleport or TP in Terror Zones.

4: Terror Zones being too small.

Lots of different ideas on how to handle this. Some (like GGMentor here), suggest combining smaller Terror Zones together. Others suggest having two or more Terror Zones active in a game (usually in different Acts). My favorite of the ideas is for new Terror Zones to spawn in the same game once the current Terror Zone is cleared.

Things that are very contentious:

5: How much experience gain should there be.

Some want the experience gain nerfed to be equal or slower than Baal runs. Others like it where it is. Some (like me) are sort of in the middle, liking the faster experience gain from the higher monster level, but feeling the bonus experience is too much.

6: Hammerdins benefiting too much from Terror Zones due to the lack of Magic Immune monsters that are difficult to bypass.

No idea what to do about this, and it doesn’t bother me much, but there is a lot of this sentiment going around.

Something that I haven’t seen a lot of discussion of, but I think is important:

7: Adding item level to item tooltip

With monster levels varying now, we really need this information as we can no longer be certain what the monster level is.


I had a similar thought…

  • Make “Terror Versions” for Superuniques and Act Bosses with different color palette and improved abilities (few examples):
    • Terror Blood Raven: will now cast single-target Amplify Damage more often. In addition to Fire Arrow, will cast Cold Arrow and Exploding Arrow
    • Terror Summoner: has 75% Magic Resistance and casts Shiver Armor
    • Terror Diablo: increase damage of Cold Touch and casts Bone Prison more often
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A comment made by many in a number of threads that needs to be repeated often is something like: If you are a streamer or someone playing over 40 hours a week, you may just have the kind of gear you are testing with on the PTR if you are using a pre-rolled character. All of the cries of “too easy, make it harder,” are a bit thoughtless. Not to mention exclusionary of SSF, low / no trading players, or simply people who don’t have a whole lot of desire to do 10,000 Baal runs. You want it harder, play Hardcore, break the meta and play something that isn’t an S tier build, don’t take donations or favorable trades for the sake of your stream(s) (this isn’t just about Ginger), etc. I’ve been playing since launch of D2 classic and have never had a level 99, best to date is 90. I play mostly SSF and have only daydreamed about the best runewords. I, for one, would actually love to have a scalable [not impossible] way to grind to 99. Cheers,