Get rid of dual immunities

I get the point of an immunity. They push players to focus on more than one damage line. There is value there, at least to some, that makes the game a little more difficult without completely removing its playability.

I do not get the point of dual immunities.

At no point in the game should I be forced to avoid mobs because it’s immune to both of my damage types. At no point should my gameplay revolve around whether or not my merc can kill something for me while I sit back and drop potions on him in an attempt to keep him alive. This, to me, is not playing the game.

I wouldn’t mind dual resistances or even an immunity and resistance, but mobs with dual immunities are not good for the game. The only people that seem to like it are those that don’t mind avoiding playing by teleporting past everything.

Please find a way to get rid of this.


I don’t mind dual immunes, it presents a challenge. Challenges make the game rewarding when you overcome them.

If you want to build a character that can clear everything, you can do that. If you want to build or respec a character to run specific areas efficiently, but may have problems running others, you can do that as well.


I’m playing a hardcore assassin in full melee and self-found items (single player until the ladder launch) it’s been a pain for me to find mobs with dual immunities, especially when one of the immunities is physical. I know the hell difficulty is supposed to be “hell”, but I find these immunities a bit over the top. Skip monsters for this reason is no fun.


This is why you build a competent merc who can take care of those dual immunes for you.


You play a class that can teleport. It more than makes up for it. If you don’t wanna deal with this problem, switch classes to one that walks everwhere.

The very next sentence is “At no point should my gameplay revolve around whether or not my merc can kill something for me while I sit back and drop potions on him in an attempt to keep him alive.”

My merc should be a helper, aggro holder, etc. Not a means to kill for me because of a bad game mechanic.

The whole point of this post is that avoiding mobs because you can’t kill them or being forced to play a class that allows me to teleport past them isn’t a good game mechanic. I don’t log into the game, choose my character and run out to farm loot just avoid killing things because it’s immune to everything I can throw at it.


Then build out with all 3 talent trees and suffer somewhere else. The point if an aarpg with class differences and skull trees is basically to ensure what u play feels strong but there is no “one ring to rule them all” type of scenario. You have your shortcomings. Deal with them, or switch your play style.

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The problem is that ‘Deal with them, or switch your play style’ means creating a sorc or making a enigma and teleporting around like crazy avoiding all mobs because of immunities. This is not a smart solution


Melee assassin has at least 3 damage types, and at most 5. No immunity should worry you.

and escaping monsters can be just as much of a challenge as fighting them. Besides, assassin has the skillset for it - mind blast, cloack of shadows, burst of speed, shadow warrior\master…

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I know. That’s how I deal with them. My biggest problem is when one of the immunities are physical because I don’t have that much elemental damage.

I’m commenting in a general way with any character, that is, looking for a solution for everyone and not just for me.

We can’t really advocate for any bad or ultra-specialized build to be able to kill everything. On assassin you have so many options to kill immunes and it’s your loss as a player to not have specd properly.

Most of the characters have choices that allow them to tackle dual immunities. I guess only barb and shapeshifter don’t. But barb has physical+magical only, but magic immunities are so few that you might not even encounter an immune to physical magic immune boss.

Shapershifter is either physical+poison (wolf) or physical+fire (bear) so that is a bit of a problem, so that build could be helped a bit. Anyhow though, physical immunities are rarer than others.

I think we all know a triple damage build isn’t feasible in this game. Suggesting this as a fix isn’t realistic and only further proves that dual immunities need to be removed.

It isn’t escaping damage. Escaping damage indicates you are fighting and avoiding damage. What is happening is running away from mobs you can’t kill. There’s a pretty big difference.

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that is exactly what I meant - escaping as in getting away from. A pack of immune death lords might be blocking your way towards your goal. They already killed your merc and are now frenzied. Still, you can escape them as the assassin.

At no point should the gameplay challenge me and I need to develop tactics to accomplish a task that I deem I should cake walk… That sounds like a more accurate statement from you.

Correct, he can help you get past the dual immunes.

Your opinion, go back to my earlier statement, you clearly dont want a game that challenges you, try farmville or fortnite.


You are highly exaggerating the issue. 80 to 90 percent of mobs are single immunities. Dual immunities are an exception, not the normal, and even so, it’s even less likely that the dual immunity happens to be both your trees. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. By any means. I’m saying it’s nowhere near the problem ur making it sound like. Be creative. You in no way should have a ride through all mobs in the game with just your own utilities without a struggle from time to time. If you didn’t, the game wouldn’t even be worth playing. Once mobs get too easy to kill, people stop playing. Your suggestion would only make that problem worse.

If you arnt putting all your points into one skill you can easily always have 3 sources of damage.

Physical is the easiest because most mercs have it or you yourself do. Then every hero is capable of running two elemental sources of damage.

As a SSF HC player I’ve never had an issue with HAVING to skip any monsters. You’re spec is what’s holding you back most likely if you only have 2 total sources of damage.

That’s the trade off though.

Higher damage the less skills you use.

Lower damage the more you use.

Any dual element build will have close to the same if not in some cases more damage than the single skill build if done right anyways.

That’s the trade off

100% damage from one skill
Or 50% from one and 50% from another (crude estimate to make it easier to understand)
Plus the additional physical from your merc

You are not forced to avoid immune mobs, its your option to do so.

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That is why i put a few points into berserk on my WW dual sword barb. When i run into phys immunes i jus switch to bashing with berserk and it deal magic damage which that i know of NOT A SINGLE monster has immunity to magic. If the dual immunes go away id assume we should go ahead and add a crap ton of new Magic Immune enemies too then right?

Now TRI immunes lets maybe talk about taking the tops off of their immunity/life pool. Like maybe it only takes 20 hits at the tree to cut it down vs 30? Nothing worse than a Light/Cold Physical immune champ. These immunes shut down my javazon in cows. I have to herd them off and wonder what great gear im missing out on for the sake of speed clearing.

Build a real character that doesn’t have to avoid things. Or whine, run away/teleport passed it all and kill th bosses and act like your character is leet.

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